RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/22/2011 9:33:38 PM)

Anybody know the answer to my lack of CAP query (see the post about ten above this one)?  I sure need to fix the problem before I send the turn back to Steve.  If the problem isn't fixed, Renown and Repulse are not going to have a good day tomorrow.

witpqs -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/22/2011 9:53:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Anybody know the answer to my lack of CAP query (see the post about ten above this one)?  I sure need to fix the problem before I send the turn back to Steve.  If the problem isn't fixed, Renown and Repulse are not going to have a good day tomorrow.

Not really. I figure your CAP should have flown, although CAP is porous. Maybe CAP did fly but that small group just slipped through unchallenged?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/22/2011 10:05:03 PM)

DEI:  Not sure what the problem is/was with my CAP at Oosthaven.  Despite being a level nine field with 300+ aviation support, an asterisk appeared when I pulled up a menu to consider transferring aircraft to the field.  When I reduced the number of squadrons from 72 to 66, the asterisk disappeared.  That's no guarantee CAP will fly, but I'll cross my fingers.

KB:  USN sub took a shot at CV Shokaku between Marcus and Wake Island.  The sighting occurred in a position where it doesn't seem that the CV was bound to Japan from Kwajalein to upgrade.  I'm wondering if she's heading to NoPac, either on a raid or to possibly cover the long-awaited counterinvasion of Para and/or Onnekotan.  I'll shall keep a weather eye out.

NoPac:  See above.  CA Quincy will lead a few supply ships into Para in the next few days, then bug out before Shokaku could arrive.

CenPac:  The US Army units at Ndeni destroyed the two little invading units.

SoPac:  Desultory (this word is for Cribtop's benefit) bombings at Pago Pago.

SWPac:  Tanks will land at Milne Bay tomorrow or the next day.  No sign of enemy awareness.

Burma:  The Happy Stalemate at Magwe continues.

paullus99 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/22/2011 10:19:13 PM)

Very strange - not sure why that should occur, especially given the attributes of the Level 9 airfield. At least reducing the number of squadrons should help (another reason to keep up the airfield building - so you can spread out additional squadrons).

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/22/2011 10:38:48 PM)

Sincerly i think it's impossible they didn't fly...something must have happened... at Karachi i experienced months of daily fights with an AF lvl 9 crowded with 1000 planes and they always flew...[&:]

vettim89 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/22/2011 10:40:11 PM)

Do you have an AIr HQ at Oosthaven?

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/23/2011 2:49:35 AM)

Did the combat report show the raid was detected? At what range?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/23/2011 6:44:26 PM)

We're nine months into the war.  No need to detail the favorable postion in which the Allies find themselves at this early date, as that's been recently discussed at length.
DEI:  Japan didn't fly any missions vs. Oosthaven, so I don't know whether my CAP is operating properly or not.  The previous turn remains a mystery (to answer Cribtop's question, the raid was detected; CAP should have been plentiful).  BB North Carolina's damage is dropping as she makes her way to map's edge.  She's two days out.  Japanese bombers plastered Padang's airfield today.  It's shut down, but that's okay.  While Steve focuses there, the Allies can focus on reinforcing Billiton, Toboali, etc.  Hornet is back on station.  Saratoga has 13 more days at Colombo.

Burma:  The Happy Stalemate at Magwe continues.  Another IJ unit is on the way, so we'll soon see if it's enough to threaten the stalemate.

NoPac:  Quincy TF and two supply xAKs will arrive at Para tonight, with a larger supply TF two days away.  Quincy will stay for about three days and then get out of dodge on the chance that enemy carriers are enroute.  Para's defenses can be defeated, but they are in reasonable shape at the moment.  630 AV with 28k supply and four forts.

CenPac:  It looks like an enemy invasion force might be inbound to Tabituea from the southwest - an odd direction.  Tabi has 100 AV behind two forts; enough to prevent it from being a freebie, but I wish I had more.

