Elron Hubbub -> RE: German 75mmL43, L48 and L46 velocities (8/23/2016 10:39:41 PM)
Some interesting British data from Miles Krofus... quote:
by Miles Krogfus » 21 Aug 2016 19:44 I list British Ordnance Board penetration graphs from 1943 and 1944. O.B./43/CV.12 May 25,1943 shows for 2400 f/s muzzle velocity (731.52 m/s) of 14.81 lb. APCBC shell ("MV as tested by trial in KwK 40") at 0 and 30 degrees deflection: 2400 f/s penetration 121/102 mm, 2000 f/s (609.6 m/s) 98/83 mm, 1600 f/s (487.68 m/s) 75/63 mm. O.B./43/CV.13 same date. MV 1350 f/s (411.48 m/s) same shell model: 1300 f/s (396.24 m/s) 58/48.5 mm, 1000 f/s (304.6 m/s) 41.8/34.8 mm. O.B./43/CV.20 for 15 lb. large HE cavity APCBC 1300 f/s MV December 14,1943: 1300 f/s 50.3/46.25 mm, 1000 f/s 35/32.94 mm. O.B./44/CV.50 for 15 lb. small HE cavity APCBC December 13,1944 of Kwk 42 MV 3068 f/s (935.13 m/s), Pak 40 MV 2600 f/s (792.48 m/s), KwK 40 MV 2300 f/s (701.04 m/s): 3000 f/s (914.4 m/s) 182/156 mm, 2400 f/s (731.52 m/s) 133/104.5 mm, 2000 f/s (609.6 m/s) 104/77.5 mm, 1600 f/s (487.68 m/s) 75.5/55.5 mm. I am assuming that the KWK 40 they tested is the L43 version.