Wish list (Full Version)

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critter -> Wish list (2/20/2011 9:33:26 PM)

Couldn't find the other feature thread. Please feel free to move this.
Just finished my first campaign. Great game.

Few things I'd like to see.
1 Must be able to reduce interface.
2 Make strategic map bigger and color Allied units another color. Hard to tell French units from German on it.
3 Have an Hq's units light up when it is selected. This will also allow players to check for cards as they'll more likely check their Hq's to see where its units are.
4 Add an All units in hex button/key so you don't have to select each unit on the attack screen.
5 Rewrite the rules after all is changed. They're a little skimpy on info as written now.

I'd also like the Ai tweaked alittle as it seems to build sky scrapper stacks of Britsh units in Belgian towns, while Belgians surrender. I managed 75% Brit Kia's

Not flaming. Just my wish list.

Oh yeah. Please don't go the way of SSG. Upgrade as you go. Don't leave us with 3 differn't systems to buy. Great job Vic.

RocketMan -> RE: Wish list (2/20/2011 10:52:08 PM)

See the Feature Suggestion List thread in the "Top" section of the Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris forum. Everything but #2 is already in there.

critter -> RE: Wish list (2/21/2011 12:04:48 AM)

Thanks RocketMan I knew I read it. Overlooked the top section. Wasn't trying to break new ground, just putting my .02 in.
Mods plz remove or move as ness.

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