SoPac:  IJ AV at Pago Pago down to about 325.

SWPac:  Tanks are ashore at Milne Bay.  Three valuable AK are involved in this hazardous forward duty.  I hope to withdraw them in another day.  The big reinforcement convoys heading for PM and Milne are nearing Townsville.  Still no signs of enemy awareness or interest in these places.

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/23/2011 6:47:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

SWPac:  Tanks are ashore at Pago Pago.  Three valuable AK are involved in this hazardous forward duty.  I hope to withdraw them in another day.  The big reinforcement convoys heading for PM and Milne are nearing Townsville.  Still no signs of enemy awareness or interest in these places.

You mean Milne Bay right?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/23/2011 6:48:30 PM)

er, yes.  I shall edit to fix the 1,719,683 typo I've made to date.

princep01 -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/23/2011 7:21:35 PM)

CR, do you have the recon ability to tell if Chez is building or leaving Fiji? Could this withdrawal from Pago-Pago signal that he has basically given up any offensive ideas and is now working hard on building a defensive perimeter closer to the Home Is.? I realize he is fairly strong at Savaii, but that might be nothing more than a rear guard to protect withdrawals at this point.

I'll confess that I do NOT have a clue what he is up to. Very baffling. At one point Alfred and Chickboy were giving him at least some advice....but I have not seen anything in a long time indicating that is still ongoing. But, given this is a Scenario 2 affair, I would think Chez as a lot of firpower awaiting your inevitable offensive. That is all I can see that is going on. if so, he is thinking completely defensively now (but for the invasion of Tabituea (whoop!). Do you feel you have the power to launch a real offiveness thrust somewhere now or would that be premature in your view?

Very odd and interesting game.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/23/2011 7:46:56 PM)

My suspicion is that Steve is still cautiously on the offensive in many theaters - Burma, NoPac, and CenPac in particular.  I think he has identified the Pacific as a region where he has achieved local superiority of forces, and I think he likes the comfort level of fighting in an area where he has control rather than venturing into waters  where he doesn't (the DEI).

I am pretty sure he will attempt something in NoPac before winter, and I expect efforts to take (or at least surround) Tarawa, Tabituea, and Ndeni. 

I think he has concluded (or soon will conclude) that he isn't going any further in SoPac.  This will probably increase once he discovers Allied activity at PM and Milne Bay.

The Allies have currently "shot their wad" in the Pacific - I've utilized most of my available troops in probing and taking advance bases all over the place.  At present, my strategy in this region is to continue occupying and building bases that are currently vacant but still controlled by the Allies.  In addition to those already mentioned, Horn Island, Merauke, and eventually, if still possible, bases northwest and north of Darwin.

The Allies are sending troops from India to reinforce Upper Burma, so the Allies intend to continue fighting for possession of this position.

But the real Allied push will come out of Sumatra.  The Allies are in the process of a massive shifting of troops from India to Oosthaven.  From there, I am feeding them forward to the islands between Sumatra and Borneo.  If Steve fails to respond adequately, the next step will be to move on Ketapang (under Allied control right now) and Singkawang (held by Japan).  The Allied position in Sumatra - land, air and sea - is very strong at the moment; but imagine how strong it will be in coming months as most reinforcements are committed there.  Allied power really begins grow in late '42, so the Allies are in great position to probe north from Sumatra unless Japan acts quickly to establish an MLR; and that's something Steve doesn't seem to be attending to as he continues to look for offensive opportunities.

HansBolter -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/23/2011 9:42:57 PM)

I find the biggest reason planes don't fly is weather.

Was Oosthaven socked in with heavy cloud cover? Thundeerstorms?

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 2:26:05 AM)

I just noticed desultory. A very salutary effort, CR.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 7:21:44 AM)

Oy! The Mystery of the Missing Cap at Oosthaven, the latest Hardy Boys mystery, was finally solved! Boy, howdy, am I a capable sleuth! It took me just three days to puzzle through it (a feat for which I am disqualified from joining Joe Hardy in his next adventure). See combat report excerpt below. The culprit is "bolded."

