WITE Custom fonts (Full Version)

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Helpless -> WITE Custom fonts (12/10/2010 11:38:18 PM)

In coming patch we did a new feature which allows to set every font used in the game - font name, size, bold or not.

It is done by placing a WiteFontConfig.txt to \dat folder. If file is missing the default fonts will be used.

The format is quite simple. Commented lines begin with "/"

//Wite Font Config File
//Font id,Name,Size,0-normal/1-bold
//Default Fonts
5,Microsoft Sans Serif,8,1
6,Lucida Sans,8,0

The example above is font file from Don (dlazov66).

Remember, all alignment is done using the default fonts and with normal (96dpi) system font size! So before reporting any text alignment problem, please run it with default fonts.

Rough font list is below:

1 - is big font widely used in headers
2 - the most used font
3 - rarely used big font (ex. end game screen)
4 - rarely used small font (ex. top menu date/turn, etc)
5 - used on unit counters on highest zoom and as small bold header
6 - small font used in Commander's reportd
7 - rarely used large font (ex. weather report)
8 - small bold font used on unit counters on medium zoom. also used in Commander's Report
9 - widely used in editor


Great_Ajax -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/10/2010 11:42:37 PM)

Pavel, is wingdings font supported?

The Gnome -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/10/2010 11:43:35 PM)

Awesome feature, I'm a bit of a typeface totalitarian since I do some web design. LOVE that I'll be able to fiddle around with this, thanks!

Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/10/2010 11:44:08 PM)

Trey, you should say :)

Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/10/2010 11:51:03 PM)


Pavel, is wingdings font supported?

Yes it does!

Now I know how to make FOW better [:)]


Great_Ajax -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/10/2010 11:57:55 PM)

You are the man, Pavel! I love it!


Zovs -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 8:08:43 AM)

Based on Pavs new code I made and tested some subtle differences, I personally like these fonts better, but that is just me.

1,Microsoft Sans Serif,14,0
2,Microsoft Sans Serif,10,0
4,Microsoft Sans Serif,8,0
5,Microsoft Sans Serif,8,1
6,Microsoft Sans Serif,7,0
7,Franklin Gothic Demi,18,0
8,Microsoft Sans Serif,7,1

Emx77 -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 8:21:37 AM)

Pavel, may you please make clickable text permanently yellow as now blue text is indistinguishable from the white non-clickable text. At least for some players. Please [&o]

This has been mentioned erlier.

Zovs -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 9:04:55 AM)

Here are the subtle results of that config (I like the default but this suits me a bit better):

Default screen

Zoomed out 2

Zoomed out 1

Just showing a beginning pocket

CR via Unit, filtered by panzer/motorized divisions on map

CR Army report (filter)

Fonts changed losses screen.

Wikingus -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 9:59:08 AM)

Comic sans! [:D]

Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 11:20:47 AM)


Pavel, may you please make clickable text permanently yellow as now blue text is indistinguishable from the white non-clickable text. At least for some players.

Emir, due to the way how the color coding is done it could be much more difficult task to customize colors.

Templer_12 -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 1:36:31 PM)

No offense here.
But can't see much sense in such features.
Should you turn your precious time not to something more important?

Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 1:47:05 PM)

Yes, I'm drinking Gluntwein right now.. :)

alaric318 -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 2:39:03 PM)

great extra work for the game engine, thanks for all of it, i really like the zoomet out 1, have more clear view on the units,

best regards,


DrewBlack -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/11/2010 11:41:45 PM)


could you please tell me which font line 1-9 I need to adjsust to fix the issue of overlapping text fields detailed here.




Zovs -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 12:03:13 AM)

Okay been spending a fair amount of time (wife has been sick and sleeping so that means since seven am) experimenting with the fonts and I came up with this as a master file, some screen shots will follow in another post if interested.

