RE: How much (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's War in the East Series


Adam Parker -> RE: How much (12/1/2010 12:39:32 PM)

LOL. It was Anzio [:D]

Ron -> RE: How much (12/1/2010 1:33:58 PM)

Stating the obvious, the price point issue is entirely personal and subjective. From the dedicated hardcore who would pay almost anything to the lowballer looking for cheap, cheap; most of us wargamers fall somewhere in between. Let's face it, this is a game, a piece of entertainment. It is not a need but a luxury, and with that said it is only worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, and a lot of us do have internal set, price limits. I do think valid comparisons can be made with other computer games and the dollar value they offer, though perhaps not directly.

The crux is not to lockout or alienate a majority of your potential market by setting the bar too high. For myself, I think value and too high a price were the determining factors in not purchasing BftB; a recent release where there was a fair outcry over the perceived excessive price. As a supporter of all of the developer's games up to that point, it came across as gouging for what in effect was simply a scenario pack with a few modifications to the engine. WitE is a 'new' game and quite unique, so doesn't suffer from that history and perhaps may command a higher price point. Personally, I don't think I have ever spent more than $60 on a computer game. I am a huge fan of Eastern Front warfare, including books or boardgames, so I am the intended market. I'm just not sure how much more I am willing to pay for the privilege of playing a game.

htuna -> RE: How much (12/1/2010 10:11:55 PM)

It actually was called the Ferdinand when it was at Kursk, when it was refitted with the MG, it was then dubbed the Elefant

Lützow -> RE: How much (12/1/2010 11:06:45 PM)

And the previous name Ferdinand was given as an appraisal to Ferdinand Porsche.

WilliePete -> RE: How much (12/2/2010 3:08:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Adam Parker

LOL. It was Anzio [:D]

amazing vehicles they were! I recently watched an excellent video on youtube about the restoration of an Elephant that was captured at Anzio. Aberdeen Proving Grounds has one of the two left in the world. Anyone know where the other surviving Elephant is?

Crimguy -> RE: How much (12/2/2010 4:35:54 AM)

Kubinka Tank Museum, Moskva!

Konyeshno! Everyone knows that!

CaptBeefheart -> RE: How much (12/2/2010 8:03:40 AM)

I remember pre-ordering Campaign for North Africa for $20 (or $25?), which was a lot of lawns mowed at the time, and it finally came out quite late and costing a fair amount more (but SPI sent it to me for the original $20 or 25). Every time I saw a UPS truck while walking home from school I thought it was delivering my game.

Anyway, those of us who own businesses (or simply know business or taken Marketing 101 or whatever) understand Matrix's pricing--you try to find the price point which optimizes your profits, not which pleases the most grognards. For one, I'll likely plunk down $80 for this, as it looks like another WITP-AE in terms of being a time killer, and through the decades I've come to respect Gary, Joel and Keith as game designers. Now if I could just refrain from buying other interesting titles which I play infrequently...


Adam Parker -> RE: How much (12/2/2010 9:05:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: WilliePete


ORIGINAL: Adam Parker

LOL. It was Anzio [:D]

amazing vehicles they were! I recently watched an excellent video on youtube about the restoration of an Elephant that was captured at Anzio. Aberdeen Proving Grounds has one of the two left in the world. Anyone know where the other surviving Elephant is?

Yeah I saw a documentary series on History Channel where they restore armor. They had the Elefant on recently. What's it called?

Tank Overhaul? Love that show!

Lützow -> RE: How much (12/2/2010 11:57:47 AM)

To approach the price discussion once again from a different side: How about evaluating if there is any demand for a CE, including a fully-fledged color book? I would purchase it for collector's purpose. However, if Matrix just releases the standard edition with a printed 100+ pages b/w documentation, I'll rather stick with the cheaper download version.

steveh11Matrix -> RE: How much (12/2/2010 12:23:11 PM)

Sadly, it's going to be too spendy for me this side of Christmas - but I'll be looking to buy it soon after... [:)]

animaluk -> RE: How much (12/5/2010 2:52:12 PM)

So could be next week how much then[:D]

Bradd -> RE: How much (12/5/2010 7:23:03 PM)

I know one thing. I created a matrix account solely for this game. I am excited for its release and will buy it. I also want to thank that AAR. They are what sold me. Great job guys!

Rotherman -> RE: How much (12/5/2010 7:43:22 PM)

When I buy this game I just hope my ageing PC keeps on running. I have bought a new motherboard, and GPU already this year. I would like to ask some Deity with a fluffy white beard to Bless wargamers computers. Especially with the coming mighty battles on the Eastern Front, and to protect said electrical appliances from the ravages of beer spillage.

animaluk -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 7:43:02 PM)

Any idea yet how much to buy[:D]

Joel Billings -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 8:21:00 PM)

Think WitP AE and you're bound to be close one way or the other.