Night Air attack on TF, near Oosthaven at 48,96

Weather in hex: Overcast

Japanese aircraft
B5N1 Kate x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N1 Kate: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged

Allied Ships
BB Valiant
CA Portland

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B5N1 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 34 minutes

ny59giants -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 11:09:12 AM)

Are there any plans to recapture all of Sumatra?? Taking it would put Malaya at risk and make his position in Burma more difficult to hold, IMO.

GreyJoy -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 12:56:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Oy! The Mystery of the Missing Cap at Oosthaven, the latest Hardy Boys mystery, was finally solved! Boy, howdy, am I a capable sleuth! It took me just three days to puzzle through it (a feat for which I am disqualified from joining Joe Hardy in his next adventure). See combat report excerpt below. The culprit is "bolded."

Night Air attack on TF, near Oosthaven at 48,96

Weather in hex: Overcast

Japanese aircraft
B5N1 Kate x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N1 Kate: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged

Allied Ships
BB Valiant
CA Portland

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B5N1 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 34 minutes


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 2:17:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants
Are there any plans to recapture all of Sumatra?? Taking it would put Malaya at risk and make his position in Burma more difficult to hold, IMO.

Conquering western Sumatra should be very difficult or impossible. If the Allies landed there in strength, Japan should be able to counter by flooding reinforcements in by making the short hop from Singapore to Tiangasomething or Medan. Japan has so many ground units that I rate the chances of success as small.

The Allies are trying to accomplish the same thing, though, through a plan that currently seems more promising. The Allies are occupying island bases north of Sumatra - Billiton, Toboala, Muntok and Singkep. Soon, the Allies will also occupy Ketapang and Pontianak (still Allied-controlled) on south Borneo. If things still look good, the next step would be to advance a massive army from Pontianak to Singkawang (Japanese held) over-land.

If the Allies build these bases large - especially Montok, Singkep and Singkawang, they have shut off IJ access by sea to Singapore, which will also shut down IJ shipping to Burma.

All of this base building will take some time, but as soon as the stacks of engineers building forts at Palembang (currently 8.60) and Oosthaven (8.43) finish, I'll begin moving them offshore.

I think Japan is about to commit to an invasion of NoPac with massive force. If so, that "buys" the Allies several weeks of freedom in the DEI to occupy and build.

zuluhour -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 2:22:56 PM)

Night Air attack Don't watch the replays, Huh?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 3:24:32 PM)

Zulu:  I've watched every replay in this particular match, but somehow it just didn't register.  :)

NoPac:  USN sub misses a shot at a TF including BBs Nagato and Hiei in the southern Kuriles.  No question now that Japan is massing for a counterinvasion of Onne and/or Para.  I've ordered CA Quincy TF to retire from Para to Attu. 

CenPac:  That IJ TF making for Tabituea was hit by SBDs out of that base, damaging two xAK, neither of which was carrying troops.  Now I'm wondering if this was a TF that Steve lost track of, allowing it to take a course to close to an Allied base while retiring somewhere or other.

SoPac:  Bettys bombing PP every day.

SWPac:  The two big reinforcement convoys bound for PM and Milne depart Townsville tonight.  These TFs have good ships, so I'm crossing my fingers that they won't be detected.  Still no sign of enemy awareness or interest.

DEI:  BB North Carolina will exit the map tonight.  Her damage levels dropped on the journey south, so things appear promising.  I've switched some of the small Dutch fighter units to night flying, with 30% CAP and 20% training.  It's not much, but there's not alot the Allies can do about night ops.  However, someday in the future the Allies will retaliate by some massive 4EB night bombing of Singapore or Balikpan.  I don't like night ops, because they seem too effective.  I've told Steve this previously, and that I wouldn't do them if he didn't.

