Mobius -> RE: German 75mmL43, L48 and L46 velocities (9/22/2015 3:41:27 PM)
ORIGINAL: Elron Hubbub quote:
ORIGINAL: Mobius quote:
ORIGINAL: Elron Hubbub PAK 40? This is what I wrote: quote:
3. The 75mm/L46 Pak 40 having a different style cartridge kept its muzzle velocity at the design 790 m/s for a longer period of time. Though later in the war, for some reason, maybe training or consistency, the charge was reduced and the muzzle velocity became 750 m/s as well And your only source is a hand filled in form? And you do not have a date? Actually, that's where the trail ended. It started on a World of Tanks blog interview with tank expert Hillery Doyle. (Who did drawings for Jentz and Spielberger.) He said the Pak 40 had a MV of 750. I didn't believe it so to prove him wrong I started looking at his reference. That was a US 1955 manual (the pdf was/is free online) That said the US reprinted German data and didn't acquire the data through testing. Somehow I used it to find the datenblatt site. Note the reason the Pak 40 is in the document. quote:
This piece is still in service or held in reserve in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, and Rumania. The daten sheets on the guns are all made out by hand. [image]local://upfiles/21308/7C7CF0922B2F45F69F2A375D71E442D9.jpg[/image]