WARNING: Depending on your monitor size, font dpi settings, screen resolution, hardware, software installed, personal preference, default language spoken/read, life experiences and a host of other possible items, these are really just suggestions based on some of my personal preferences and opinions. Bottom line what looks beautiful to me may look horrific and offensive to you so please take my mods with a grain of scotch.

//Wite Font Config File
//Font id,Name,Size,0-normal/1-bold
//Default Fonts
// Standard type fonts:
// Microsoft Sans Serif (I like it, reminds me of traditional board games.)
//1,Microsoft Sans Serif,14,0
//2,Microsoft Sans Serif,10,0
//3,Microsoft Sans Serif,18,0
//4,Microsoft Sans Serif,8,0
//5,Microsoft Sans Serif,8,1
//6,Microsoft Sans Serif,7,0
//7,Microsoft Sans Serif,18,0
//8,Microsoft Sans Serif,7,1
//9,Microsoft Sans Serif,9,0
// Tahoma
// Arial
// Arial Narrow (In some ways I like this, but the combat factor font sort of hurts the eyes aftr a while, not sure.)
//1,Arial Narrow,16,0
//2,Arial Narrow,10,0
//3,Arial Narrow,22,0
//4,Arial Narrow,8,0
//5,Arial Narrow,9,1
//6,Arial Narrow,8,0
//7,Arial Narrow,20,0
//8,Arial Narrow,8,1
//9,Arial Narrow,9,0
// Non-standard fonts:
// (A font using Adobe from Photoshop or the full version of Adobe installed.)
//1,Adobe Gothic Std B,14,0
//2,Adobe Gothic Std B,10,0
//3,Adobe Gothic Std B,18,0
//4,Adobe Gothic Std B,7,0
//5,Adobe Gothic Std B,9,1
//6,Adobe Gothic Std B,7,0
//7,Adobe Gothic Std B,18,0
//8,Adobe Gothic Std B,7,1
//9,Adobe Gothic Std B,9,0
// (Another really nice font using Adobe fonts, I like it!)
//1,Adobe Heiti Std R,14,0
//2,Adobe Heiti Std R,10,0
//3,Adobe Heiti Std R,18,0
//4,Adobe Heiti Std R,8,0
//5,Adobe Heiti Std R,8,1
//6,Adobe Heiti Std R,7,0
//7,Adobe Heiti Std R,18,0
//8,Adobe Heiti Std R,7,1
//9,Adobe Heiti Std R,9,0
// German and Soviet Style fonts:
// download from the internet Kleist-Fraktur (interesting)
// download from the internet Gothenburg ()
// download from the internet Propaganda (I thought this one is kind of whacky and I gave up on trying to make it work.)
// download from the internet Schwarzwald (kind of neat, not perfect though)
// download from the internet Tannenberg Fett (This to me is the best of the Germanic fonts.)
//1,Tannenberg Fett,14,0
//2,Tannenberg Fett,10,0
//3,Tannenberg Fett,22,0
//4,Tannenberg Fett,8,0
//5,Tannenberg Fett,10,0
//6,Tannenberg Fett,7,0
//7,Tannenberg Fett,18,0
//8,Tannenberg Fett,9,0
//9,Tannenberg Fett,9,0
// download from the internet a Soviet styled font (Personally I really like this one for some reason a lot!)
// download from the internet a Stencil style (Interesting.)
// download from the internet a helvetika style (Kind of okay, kind of not.)
//1,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,14,0
//2,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,10,0
//3,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,18,0
//4,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,8,0
//5,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,8,1
//6,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,7,0
//7,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,18,0
//8,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,7,1
//9,A1011Helvetika  TYGRA,9,0
// download from the internet DokChampa (Not bad but not excellent either.)

Zovs -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 12:32:30 AM)

Here are some screen shots (in no order, rhyme or reason).

A Germanic font...

A stencil font...

Another German type of font...

Early 1600 German font (?) ...

One of the German fonts in action...