Burma:  The Happy Stalemate continues.  Several IJ units are advancing on both roads to join the action in and around Magwe.  I'm not sure yet, but I don't think any of the reinforcements are large units, so I'm hoping the Statemate will continue.

Cribtop -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/24/2011 5:05:52 PM)

In the Kuriles, he missed the boat. Had he come before your reinforcement/re-supply mission, he could prevail fairly easily. Now, especially at PJ, you have the chance to create another stalemate or at least a big, long-lasting headache.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/25/2011 10:26:07 AM)

NoPac:  RO-65 sank two supply xAK in the past two days.  Supply is up to 31k.  All shipping has departed, so we now see if an invasion is coming.

CenPac:  A carrier TF SE of Tulagi sank three supply xAK at Ndeni.  SBDs out of Tabitueua scored hits on a handful of xAK.

SoPac:  The Japanese Dunkirk operation at PP continues.  I'm not positive yet, but I think Steve is reinforcing the Tulagi and Lunga vicinity.

SWPac:  With most of the tank unit ashore at Milne Bay, the three AK shall retire to Townsville.  The two big reinforcement convoys should arrive at PM and Milne in two days.

DEI:  BB North Carolina is off the map and 16 days from Capetown.  She looks good, so no more reports unless something major happens.  Massed IJ bombers hit Palembang today.  All my fighters are at Oosthaven covering some important reinfocement convoys, but flak downed and damaged a fair number of enemy aircraft.  I want to see if Steve is willing to accept losses of this sort.  If he is, I'll move some fighters to Palembang in a day or two.

Burma:  The Happy Stalemate at Magwe continues.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/25/2011 9:28:41 PM)

NoPac:  Nagato, Hiei and Furutaka bombard Paramushiro.  No sign yet of an invasion armada.

CenPac:  The IJ carrier TF that sank three xAK near Ndeni retired to the northwest, putting her in a position where I'm a little concerned that she could move into the Coral Sea.  More about this below.

SoPac:  Enemy AV at Pago Pago down to 250.

SWPac:  The enemy landed a small force at unoccupied Woodlark Island, just east of Milne Bay.  No sign of enemy awareness of Allied activity in this region, but my valuable AP and AK TF is just two hexes south of Milne.  Concerend that the enemy carriers might move this way, I'm moving this TF back toward Oz.  However, the Port Moresby TF will reach that base tonight.  Two Aussie Kittyhawk squadrons are providing CAP.

DEI: APDs will carry a battalion of 1st Marines to Billiton Island tonight.  The enemy bombed Palembang again, but in small and ineffective numbers.

Burma:  Guards Tanks Division arrived at Magwe, boosting enemy AV to about 1,000.  The Allies have 750 AV behind three forts.  The Allies still have air superiority simply because no enemy airfields are in the vicinity.

zuluhour -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/26/2011 1:04:43 AM)


edited: I had to go back in the AAR quite a ways, I forgot you still hold so much ground usually overrun much earlier. pardon me.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/27/2011 1:03:27 AM)

NoPac:  IJ minesweepers visit Para and get chewed on by shoreguns.  Another sign that an invasion is imminent.

CenPac:  Quiet.

SoPac:  Enemy AV down to the low 200s at Pago Pago.

SWPac:  Coastwatchers report Shokaku at Lunga.  Small enemy landing at Munda.  Following yesterday's little landing at Woodlark, it seems clear that Steve is attending to some housecleaning in this region.  The reinforcement convoy at PM arrives and isn't molested.  I'm going to detach part of the Milne force and send it on to that base, while the rest hover closer to Oz until the coast is clear.

DEI:  No enemy bombing attacks today.  I don't think Steve is willing to face the AA units at Palembang.  Part of 1st Marines is ashore at Billiton Island.

Burma:  The Happy Stalemate at Magwe continues.

desicat -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/28/2011 1:50:11 AM)

Any chance the Wasp and some CVE's are around to take some shots at the invasion force?

Do you have locations on the IJN CV force?

