RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 3:59:44 PM)

Edited to omit post intended for GreyJoy's AAR...I thought only Nemo did this kind of thing?

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:15:37 PM)

Edit plz....[:'(]

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:15:54 PM)

This is your AAR....not mine [:D]

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:17:02 PM)

Ack!  Edited post 1081 and moved it to GreyJoy's AAR.  I blame GJ for this!

jeffk3510 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:26:46 PM)

Helping your

jeffk3510 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:26:54 PM)

AAR get more posts

jeffk3510 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:27:09 PM)

Than GreyJoys

jeffk3510 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:27:52 PM)

On a more serious note....could we bother you for an updated map... [:)]

Just curious how the Singers/Blair/Rangoon area looks at the moment...that sure was a punch directly in the nose...

crsutton -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 4:54:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Ack!  Edited post 1081 and moved it to GreyJoy's AAR.  I blame GJ for this!

I blame the public schools.....and Obama.

jeffk3510 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 5:04:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Ack!  Edited post 1081 and moved it to GreyJoy's AAR.  I blame GJ for this!

I blame the public schools.....and Obama.

Wish my wife could see this, and know that I am not the only one with said feelings.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 5:27:28 PM)

Eastern Sumatra and western Java, April 26, 1942. (More maps to follow as time permits.)


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 5:34:04 PM)

Western Sumatra and the Bay of Bengal.


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 5:43:05 PM)

Burma on 4/26/42


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 6:02:41 PM)

China 04 26 42


Miller -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 6:18:19 PM)

Weird to see the Chinese steamrollering the Japs in April 42. I thought the Chinese would be struggling for supply?

Smeulders -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 6:38:38 PM)

Looking at all the red marks they are, but it doesn't seem to matter that much.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 6:42:53 PM)

The Chinese are okay on supply - well, the units, not the bases.  Why?  In part, the Allies were able to land a bunch of supply at Rangoon early in the game, but not enough to make a really big difference.  The other thing is that Japan hasn't been doing anything - very llittle in the way of bombing or offensive activity.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 6:57:50 PM)

I was just going to ask before you posted CR, where is the Japanese air force? The Chinese should be extremely vulnerable to air attack operating in clear terrain as you are. I think attacking him on all fronts in this theatre has achieved the same problems from him. Too many fires and not enough attention to dealing with the threats that can be contained and countered. Is it a question of too much dispersal? Do the Japanese have any large concentrations of troops anywhere or are they all spread out trying to counter all your advances? He's going to lose terrain, but rather than worry about that now, he could be focusing his forces to crush every Chinese unit he can get his hands on in open terain and then maneuver to deal with forces in rougher terrain. He's got to stem the bleeding.

Nice job. There was a post recently in another thread about assumption busting. I fear you have pretty much burst his assumption about the Chinese lacking offensive capabilities when faced against poorly planned Japanese operations.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 7:10:03 PM)

The Allies laid low in China until sometime in March 1942.  I didn't do anything but take measure of the enemy, try to guard against a debilitating defeat, and try to remain patient until an opportunity arose.

The Japanese highwater mark occurred sometime in March, when the Japanese had more than 5,000 AV at Changsha.  I was concerned lest Japan break through at one of the three continuguous hexes from Changsha to Hengyang.  But Japan didn't have enough to break through.  Then the Allies were able to move across the river from Henyang, roughing up a division and threatening to take Kienko.  At the same time, sensing opportunity had finally truly arrived, the entire army holding the MLR from Sian to Nanyang moved north and blew through the depleted defense around Loyang and Chengchow (I had long suspected that Steve had drawn off from this front to bulidng a big threat at Changsha).

Steve is employing bombers now, but not long enough or in big enough numbers to make a dent (yet).  He also has needs of a big airforce in the Kuriles and in Singapore, Borneo, Makassar and vicinity, so (I hope) he's struggling to meet competing needs.

Finally, we have an HR preventing strategic bombing in China, Burma, DEI until 1944, which helps the Chinese.

ny59giants -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 7:15:10 PM)

Djambi would be a good base for short legged fighters and some of your Marine SBD groups to force him to keep a high percentage of CAP over Singapore.

I might want to send those 2 BFs to Little Andaman to build up that base. It is always nice to have a few mutually support bases.

Miller -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 7:50:15 PM)

After Chungking, Changsha is probably the hardest Chinese base to crack. As the Japs you really have to bring the kitchen sink to have any chance of taking it, and that means stripping assets from other parts of the country.

As the Japs I usually just leave a couple of Divs there to keep the Alled player honest and look for easier targets to take.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 8:01:14 PM)

Chinese units are awfully weak against Japanse troops behind forts or in good terrain, so Japan has a decision to make at the outset of the war:  set up a very good MLR and let China languish, or concentrate and really go after the Chinese in a major way.  Changsha should be too tough to handle, so the Japanese need to focus on Kweilin, Henyang, Siangtan, or Sian.  An early victory at any of these bases pierces what should be the Chinese MLR, creating a crisis that will stress the Allied player.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 8:35:57 PM)

Going after Changsha first was the problem as you stated. Nothing else was consolidated prior to stripping those fronts for the Changsha offensive which has led to the current situation. If the Japanese are going to mass for a single objective, which in many cases they must in order to overcome high fort and terrain modifiers, they'd better have spent the time building up forts of their own where they'd have to be thin. In this case it looks like that wasn't done.

