Elron Hubbub -> RE: German 75mmL43, L48 and L46 velocities (10/28/2015 3:39:26 PM)
So, my thought is that the Germans are just too rigid in understanding armor defeating weapons. Reports claim the T34 are "hard to burn" from the front aspect. Basically, it is hard to get the Pz Gr to get inside and explode. But, many weapons that have a T/D advantage could make soft kills by killing/maiming the driver, etc. So, a better way of expressing penetration on highly sloped armor is really just a percentage. Having a specification like 50% chance of penetration, and 50% perforation (any) is more realistic of expected effects. Again, it is too expensive to test this with real sloped armor, one must just do an initial investigation on what velocity that is and verify using 60 degree armor. If a KWK 36 could make that damage at 1500 meters, I would be assured that a Pak 40 could also do that damage in the 1000 type range. I believe the 'Yugo' tests had just a "perforation" type 'spec'. The Soviet hard armor may have actually made the T34 more vulnerable. Hardness is good to a point, then it leads adiabatic shear problems and failure at higher levels.