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/28/2011 2:37:48 AM)

Steve knows I recently had Wasp in theater, so I'm sure he'll plan to counter that threat.  In fact, I think he might plan an ambush of his own. 

I know some of KB is down around Lunga as it was just in action near Ndeni.  I think there are fleet carriers in NoPac, based primarily on the sighting of a fleet carrier between Wake and Marcus just a few days ago.

Wasp's F4Fs are still involved in the air defense of Paramushiro.  I'll probably withdraw them shortly and then send Wasp down to CenPac or SoPac.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/28/2011 7:56:07 PM)

NoPac:  A bit more IJ attention to Para in the way of bombers, but still no sign of an invasion force.

CenPac:  Except for the carriers recently retired from near Ndeni to Lunga, it seems quiet here.  The host of IJN combat ships and carriers is absent.  While some of these ships may have been sent to NoPac, I don't expect Steve to ignore this theater.

SoPac:  IJ AV at Pago Pago down to 225.

SWPac:  Troop transports to arrive at Milne Bay tonight.  Keeping my fingers crossed that they don't blunder into harm's way.  No sign of enemy detection.

DEI:  Billiton Island AV now up to 225.  Base forces are landing at Oosthaven.  In just a few days, the Allies will begin moving these forward to the bases to the north, including Billiton.  The enemy is still giving some attention to Padang and Palembang, but not to the extent of a few days past.

Burma:  The Happy Stalemate at Magwe continues.

Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/29/2011 6:47:52 PM)

Here's the current situation in and around Fortress Sumatra, from Cocos Island in the southeast to Singkep in the northwest. Two thoughts might occur to readers:

(1) What is Chez doing allowing such goings on?

(2) Canoe, you should occupy those vacant Borneo bases ASAP!

I don't really know the answer to the first question.

The answer to the second is more complicated. I could occupy the Boreno bases now, but my garrisons would be fairly weak and exposed until I get the nearby island airfields (Billiton etc.) up and running. I have decided instead to concentrate first on attending to the islands and to refrain from sticking my nose out too far at this early date in the game.

Despite the strong Allied position in and near Sumatra, the Japanese still have the ability to strongly and probably decisively deal with Allied moves north of Sumatra that stray out of range of big Allied airfields. So the Allies want to concentrate on building up those fields that are currently close to the big fields at Oosthaven and Palembang.

Eventually, the Allies will have the power to bull forward against whatever opposition is in the way, but that won't be until well into 1943. In the meantime, let the enemy come to us in waves that break upon the rocks that constitute the Allied MLR (here and elsewhere).

Note that I haven't mentioned the possibility of an IJ victory in eastern Sumatra. No such possibility exists at this point, IMO.


Canoerebel -> RE: Das darf nicht var sein! (11/29/2011 8:06:27 PM)

NoPac:  Japanese CL/DD TF and aircraft paying marginally effective attention to Para, but still no sign of a massive counterinvasion.  Wasp is at Kodiak and will recover he F4F squadron tomorrow.  At that point, she'll weigh anchor and head for the equator.

CenPac:  Quiet, though a coastwatcher reports a CV at Lunga.

SoPac:  IJ AV at Pago Pago down to about 150.

SWPac:  Landings going smoothly at Milne Bay.  The Allies now have 173 AV ashore.  Over at PM, the Allied garrison is about 155 AV.  Those aren't enough to stop a major counterattack, by any means, but they do give Steve that many more developing sitautions to attend to, and which he can't attend to with quick, easy action.

DEI:  Enemy bombers are targeting Padang's port facilities, so the airfield is fully operational again.  The Allies have posted 50 top-notch fighters there to see if we can make Steve pay a bit.  Other than that, things continue to develop slowly but satisfactorily, as the map above shows.

Burma:  Japan has about 1100 AV at Magwe, facing 750 Allied AV behind three forts.  We'll soon see if the Allies can maintain the Happy Stalemate.

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