Aurelian -> RE: Strat movement & game balance (1/23/2011 4:36:30 PM)
ORIGINAL: Reconvet quote:
ORIGINAL: Aurelian quote:
ORIGINAL: abulbulian quote:
ORIGINAL: Reconvet quote:
ORIGINAL: pompack whatever[>:] Brilliant, this really enriches this discussion. Thank you for showing your potential. [:D] Lol, Reconvet. It's funny cause I've dealt with this in my threads before. You give them historic facts or REAL game experiences and when they nothing to counter with, they give you that type of reply. Or better yet they will throw in an 'axis fanboy' remark and have nothing of any value to say. Just ignore them. I think you're on to something myself. But if you get close to something that will look as if a change is needed, these same people will just start to get frustrated and their remarks become even more delusional and unrelated to the subject. What historical facts has he given? Complaining that the Sovs have the ability to move some 60 full strength or near full strength divs? What facts has he presented that shows that they coild not? "As the railroads moved 2.5 million men to the front in June, July, and August, they moved industrial machinery on their return journeys." How many divisions does that make? Where are the facts that refute that? Real game experience? Flaviusx's real game experience is being ignored. Why? In my own game, I would just love to have these 60 divisions to rail around, but I don't have them. I just railed all the KV-1 factories out of Leningrad. That took a huge chunk out of my rail cap. You might be surprised, but: We are talking about a GAME, not history. I present GAME FACTS. You CAN move 60 combat ready Divisions fight now, come on and present something which might contribute to make this good game even better. And getting a better challenge playing as Soviet in '41 should be in your interest too. Current rail mobility in '41 makes for an easy mode for Soviets, that's my opinion. You're welcome to have your own, but don't travel down the insult road too... I am not dealing with historic balance, but with GAME balance. Early Soviets are overpowered I believe, and my analysis is that early Soviet rail mobility is mainly responsible. Why do you feel so much threatened? Is overblown rail mobility a holy cow for you too? You might be surprised, but my GAME EXPERIENCE shows shows you are wrong. My GAME FACT is that there is that the Sviets are not overpowered. Why do "you" fell so threatened? Is this because of your inability to deal with it? Your holy cow?