RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (Full Version)

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SoliInvictus202 -> RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (9/28/2010 9:33:59 PM)

turn synopsis 24th December 1942:

supplies and the last troops unloaded at Sinade (Manado) and Ternate to complete 1st wave!
Manado will fall within 3 days (2 days to get there via land and 1 turn to take it)

troops are closing in on Manila from the east and south - it seems that my opponent is concentrating his units on Clark Field - which should make defeating them much easier than if he had moved all his units into Bataan and stocked the supplies there!
recon over Manila only shows 2800 men there - which is basically one PA Division - so we should be able to take it without problems
last turn also 3 ships have been sighted in Manila port - and thus I ordered a Port attack today - which resulted in the 3 ships sunk in port - 1 AK, 1 AP and 1 precious [:D] SS [:D]
this brings the sunk-SS list up to 15 - which isn't bad I think - 1 or 2 may be FOW - but most of them were sunk in my first massive assault on Manila port on the first day!

Puerto Princesa has fallen - and Taytay will follow tomorrow - the units will support the detachment that landed at Cebu - as this one seems to be not powerful enough to take the 2 units there without avoidable losses!

troops have landed at the port - but were disrupted in the landings (44 and 60 disruption) so I will not attack Rabaul next turn - paratroops have taken both close retreat points on the Island -
as Kavieng had no troops anylonger it seems that my opponent has retreated them and some units from Rabaul as well - I guess via airlift using the Catilinas in the area!

Taiping has been taken - troops are steadily closing in on Singapore - I think we're within the time table! - recon shows that he still has most of his fighters - over 50 - yesterday even 70 which I think was a little exaggerated) in Singapore - which means that I will have nice sweep-results when I finally decide to do so - aviation support units have been moved to Kohta Baru - but I think I will only start attacking Singapore when I'm closer!

SE Pac:
2 AMC caught a huge convoy heading from Australia to US WC - unfortunately there was one single DD with the convoy which kept the AMCs at bay - they are both retreating with 20-30 sys damage - this DD saved my opponent countless ships!!!!! [:@]

Operation Tanikaze - a daring move - will start in 2-3 days - depends on the weather - it should cause considerable damage - both in material and morale!

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (10/1/2010 6:12:15 PM)

25th December 1942:

[:(] - Operation Tanikaze (the port and naval attack on Suva) was a complete letdown - basically a hit into the blue - and we didn't find anything really worth attacking! - Operation will not be continued!


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (10/1/2010 6:15:16 PM)

the progress in Malaya:

troops are advancing steadily onto Singapore - we expect that with the troops concentrated here in Malaya we will ensure a much swifter victory than at HongKong which has still not fallen - but it should soon - hopefully [&:][;)]

we lost one precious SS during the attempt to break through the straits of Merak - it was supposed to patrol a far distant area and is thus a tragic loss!


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (10/1/2010 6:18:52 PM)

Rabaul has fallen!

today, decembre 25th 1942 has fallen - it appears that the ALlies have evacuated the harbour after we landed - the Japanese troops didn't attack the first day as they suffered severe disruption during offloading on the beaches - when they attacked they met almost no resistance and have taken Rabaul without losses!
the Japanese highcommand has also already prepared a few surprises in the area to thwart any attempts of an Allied counterattack!


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (10/1/2010 6:19:45 PM)

our progress in the Philippines is also remarkable (for a newbie like me [:D])


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (10/1/2010 6:23:21 PM)

and the clearing of the railwaylines in China will also begin very soon - after that we have the necessary supplies to begin major offensives of our own (a mistake in my planning that has been corrected by my fellow player - Ministre of War Hillamotto)

we have concentrated 2 full Divisions, 1 Tank Regiment and 1 Mixed Brigade with various Chinese Troops to defend Sinyang and counterattack as soon as the 20th Mixed Brigade (to the south) reaches the town!!!!

meanwhile we have amassed the entire artillery of China to take Chengchow up in the north - around 300 guns will bombard the town before it will be taken by 2 Mixed Brigades and 2 Divisions!


