augustinus -> Submarines and Max Reaction Level (2/22/2011 6:18:48 PM)
It seems to me, from AI/PBEM experience that a max level of 1 for submarines means that it will attack anything within sight/range, which I have found can be detrimental to the sub. At level 1 it sends a spread of torpedoes at DDs and PCs, which I'm not after, with no effect, usually, because these vessels are faster and more maneuverable, and the consequences of missed/dud torpedoes is a shower of DCs. So, I'm wondering if I put the Max Level at zero, will the sub discriminate between DDs and PCs and the fat boys, CVs, BBs, and CAs? If not, then there needs to be another level added: e.g. Zero for no reaction, 1, for the fat boys, and 2 for anything. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.