As many supply producing bases that can easily be captured and held should be the initial Japanese objectives, once the supply squeeze starts to hit the Chinese then go after the harder targets. If the Chinese are massed and defending fewer bases they can be outmaneuvered rather than taking them head on.

The Japanese must take the time to consolidate/fortify before they mass to strike along a single axis. The Chinese may suffer from poor quality and supply issues at start, but their numbers more than make up for it against lone Japanese units without the benefit of forts/terrain to counter. Ignore the offensive capabilities of the Chinese at your peril if you get sloppy with Japan.

DarenDF -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/28/2011 10:24:42 PM)

Canoerebel, I just read your entire AAR when I should have been doing schoolwork, please post more so I can continue to ignore the schoolwork XD .

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/28/2011 11:11:18 PM)

Daren, that's an encouraging word.  Thanks.

Chez was unable to send a turn last night due to work.  He is, by the way, the most reliable and courteous of opponents.  He's regular with turns, and when one won't be forthcoming he always gives notice.  That's much appreciated.  (I can think of another player or two that could benefit from some "courtesy" lessons from Steve.)

As for school, I had the same problem way back in the 1980s when cable television first came into vogue.  I was in college, and suddenly could watch just about any Atlanta Braves game.  If the Braves were playing San Diego starting at 10:00 p.m. and went into extra innings lasting until 2 a.m., there I'd sit watching the game even though I had a physics exam at 8:00 a.m.  Oh, the guilt I labored under!  What made it worse was that the Braves stunk it up in those days.

DarenDF -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/28/2011 11:29:09 PM)

I'm actually from Georgia (though I don't live there anymore) but I have a few relatives that act that way about the braves [:D] . It also sounds nice of Chez to let you know when he can't get turns in.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/29/2011 9:26:00 PM)

China:  The Siangtan army crosses the river and demolishes an iJ regiment.  Tomorrow, 5,000 Chinese AV will attack a single IJ division east of Kiefang.  A 2,400-AV army will reach Kienko in four or five days.

NoPac:  A small IJN carrier force (probably no more than CVEs and/or CS) is moving to the NE up the east side of the Kuriles.

SoPac:  Marine shore guns tear apart a few more enemy transports.  Japan outnumbers the Allies 500 AV to 137 AV, but didn't attack - probably to recover disruption.

DEI:  Remains quiet, though it obviously shouldn't be.  The next big CD force (Aussie heavy unit) will arrive at Oosthaven in no more than three days.  Sabang should fall to the enemy in two or three days.  UK brigade will arrive at Port Blair tomorrow or the next day under protection of two Hurricane units and a CA Pensacola-led TF.

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/29/2011 10:40:43 PM)

you're fading beyond....[:D]

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/30/2011 11:38:15 PM)

GreyJoy:  No way I can keep up with you!

China:  The Chinese blasted away 37th Division east of Kaifeng.  The division dropped from 480 AV to 8 AV during the attack.  I need to be careful now, lest my troops become to diluted and dispersed and thus subject to ambush.  The Chinese have blown through the initial ring of defenses, so now each step further requires dispatch of units to garrison and division of stacks to take various roads.  I'm trying to avoid that by keeping my troops concentrated.  Steve has pulled his stack out of Changsha.  He's pretty anxious about the situation around the Sian/Kaifeng/Sinyang triangle.

NoPac: Small IJN carrier force remains east of the Kuriles.

SoPac:  The Japanese have roughly a division equivalent at Pago Pago, but still haven't attacked.

DEI:  Cocos Island airfield goes to level one (and an RAF base force is on the way).  Bengkalen airfield goes to level six.  UK brigade has mostly unloaded at Port Blair, bringing the AV to 240.  Big Aussie CD to arrive at Oosthaven tomorrow.  CV Illustrious just arrived at Capetown and will steam to theater.  Sabang should fall tomorrow.  No signs of concerted enemy move on Java or Sumatra.  B-17Ds hit Balikpan port, damaging four already-damaged ships.

Burma:  My scouting unit reports that Prome is vacant.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (7/2/2011 11:09:32 PM)

4/29/42 and 4/30/42
DEI:  Still quiet against all odds.  The Japanese do manage to take Sabang, which puts them into position to try to claim the eastern Bay of Bengal.  5th Royal Aussie CD force arrived at Oosthaven with sixteen 6" guns.  CV Hornet (with biplane Helldivers) is on the way to theater from Colombo.

Bay of Bengal:  A UK brigade and RAF base force has mostly landed at Port Blair, bringing the AV to 242 with three forts.  Steve will have to bring alot to take this base, but whether he'll be willing to do so after last month's smackdown is questionable.

Malaya/Burma:  USA 27th Div. arrives at Colombo tonight.  I could proceed with the invasion of Moulmein, but that would require my carriers.  Since I don't want to leave Java/Sumatra unguarded, the invasion likely will be timed for during or just after the Japanese move on Java/Sumatra.  Steve will undoubtedly concentrate all his aircraft for that mission, so a that point air opposition way up around Moulmein ought to be light.

Pago Pago:  The Japanese haven't attacked despite 550 AV to 137 AV edge.  Supply and disruption may be the problem.  The Allies have 21st USA RCT aboard transports already enroute from Pearl Harbor.  Also, cruisers have just arrived at Tahiti to give the Allies more weight in opposing enemy efforts to reinforce or resupply.

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