CavLancer -> RE: June 42 (2/8/2011 1:58:02 AM)
ORIGINAL: 2ndACR Yep, they were moving out of the defense down south. Looks like that is my new armor objective. I really don't want to turtle, but I see no other choice. I have 4 Panzer Div with under 80 tanks. I just cannot keep up the attrition. I know my opponent was not happy when I pulled back to create that buffer zone, but IMO there was not any way for me to reliably defend that front. I put a 10 mile buffer in the north, 20 miles to above Smolensk, south of Smolensk to Gomel was about 80 miles, 50-80 miles from Gomel to Kiev, and about 50 miles all the way from Kiev to the city above Odessa. I honestly think there is nothing wrong with what I did. Any thoughts on that? Yes, this is an old problem for wargames. How to accurately depict the blitzkrieg? How to show an armored hammer breaking a narrow infantry front that has gone out of modern warfare philosophy? Your opponent knows the tactics of defense in depth, the surviving generals of Stalin's Russia might not have been so adept. So, if there are those out to recreate history then it might be done as the German playing against an AI that has been dumbed down to actual WW2 Soviet levels! Oh what joy for the AI guys to actually work to dumb down an AI for once. ;) What WitE has to deal with is smart people on both sides, and their desire to see history repeat itself. So, how to grease the wheels of the Germans? If the Sovs have an advantage they didn't historically have, a smart leader with the benefit of hindsight, then the German needs something the Germans didn't have, a rules advantage that allows them to slice and dice that defense in depth. Regarding pulling back 2ACR, its the only rational course.