Stencil fonts in action...

the German font starts with an S above in the cfg...

My favorite font...(looks good in Brown or Blue...)...[:D]

Gotta love Mech and Tank Corps in 43 with this beautiful font...

Just more details...

Jah, even the Panzer look good in Cyclic type of fonts...

Russian type of fonts in action...


more of the same ....

Gotta run and get some food....

RJL5188 -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 3:36:58 AM)

now...if we could only change fomt sizes and types in witp-ae...ill be honest...times new roman and lucinda dont really do it for me

Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 7:11:39 AM)



could you please tell me which font line 1-9 I need to adjsust to fix the issue of overlapping text fields detailed here.



# 2

DrewBlack -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 8:01:35 AM)

Excellant thanks for the help.


AlanBernardo -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 3:05:04 PM)

I do get load errors with a lot of these settings. Of the ones I've tried, only one works, besides the default. It must be something with the fonts not being installed on my system.

Could someone point to what each font refers to?


Zovs -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 3:55:59 PM)


You would be correct, you would need to have the same fonts installed on your system. Also, I forgot (my fault since I thought if I knew everyone would know) that you can only use one at a time or one font type of grouping, this is indicated by the comment section // but not every may know that this is a standard C/C++ and java format. Also, I am running Windows 7 and the default fonts should work on my W7 systems, however as I pointed out DPI and other hardware things may make things look wonky.

Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 3:57:57 PM)

Yes, fonts should be installed in the system and spelled correctly in the config file.


Could someone point to what each font refers to?

It is pretty much shown in the post #1. Widely used fonts are in bold.


1 - is big font widely used in headers
2 - the most used font

3 - rarely used big font (ex. end game screen)
4 - rarely used small font (ex. top menu date/turn, etc)
5 - used on unit counters on highest zoom and as small bold header
6 - small font used in Commander's report
7 - rarely used large font (ex. weather report)
8 - small bold font used on unit counters on medium zoom. also used in Commander's Report
9 - widely used in editor

AlanBernardo -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/12/2010 5:25:30 PM)

Thanks for the replies.

Seeing that this game is going to take some time to understand well, at least his font thing is pretty basic. :)


dwesolick -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/13/2010 9:02:23 PM)

Hi guys,

OK, I'm really embarrassed to ask such a stupid question but, regarding Helpless' instructions, I don't understand "It is done by placing a WiteFontConfig.txt to \dat folder."

I've found a Dat folder, but I can't find the Witefontconfig.txt line. Am I supposed to create that myself? If so, how? Or was the patch supposed to create it? I've loaded the patch and the fonts are larger (and more readable in the tables, etc), but I would like to tinker with it to eliminate the overlapping that appears (as someone above stated), but have no idea how to do it.

As you can see, I'm a programming idiot (to say the least), so could someone spell it out in very simple, step by step terms (like, for a moron[:o]).

Sorry for the dumb questions but any help would be greatly appreciated!


Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/13/2010 10:24:08 PM)

I think it will be included in the first official patch. Meanwhile you can copy one attached. it contains all default fonts.

dwesolick -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/14/2010 3:06:01 PM)

Hi Helpless,

Thanks for that! Just one more dumb question...do I copy/paste it directly into the dat folder...or do I need to create a new folder?

thanks again

Helpless -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/14/2010 3:10:03 PM)

No new folder, just copy to the \dat.

dwesolick -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/14/2010 4:53:34 PM)

I'm having trouble figuring out what and where the /dat file is. I thought you just meant the dat folder but when I open that I see lots of dat files (wrac.dat, wrair.dat, wrcity.dat, etc....) but it won't let me open them. I know I'm missing something really simple here, but then I did tell you I was a moron[&:]

I do appreciate your help though!

Zovs -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/14/2010 5:07:05 PM)

The notation /dat means a sub folder, so down inside your WitE folder you'll see a folder named dat, this is where you place (if its not already there) the config file.

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