Pack Rat -> Newsletter (12/9/2000 4:50:00 AM)
I've decided to try my hand at getting a newsletter going on a some what regular basis. The main thrust will be online and play by e-mail games however other news that fits will be added as well. I can't say with any certainty how it will all mesh together. It will be web site supported. I think this important as I would like older newsletters stored, comments both pro and con, translations, and what ever else strikes me at the moment. Again I stress this is up in the air as to how it will come to any format. So I ask my prospective audience, HELP !!! [img][/img] I need a name both for the web site and the newsletter. Most of all I want your ideas, I just would like to gather them and make them available as well as support Matrix with a fansite/newsletter. However I will say that in no way am I affiliated with Matrix, (I hear a big sigh of relief from Matrix) so this does allow dessention as well as applause. Ideas please, names please.
Al Kinner
aka Pack Rat