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: Ancient empires against colonies - a companion AAR to "Aussies vs Austrians" - Japs only please (10/2/2010 11:08:09 PM)

26th December 1942 turn synopsis:

not much happened....

one CL was torpedoed by a S-Class SS off Mindanao - hit twice and was sunk - I can live with this loss - it was one of the old CLs I had - and the SS might have picked the juicier target in this TF - the CA Chokai - so losing the CL is is the first major ship loss we had so far in the entire campaign!

21st Air Flotilla was given the first 10 Torpedo ordonance today - thus giving a squadron of 9 Betties the ability to control the Coral sea with torpedoes!
another Squadron of 22 Betties, which attacked the Port of Port Moresby this turn, finding nothing, is supporting this effort! 3 Squadrons of Zeros make sure that Daniel doesn't use his B-17s - but seeing them still attack Sangkawang (which we have given up an airfield, as it is of no further use to us, I seriously doubt that he has more that he would be able to launch on Rabaul!

Milne Bay: it appears that our thinking was correct - Daniel evacuated all the troops out of Rabaul and moved them into Milne Bay - not sure why though - we first came to this conclusion when we torpedoes CL Achilles a few days ago, as reported, which wasn't on the proper course between Cairns/Townsville and PM....having bombed one AP off PM made supported this even further! - Milne Bay was reconned today and shows 3650 men and 22 guns - which I think is an exaggeration....

landing was successful - it was supported by 2 CLs and 4 DDs in the landing force - successfully suppressing the guns - only one CL took 3 hits totalling in around 23 Sys damage! - heavy cover is provided by the Battleships Mutsu and Yamashiro and 6 DDs!
knowing that he might send bombers against this invasion force, which consisted of 5 fast APs only, we LRCap the base out of Ternate with a total of 2 Squadrons of Zeroes! - and there he was - sending CVL Hermes with 12 Swordfish TBs into action - in the first attack we shot down only 1 and 11 came through, hitting one AP once, second time we downed at least 4 planes - maybe more.....

we have a little surprise for his CVL in the next turn! (not that we should even bother to try to sink this piece of junk of a CVL... - knowing that our CVEs are hardly any better [:D])

all in all I think we're well within time schedule in the DEI - attacking Ambon next turn! - Manado should fall as well!

it still hasn't fallen to yet another deliberate attack this turn - even though it was supported by over 150 planes altogether! - we have yet again reduced the fortifications to 0 and we both have decided that the end of the delibarete attacks has come - we shall shock attack from now on - this is becoming too great a nuissance!

nothing to report here - troops are on the move to the positions reported in the maps already provided!

Wake was shock attacked this turn by 144th InfReg and fell with hardly any Japanese Casualties! - as the Squadron of F4Fs was not present there we must suspect that one carrier was there to pick it up- it's the only conclusion that comes to mind - do any of you have a better one?

screens again next turn!

SoliInvictus202 -> question: - help much appreciated :D (10/2/2010 11:10:48 PM)

a question in context of this AAR, to anyone who'd know about this and is kind enough of reading my newbie AAR:

what has to happen to make the option of the 21st AirFlottilla concerning Torpedo Ordonance go up to more than 10? (I tried to increase the number but it won't let me to more than 10 - which is not even close to what I plan to get there!)
any help to figure this one out would be greatly appreciated -thanks!


PS: Supply shouldn't be a problem - there are over 4900 supplies there already.....with much more on the way!

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/6/2010 1:12:19 PM)

sorry for not having updated for a few days....I was simply too busy with too many things at the same time....I will do so when I get the turn back today!

what was going on?:
the Japanese are advancing according to time schedule......yet we don't seem to have "luck" on our coplayers is still very optimistic - I would be happy if we'd sink a few more enemy ships and destroy a few more enemy planes!

Nomad -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/6/2010 2:39:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: SoliInvictus202

a question in context of this AAR, to anyone who'd know about this and is kind enough of reading my newbie AAR:

what has to happen to make the option of the 21st AirFlottilla concerning Torpedo Ordonance go up to more than 10? (I tried to increase the number but it won't let me to more than 10 - which is not even close to what I plan to get there!)
any help to figure this one out would be greatly appreciated -thanks!


PS: Supply shouldn't be a problem - there are over 4900 supplies there already.....with much more on the way!

