RE: How much (Full Version)

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elmo3 -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 1:10:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: apd1004

I'll second that. WitE may end up being the cheapest game I've ever bought because it may very well be the last game I ever need to buy.


Until WitW you mean. [;)]

Tophat1815 -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 1:47:53 AM)




ORIGINAL: apd1004

I'll second that. WitE may end up being the cheapest game I've ever bought because it may very well be the last game I ever need to buy.


Until WitW you mean. [;)]

Yea,that sums it up very well indeed.

FM WarB -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 4:05:32 AM)

I notice that NWS is offering GG WitE for $63.99 snail mail only.  Will this edition be fully registerable and updateable in future?

PyleDriver -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 5:42:30 AM)

I wouldn't trust that at all. Only Matrix has the rights...

V22 Osprey -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 6:54:00 AM)

NWS is just a reseller.(Yes they are legit) I buy games from them all the time....did you say $63.99??

PyleDriver -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 7:14:17 AM)

Hum...I think Erik needs to comment on this. It seems at this short time that they can undercut Matrix. Something stinks here...

Lützow -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 10:40:10 AM)

NWS is a Matrix reseller for years.

Baron von Beer -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 2:43:23 PM)

Resellers selling for less than the publisher isn't uncommon. 99% of the time the latter agrees specifically not to undersell resellers, otherwise why would they bother? 

As far as NWS, they are legit as a company, who can say if the price gets adjusted.  They also carry HPS and AGEOD, etc that are otherwise only really available online from the publisher/developer, often priced for less than ordering direct from said companies [;)]

Mad Russian -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 5:09:20 PM)


...this game is my "Fire in the East" game without the 4x8 sheat of plywood to play it on.

You got either FiTE or DNO on a single 4x8 sheet of plywood but not both of them.

I may have to look at this game as well. While I prefer tactical level games the Eastern Front at all levels is my favorite area.

Good Hunting.


Stiboo2 -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 5:42:32 PM)

Another UK general here

I've been desperate for this game but at over $100 it's just too much at Christmas, if Santa is kind and I get some money maybe i'll look again in the new year.

But I do think the game is worth the money when you think of the years of enjoyment it will give, but if you have not got the money it does not matter how good value it is....I think a Rolls Royce is great value but I can't afford to buy one !!

Not sure if i've ever posted at Matrix, so Regards to you all


Phatguy -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 7:47:25 PM)

NWS is very legit.....Been shopping with them for years

stormbringer3 -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 8:06:10 PM)

I've bought games from them over the years, including GG's War Between the States, and they are completely legit. I was suprised at the price differental so I ordered WitE right away in case it changed. What I have decided to do with my savings is use them to having the manual printed so I can have a complete physical manual.

elmo3 -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 8:19:31 PM)



I notice that NWS is offering GG WitE for $63.99 snail mail only.  Will this edition be fully registerable and updateable in future?

Yes. Chris @ NWS is legit.

BaronVonDuncs -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 8:47:38 PM)

Its the same for the UK. Any purchase coming from within the EU to another EU country e.g. Germany to UK is not subject to any additional import duty or VAT as it will have been charged in the country you got it from and is thus exempted from further duty within the EU.

If an item is purchased from a country outside the EU eg USA, for a price above the tax exemption limit of £18, then it is subject to UK VAT and possibly to import duty depending on the type of good it is as the rates vary for different things, you would need to look it up on the HM Revenue and Customs website. I buy a lot of modelling stuff from overseas so I am always careful to by stuff under the limit or if you get stuff on ebay sometimes people will put 'gift' on it and the tax exempt limit goes up to £40 value.

As for the side issue of the choice of having theses taxes. I am a UK and USA citizen I have lived in both countries and much prefer paying the higher taxes and having more Government services eg health Care, benefits etc. The USA is a great country if you have money/good job if you are poor its a tortuous hell hole of suffering and anxiety, I got sick in the USA and found out my insurance wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I prefer the European model myself so I choose to live in the UK/EU. The only thing I really miss from the USA is my gun collection!

Phatguy -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 10:22:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: stormbringer3

I've bought games from them over the years, including GG's War Between the States, and they are completely legit. I was suprised at the price differental so I ordered WitE right away in case it changed. What I have decided to do with my savings is use them to having the manual printed so I can have a complete physical manual.

My saving are going to be plowed into a Matrix titles thats one of the Holiday specials....I had 100 bucks set aside for WITE. Cost me 71 at NWS so the other 29 need to be spent on a game.It doesnt really matter which as long as I spend it on a Matrix title.....