JudgeDredd -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 8:26:14 PM)

WitP:AE Holiday sale price? [:D]

ratdeath -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 9:32:59 PM)

If it's priced like WitP:AE it will cost slightly less then a liter of Jack Daniels here in Sweden. Hopefully it will be more fun and have no ill effects like a hangover and last for years to come ;)

wiking62 -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 9:38:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

Think WitP AE and you're bound to be close one way or the other.

If that is the ball park figure you have probably just convinced me to buy. I was a little concerned that this game was going to be too pricey for my liking.


kirkgregerson -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 9:40:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: ratdeath

If it's priced like WitP:AE it will cost slightly less then a liter of Jack Daniels here in Sweden. Hopefully it will be more fun and have no ill effects like a hangover and last for years to come ;)

wow, living in US I have place where I can get a case of JD for about the cost of WitP. We need to talk....[:D]

Helpless -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 9:43:00 PM)


If it's priced like WitP:AE it will cost slightly less then a liter of Jack Daniels here in Sweden. Hopefully it will be more fun and have no ill effects like a hangover and last for years to come ;)

That's why any unit can't land in Sweden in WITE - it is just too expensive :)

Neal_MLC -> RE: How much (12/6/2010 9:56:11 PM)

I am going to have wait until after christmas[:(]

Princessjj1 -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 1:55:19 AM)

Price is NUTS without a demo.  For this demo, no sale.  I'm not taking someone else's word for a close to $100 purchase.

Erik Rutins -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 1:57:57 AM)

You may want to read through the AARs here, if you have not already. There is no demo planned for this game, it's very hard to "demo" a game of this complexity.

Pipewrench -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 1:58:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darkstar One

Price is NUTS without a demo.  For this demo, no sale.  I'm not taking someone else's word for a close to $100 purchase.

yup, without an actual demo at that price rings warning bells. I'm putting my wallet back and will wait for comments to give me a better feel to the games worth.

edit:Erik , I know there is no demo available but what the boards have shown so far is a corporate advertised view, no? Wonderful work and I appreciate the effort by all the testers but that price requires , for me, a non-fanboy objective look.

siRkid -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 2:01:12 AM)

Funny most people will drop 100 bucks just going to the movies and a dinner and not think a thing about it.

Tzar007 -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 2:08:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darkstar One

Price is NUTS without a demo.  For this demo, no sale.  I'm not taking someone else's word for a close to $100 purchase.

Judging by the number of people who have been, are, and will be buying (myself included - currently downloading [:)]), it seems a lot of people disagrees with you.

Not saying 80$ is nothing, but ultimately, with the number of hours that I'll be spending on this, it comes down to pennies. Hour for hour, far cheaper that a lot of other stuff with a lower price tag, that's how I see it.

Download almost finished. Time to go playing !!!!

Princessjj1 -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 2:09:24 AM)

It wouldn't be hard to demo this game at all--just give people a demo of the campaign limited to "x" turns.  pick a number.
Anything would be better than nothing at all here.

And kid, most people DO think about it these days.

malfid -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 2:20:24 AM)

Allow me to just reiterate something:

At ~$82AUD, this is about $10 cheaper than virtually any new game release in the Australian market.

I'll let that sink in for a moment. I paid $109.95 for a basic release of Dragon Age, back in 2009.

Welcome to our world, my American friends.

Zemke -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 2:51:07 AM)

I have no issue with the price, this is the cost of our hobby today. I remember paying $40-$50 for computer wargames in the 80s, over 25 years ago, and those games sold far more copies than today. Our hobby is nich market, this game is not going to sell $300,000,000 in a day like Call of Duty "Black Ops" did upon release a week or so ago, (a game my teenage son is wanting for Christmas). So guys, we either support the cost for entertainment that is very cheap over time, or don't and miss out. Just remember what it cost next time you go to the movie and dinner.

parusski -> RE: How much (12/8/2010 2:51:09 AM)

Whew. I love price threads. Anytime I can't get indulge in self-flagellation I just read these posts. Joel Billings gave the perfect and sensible response. Hell, if Matrix or any company knew "exactly" what people would pay then what a sweet life they would have. But this entire thread is proof of the difficulty in determining a particular price point. I really thought this game would be even more expensive and I was shocked that it was not. It seemed after that years of work a monster game of this quality would be in the $120-140 range. I would have paid just about any price for this game. If I could not afford $89 or $99 today, then I would wait for a price drop or holiday sale.

Despite the fact that I have the mentality of a young child(according to..) how can someone say $70 I can afford, but not $19 more? Jeez, nineteen bucks in most places is about what two movie tickets go for. Two people eating at most fast food places spend $10-$17(says the WSJ). I just do not believe most of us can't cough up an extra $20 or $30. If not this minute then maybe in a week or four?

This thread was [X(]

Ok, beat the crap out of me because I dare think $20 is nothing. Go ahead, it's easy to beat up someone like me-'cause I intellectual mentality of a seven year old(so says....)!

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