You should be able to increase it 10 at a time. Just increase it by 10 for 10 or 12 times and you should have enough.

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/6/2010 3:42:01 PM)




ORIGINAL: SoliInvictus202

a question in context of this AAR, to anyone who'd know about this and is kind enough of reading my newbie AAR:

what has to happen to make the option of the 21st AirFlottilla concerning Torpedo Ordonance go up to more than 10? (I tried to increase the number but it won't let me to more than 10 - which is not even close to what I plan to get there!)
any help to figure this one out would be greatly appreciated -thanks!


PS: Supply shouldn't be a problem - there are over 4900 supplies there already.....with much more on the way!

You should be able to increase it 10 at a time. Just increase it by 10 for 10 or 12 times and you should have enough.

great intel - just tried it [:D] - that helps a lot in the future - thanks for the answer! [:D]

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/7/2010 1:49:25 PM)

27th to 29th December:

all in all rather quiet turns - a few sunk ships by SS on either side (the Dutch score for the Allies a bit, but no serious losses!)

very depressing results by our elite naval bombers.....until they get torpedoes I get the impression that the inexperienced Allied bombers in the DEI hit more than my elite Naval bombers stationed in Ambon and Manado.... [:(] - I wonder if I can really achieve my goal in cutting DEI off by just using Naval Bombers - if they don't start hitting soon I seriously doubt that! [:@]

here the situation in China:
my troops (all available PPs spent on heavy artillery out of Manchuko and Korea) have reached Chengchow and get nice bombardement results with usually around 260 to 400 Allied casualties - some squads are even "destroyed" [:)]


Sinyang will also be attacked as soon as the 20th Mixed Brigade emerges out of the jungle reported before - but its marching progress is slower than expected....

with those two towns taken the railway line is cleared and we should then get enough supplies to the front to start our major offensives in the coming years with the main goal of Chungking of course [8D] ((not that I seriously believe that we'll be able to take it [8D])

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/7/2010 1:55:16 PM)

DEI Operations:

we have taken Ambon in a swift operation - almost no losses on our side - apart from one AP which was sunk by DEI bombers (Hudsons and that Dutch junk plane (not the Wildebeests....)
Since we have Ambon we've been flying Naval attack missions out of it daily and not a single bomber scored a hit yet!!!!! - any altitude between 5000 to 10000 metres - no I won't be stationing a flotilla at Ambon this whole operations appears to have been a waste of time and men as we should have concentrated our efforts on Kendari (which was the second target and is being invaded as we speak, troops already ashore), as we will be sending the 23rd AirFlottilla there - and I seriously hope for better results once our Nells and Betties get some Torpedoes for Naval Attack at 5000feet!


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/7/2010 1:57:14 PM)


this, totally unimportant, part of the map however looks very good - we'Ve made considerable progress and Manila will be ours (undefended) this turn - our troops have also reached Clark Field and the bombardment starts as we speak!

several units, which aren't used at the front at the moment have been tasked to take the rest of the Philippines step by step!


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/7/2010 1:59:44 PM)


as in an campaign Burma will be the site of a large campaign in the near provide us with the needed aircover and to have a base from which to conduct the offensive into Burma itself (before Rangoon has fallen) we've taken Moulmein in the last turn...only light resistance was met which leads us to the conclusion that our opponent has either retreated to defend Rangoon or even further into the plains of Burma! - we'll find out soon enough!


SoliInvictus202 -> RE: question: - help much appreciated :D (10/7/2010 2:02:52 PM)

also a general note to our campaign:

simple fact is that over 80% of our bombing and fighter missions get cancelled every day, even if the weather report states only "partly clouded"....this has cost us many opportunities - whereas the Allied seem to be taking off very well even if the weather is the same...
example: 18 Betties do not take off to bombard a TF around the CVL Hermes 5 hexes off Ambon (where the Betties started) but at the same time 4 Hudsons take off to bombard one of our APs off Ambon.... ????? - well I guess this is war!