Terminus -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 10:26:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: PyleDriver

Hum...I think Erik needs to comment on this. It seems at this short time that they can undercut Matrix. Something stinks here...

No, it doesn't.

FM WarB -> RE: How much (12/11/2010 11:54:46 PM)

There are three purchase options:
1) Immediate gratification digital download from Matrix
2) Immediate gratification plus disk and abridged manual snail mail from Matrix
3) Disk and abridged manual from NWS snail mail (no digital download)

# 1 and 3 (with postage) are about the same price, but you must wait for 3. #2 gives you it all at the highest price. Seems like a good range of choice for all concerned.

htuna -> RE: How much (12/12/2010 12:03:11 AM)

NWS is a re-seller, they're legit.. if they sell cheaper, that's just lower profits per unit on their part.. all legit.. Most people who buy HPS games, buy them from NWS..

Flaviusx -> RE: How much (12/12/2010 12:07:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker

My saving are going to be plowed into a Matrix titles thats one of the Holiday specials....I had 100 bucks set aside for WITE. Cost me 71 at NWS so the other 29 need to be spent on a game.It doesnt really matter which as long as I spend it on a Matrix title.....

I think I'm going to grab the Distant Worlds expansion. Very charming game, a diamond in the rough for the vanilla version. So I'm rather keen on the expansion.

madgamer2 -> RE: How much (12/12/2010 1:09:48 AM)

I am on your side. I find your posts in the past to be intelligent, and interesting and not rambling on and on like some of mine LOL.
Even though the Russian front is my favorite land battle I fear like AE it will just have to long of a learning curve for this old guy. I have not always agreed with you but you always put your thoughts up front and state them clearly which i have always had difficulty with.

BTW I loved that movie to
"Well mister I am the law how do you answer to being here?"


schwarm -> RE: How much (12/12/2010 2:44:03 PM)

$79.99 + shipping now on NWS. Apparently the lower price was a limited time offer. In for one last night. [:)]

diablo1 -> RE: How much (12/13/2010 1:59:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: schwarm

$79.99 + shipping now on NWS. Apparently the lower price was a limited time offer. In for one last night. [:)]

Awww darn I missed the sale. [:(]

PyleDriver -> RE: How much (12/13/2010 3:02:28 PM)

My guess is Erik made a phone call over the weekend.

ceyan -> RE: How much (12/13/2010 6:28:41 PM)

Distributor's can usually (Apple, for example, has hellish minimum price requirements) sell at whatever price they want, and buy at a lower price than retail. Retailers will put on sales for any number of reasons. In this case it could be because they were looking to get people in the store with a good deal on a new game and potentially gain a new customer for other games, or to encourage people to think "Hey, this is normally 80 bucks, and I was going to buy it for, why don't I also buy this other thing with the money I saved." Could have been anything.

E -> RE: How much (12/15/2010 12:06:24 AM)

Think the price of Grigsby WWII games about the War in Russia have gotten too expensive?

Here's another perspective...

(note that this is without any economic mumbo-jumbo and/or rationalizations)


jomni -> RE: How much (12/15/2010 1:01:37 AM)

NWS is my main source of HPS games.

diablo1 -> RE: How much (12/15/2010 1:04:40 AM)

I never bought those $60-$80 games back in the 80's either though. You could get all the SSI games for $20-$30 off at Chips & Bits anyways and later on several other bargain bin magazine ad sites. Sort of like NWS has most of HPS games for $20 off now and sells the boxed version of Matrixgames for the same price as the digital download.

Tophat1815 -> RE: How much (12/15/2010 1:08:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: diablo1

I never bought those $60-$80 games back in the 80's either though. You could get all the SSI games for $20-$30 off at Chips & Bits anyways and later on several other bargain bin magazine ad sites. Sort of like NWS has most of HPS games for $20 off now and sells the boxed version of Matrixgames for the same price as the digital download.

Then you are covered,so why sound so annoyed in your posts?

diablo1 -> RE: How much (12/15/2010 1:10:26 AM)

Man I gotta read this one: How do you make "sound" in posts? You actually hear "sounds"??? You've gota tell us how???

Tophat1815 -> RE: How much (12/15/2010 1:15:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: diablo1

Man I gotta read this one: How do you make "sound" in posts? You actually hear "sounds"??? You've gota tell us how???

[:D] Very simply put I can hear that whining tone of yours about the price all the way to my very own little computer. With my very own copy of WITE on the hard drive,that I have been enjoying very much since December 7th.[sm=00000613.gif] And yes,yes I paid full price for it so you may laugh at me to your hearts content. I have no complaints.[;)]

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