Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (6/27/2011 7:10:03 PM)
The Allies laid low in China until sometime in March 1942. I didn't do anything but take measure of the enemy, try to guard against a debilitating defeat, and try to remain patient until an opportunity arose. The Japanese highwater mark occurred sometime in March, when the Japanese had more than 5,000 AV at Changsha. I was concerned lest Japan break through at one of the three continuguous hexes from Changsha to Hengyang. But Japan didn't have enough to break through. Then the Allies were able to move across the river from Henyang, roughing up a division and threatening to take Kienko. At the same time, sensing opportunity had finally truly arrived, the entire army holding the MLR from Sian to Nanyang moved north and blew through the depleted defense around Loyang and Chengchow (I had long suspected that Steve had drawn off from this front to bulidng a big threat at Changsha). Steve is employing bombers now, but not long enough or in big enough numbers to make a dent (yet). He also has needs of a big airforce in the Kuriles and in Singapore, Borneo, Makassar and vicinity, so (I hope) he's struggling to meet competing needs. Finally, we have an HR preventing strategic bombing in China, Burma, DEI until 1944, which helps the Chinese.