SoliInvictus202 -> 31st December - Battle of Bass Straits! (10/7/2010 5:12:51 PM)

30th Decembre 1942:

it seems out luck has turned:

a day which shall be remembered as the 1st day of the Battle in Bass Straits!

the final stage of Operation Tanikaze has started:
the sinking of ships off the coast of Australia! - and the first day of attacks, which included a port attack on Melbourne and the successful attack on 2 CAs, 1 CLs (all not sunk...YET) and the sinking of numerous AKs, AKLs, APs, and even of AKV Athene....all in all a very nice day - I shall post the exact results when I have watched the replay again (you gotta enjoy these moments at least twice [;)])

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: 31st December - Battle of Bass Straits! (10/8/2010 10:14:43 PM)

Combat reports for 30th and 31st December 1941 - focusing on the actions involving KB:
I think that the results are acceptable and make the raid with KB, which was very disappointing up to now, worth while after all:

30th December:

Morning Air attack on Melbourne , at 82,170

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 27
B5N2 Kate x 81
D3A1 Val x 71

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 5 damaged
D3A1 Val: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
xAP Maori, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Nairana, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage

Port hits 14
Port fuel hits 2
Port supply hits 2

Morning Air attack on TF, near Portsea at 81,171

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B5N2 Kate x 21
D3A1 Val x 13

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
xAK Dumosa
xAKL Darvel
xAK Aroona, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAP Bloemfontein, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
xAK Cardross
xAK Suva, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
AMc Samuel Benbow, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Kekerangu, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAKL Fiona, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage

Morning Air attack on TF, near Melbourne at 82,170

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B5N2 Kate x 13
D3A1 Val x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
CA Pensacola, Bomb hits 4, on fire
AP W.A. Holbrook, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Morning Air attack on TF, near Canberra at 88,173

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
D3A1 Val x 18

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAK Woolgar, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
KV Jasmine, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAKL Sipirok, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
AKV Athene
xAKL Parigi, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk

Morning Air attack on TF, near Sydney at 90,167

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B5N2 Kate x 14

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
CA Houston, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Morning Air attack on TF, near Canberra at 88,173

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B5N2 Kate x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAK Woolgar, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAKL Soerabaja, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAKL Schouten, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Melbourne at 82,170

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
B5N2 Kate x 17
D3A1 Val x 25

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAP Republic, Bomb hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
AMc Korowa, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
CA Pensacola, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
AMc Durraween, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Coast Farmer, Bomb hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
DMS Lamberton, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Admiral Halstead, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Sydney at 90,167

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 9
B5N2 Kate x 25

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied Ships
CL Boise, heavy fires, heavy damage
CA Houston, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DD Whipple

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Portsea at 81,171

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 9
D3A1 Val x 18

Japanese aircraft losses
D3A1 Val: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
AMc Goolgwai, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Autolycus, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Aldinga, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
AM Whyalla, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Salamaua, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires

fternoon Air attack on TF, near Canberra at 88,173

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 43 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 9
B5N2 Kate x 14
D3A1 Val x 17

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
AKV Athene, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
KV Jasmine, Bomb hits 4, and is sunk

31st December:

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Melbourne at 82,170

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 20
B5N2 Kate x 48
D3A1 Val x 79

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
xAK Cardross, Bomb hits 8, and is sunk
xAKL Lorinna, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
AM Wollongong, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Dumosa, Bomb hits 5, and is sunk
xAKL Hamakua, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAKL Darvel, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAKL Corrimal, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAKL Carlisle, Bomb hits 7, and is sunk
AMc Goonambee, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAKL Canopus, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: 31st December - Battle of Bass Straits! (10/10/2010 1:26:50 AM)

just a quick flash message with important info - more tomorrow: (including screens):

Kendari has fallen today - and its airfield is operational too - planes of several bomber and fighter squadrons have already been stationed there to make the straits of Merak the only possible evacuation route off Java! - submarines are supporting this effort of shutting down Soerabaja as a port and have been very successful so far (including 1 TK sunk today!) - I will be giving them new assignements soon, as our planes take over from now!

this is a very important step in our war effort I think - so the new year of '42 has started very well for the Japanese Empire!

SoliInvictus202 -> RE: 31st December - Battle of Bass Straits! (10/12/2010 5:09:16 PM)

we've had a few delays as my opponent had some power problems back I'll update this AAR ASAP when I get around to it!

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