Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/9/2011 12:52:09 PM)
4/12/42 (Preliminary Report) Since I teased you guys with the "we'll know in eight hours" comment yesterday, I'll go ahead and tell you what happened around Sumatra. I've only seen the actual combat report to this point - I haven't watched the combat replay or seen the new turn file - so I only have the highlights. I'll say this - it was a good day for the Allies, though not exactly in ways I might have foreseen: Invasion of Port Blair (?): There's nothing in the combat report about any Allied carriers going into action, nor about any enemy ships heading toward Port Blair or elsewhere. That's not a huge surprise as I didn't expect my carriers to be within range today. Until I open the turn file, I won't know if the enemy ships are still headed for Port Blair, retired back towards Singapore, took a left turn to round Sumatra, or took a right turn towards Rangoon. I also don't know if enemy patrols caught wind of the Allied carriers. I do know that enemy bombers didn't sortie against them and that they didn't have the bad luck to go into a surface engagement with enemy combat ships. I'll post more about this in a few hours, as soon as I've seen the combat and turn files. Battle of Singapore: This was the scene of the major battle of the day. An Allied TF led by two CL and a handful of DDs raided this port and found it underprotected. The result was a decisive Allied victory as follows: AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 12, 42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Time Surface Combat, near Singapore at 50,84, Range 2,000 Yards Japanese Ships PB Kyo Maru #11, Shell hits 4, and is sunk PB Kyo Maru #12, Shell hits 2 AO Erimo, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk AO Notoro, Shell hits 7, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk Allied Ships CL Capetown CL Colombo DD Barker DD Bulmer DD Paul Jones DD Stewart DD Stuart Night Time Surface Combat, near Singapore at 50,84, Range 9,000 Yards Japanese Ships CL Kashii, Shell hits 2 CL Kitakami, Shell hits 15, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk DD Usugumo, Shell hits 7, on fire DD Tachikaze, Shell hits 7, heavy fires, heavy damage DD Wakatake, Shell hits 14, and is sunk DD Hasu, Shell hits 4, on fire TB Otori, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage PB Kyo Maru #2 AV Sagara Maru xAK Enju Maru, Shell hits 2, heavy fires xAK Hikosan Maru xAK Hokko Maru, Shell hits 2, on fire xAK Hokusho Maru, Shell hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage xAK Iwaki Maru, Shell hits 3 xAK Josho Maru xAK Kurohime Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire xAK Meisho Maru xAK Midori Maru xAK Nittei Maru xAK Ryujo Maru xAK Sanuki Maru xAK Taibun Maru xAK Tatsuho Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire xAK Tone Maru xAK Ume Maru Allied Ships CL Capetown, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage CL Colombo, Shell hits 1 DD Barker DD Bulmer DD Paul Jones DD Stewart DD Stuart Enemy air later sortied against the brave little Allied ships, with this result: Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Muntok at 49,89 Weather in hex: Overcast Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet. Estimated time to target is 15 minutes Japanese aircraft A6M2 Zero x 24 G3M2 Nell x 9 Allied aircraft Hurricane IIb Trop x 6 P-39D Airacobra x 4 P-40E Warhawk x 16 F2A-3 Buffalo x 6 Japanese aircraft losses A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed G3M2 Nell: 4 destroyed Allied aircraft losses Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed Allied Ships CL Capetown, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage China: The Chinese attack at Loyang game in at Seven Billion to One odds as 2200 AV destroyed 100 squads of 101st NCPC Route Brigade. It looks like the Japanese are weak in this region, and Steve seems to be drawing down his Changsha stack to reinforce. Over the next few weeks, the Chinese will seek chances to overwhelm small Japanese units. Eventually, the Chinese will have to pull back and give up most of all of the advance bases reclaimed temporarily, but the Chinese army is growing strong enough on two fronts (Changsha and Sian) to continue this pattern of striking weak enemy armies.