BigWolfChris -> RE: Get rid of fuel (12/30/2010 1:50:24 AM)
ORIGINAL: diablo1 quote:
Outside of jumpdrives, Energy cells are only apart of the X3 production economy and are no more automatic then DW without mods Really? Then why are all those transports I raid in the game carrying energy cells around? Energy cells are very important for just about everything in the game and they are "automatically" moved around by the AI as well as my own automated traders and I don't have to have any mod to do that with. If you had Terran you would know that but obviously you don't. The game also automatically delivers energy cells to ALL the UNIVERSAL TRADERS for jumping around the universe. Last response to point out, I have played all the X games, and have been on the Egosoft forums for over 7 years I was apart of the beta testing and a member of the DevNet So for energy cells Energy cells are on everything because the game has been designed to have energy cell gaps inside the economy just to give the player (you) a gap to plug and an easy trade route But again, they are mostly for FACTORY production, sure, your UTs will use them up... but nowhere near enough to ever cause a shortage (you can run an entire trader fleet (x5) off a fully stocked solar plant for jumpdrives) Look, I know the pros and cons of X as well as the next person, and it isn't as fantastic a game as you bring across I have no idea how long you've played the game, but you sound like me when I first played X2, amazed by the shear magnitude of the thing... but after the initial amazement, I started seeing the limitations and repetitiveness and got bored... though it didn't stop me from enjoying X3R & X3TC, but then I got bored with those games after a couple of months of playing But just to finish off... why the hell do we give a damn about X on the DW forum? That's like bitching that X isn't as good as Halo... All spacey and sci-fi, but they are all different genres looking to appease different crowds using different ideas and targets, all with their own problems and issues and each with their own good parts, but in noway comparable to each other Though, while we're at it, which do we think is the better Pear? Apples or Oranges? [8|] Back to the topic (I'm now ignoring any non-DW chat that is not within context of a thread) quote:
ORIGINAL: Spacecadet One pretty effective solution I use is when I redesign all my ships, I put the Military sector on Hydrogen power and the Private sector on Caslon. If you put everything on Hydrogen (because it's more efficient), then you end up with Caslon stockpiling all over clogging things up from not being used. Not to mention you'll have a bunch of Caslon mines working for nothing. Two fuel sources means more fuel and more work for the Private sector, which results in more Private sector ships being built. Keeps your Economy humming [:D You know, I was thinking about doing something like this earlier Though my reasoning for keeping Privates on Caslon, is that you'll still have caslon reactors floating around near the end due to them not being destroyed or upgraded, though Military you can force onto Hydrogen Does this work out well for you?