RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (Full Version)

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Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/16/2012 2:24:22 AM)

Time and time again, we find that entering the playoffs hot is as important as overall record. Sometimes moreso.

PS - A bit busy with RL right now, but will post several updates soon.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/16/2012 3:38:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

GIANTS DEFEAT PACKERS [sm=00000028.gif][sm=00000028.gif]

and refs. [;)]

Ok, now I'm getting worried. There is a real chance for a Patriots/Giants Superbowl again and that brings up bad memories.

Oh the horror...the horror.

Skipjack_ -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/16/2012 6:17:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

GIANTS DEFEAT PACKERS [sm=00000028.gif][sm=00000028.gif]

and refs. [;)]

Discount Double Choke

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/16/2012 8:02:28 PM)

Yeah, Sqz, I think the most likely result now is Pats-Giants II.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 9:18:55 PM)

July 19, 1942

Beginning about Thursday of last week, Real Life mounted an unexpected and intense offensive against me. It has finally been beaten back and thus we resume the AAR with a series of posts to catch up to the game.

Today, unfortunately, Operation Kraken ends in disaster after all. Full analysis in a separate post to come.


UK ASW ships DC I-16 near Karachi without effect. Question - Can you intercept enemy TFs in a wormhole hex or is it considered "off the map?" I had a TK convoy lined up but it just disappeared.

IJA ASW aircraft attack a sub near Formosa.

4th Fleet

No change.

SE Fleet

Kavieng makes level 1 airfield.

14th Army

No change.

16th Army

B-17s visit a tank regiment we have protecting the minor road that branches off south of Daly Waters toward the Broome area. More evidence that CF is going this way, perhaps.

25th Army

No change.

15th Army

Meiktila hits level 2 airfield. Atrocious weather stops even recon flights.


We hit the Changsha airfield hard as we spotted enemy aircraft based there. Numerous useless Chinese crates are rendered inoperable.

The former Kweilin garrison is trying to retreat overland to the NW instead of down the road to Changsha. We are pursuing and intend to drive him all the way to Hengyang.

DA at 85, 33 (near Ningsia) trashes an already defeated enemy corps with 19:1 odds, casualties 181(20) vs 12(0). Intention here is to drive them into the bush and further reduce their combat power. This allows a Mongol Cav unit to hold Ningsia, freeing up a brigade. The brigade will free up a division currently babysitting isolated Sining.

5th Fleet

And now the very bad news. To our surprise, CF is much further west than we thought and he finds the CVE Raiders trying to slip back to Japan. Storms prevent any AM strikes and give us some hope. However, the PM phase is all he needs.

We launch first in good numbers but the wall of CAP is far more than our puny strike can handle. All aircraft are shot down without even reaching the target.

Then the USN launches a very co-ordinated strike and just trashes us (to be expected given the relative strength of the TFs in play). He reacted into range where even the Devastators get in on the fun. Hosho, Taiyo and Unyo, along with 2 DDs, are sunk under a hail of bombs and torpedoes. Another DD is doomed. CL Yura and a fourth DD escape to run home to mama.

Obviously very disappointing, especially as these are the first carriers of any kind I've lost in 3 PBEMs. Nonetheless, we exposed these ships to risk because they were of limited value, we guessed wrong on where CF was parking his CVs, and thus we paid the price.

Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 9:23:22 PM)

Bad news. I would buy the squadrons back tho. They are carrier trained and will be handy.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 9:39:11 PM)

Analysis of the defeat

After the destruction of the CVE Raiders, CF and I had a very candid series of e-mails detailing why the CVEs lived so long after CF sprung his initial trap and why they finally died when both players thought they were home free.

As you recall, we fled NE after first contact, reasoning that with the USN CVs posted between our CVEs and Japan we couldn't slip by directly. This was the correct decision as CF thought we somehow got past (recall that he found and sunk a picket AMC we sent west in hopes of creating this impression). He then moved north until bumping up against the Aleutians, surprised we escaped.

Unbeknownst to me, CF brought fleet Oilers with him and was thus able to stay at sea longer than expected despite the speed run to get into position. I kept assuming he'd have to retire "any day now." Meanwhile, fuel was becoming an issue for the CVEs even though they were on idle in the same hex where they started.

I then spotted the USN sweeping East, and that led me to believe CF had guessed my location, both forcing me to move and leading me to believe he would continue East.

However, in CF's mind the move East was a defensive move, not offensive. He planned to retire to Pearl but got nervous the whole thing was a trap, with KB lurking near the Aleutians waiting to pounce (I considered such a move when I first mounted the Op, but scrapped it for lack of good LBA bases). Thus, he moved East for one day to throw me off the scent, then headed south for Pearl, spooking me into moving on an intercept course. Had I waited one more day... Sigh.

Tactical Intel

We learned a few things about CF. First, he is willing to fight when he likes his odds. Second, he kept Devastators on his CVs, which could come in handy in the coming months. Third, he appears to be keeping every flight deck in the USN together. Fourth, basing his carriers at Pearl, while no doubt a nod to the more historical tack of this game, is also indicative that his plans for a counter-offensive may be more remote than I've been assuming. Much to ponder.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 9:57:43 PM)

July 20, 1942

GZ, we'll definitely buy back the air groups soon. We want to buy another division out of Manchuria first, but then will attend to a few other tasks such as the air groups.


I-20 misses an ASW KV near Karachi. We are re-positioning away from Karachi as CF is well and truly on to us here.

An ASW DMS TF and Porpoise trade duds and DCs near Singers.

4th Fleet, SE Fleet, 14th Army

No change.

16th Army

Madjene invaded as we continue to clean up the DEI.

25th Army

No change.

15th Army

Akyab makes level 4 airfield for the enemy.

This is a good time to mention that have called off the 3 division attack on Akyab. Why? It appears the enemy is building bases in Ceylon, NE India, SOPAC (Luganville and Noumea) and, oddly, China. This hints at his emphasis for offensive action and is consistent with his recently discovered CV placement. Thus, Cribtop Intel assigns a high likelihood to some sort of move on Burma. Our generals don't want to be caught out of position trying to march through the jungle.

Further, when you analyze the map, we don't want to shock attack over the river, but rather wish to move overland into the hex NE (map) of Akyab. However, in order to approach unseen, we'd need to cross two overland hexes plus a third to enter the actual target hex. At four miles per day, we aren't attacking until October, which is just too late.

In the end Cribtop HQ concludes that we are heavily committed in China and need to forestall major ground offensives elsewhere until that adventure is completed.


Marching on the enemy.

5th Fleet

The enemy chooses to retire, sparing our surviving escort ships. We move WNW toward the RV with our slow Oilers, a much-reduced and dispirited force.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 10:30:40 PM)

Edit because we posted the same day twice.

ny59giants -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 10:32:38 PM)

An Allied player in mid-'42 will have all his CVs (Lex, Sara, Enterprise, Yorktown, Hornet) and maybe a Brit CV if they haven't all met their withdrawl dates. You just passed July 1st when both sides can re-size some of your carrier airgroups. CF has played Japan to know this. Your CVEs are valuable for future operations and if I knew they were out there, I would have aggressive gone after them. They are too slow to run away and you almost got away with it. Cf is now applying his knowledge of Japan's strength and weaknesses to his advantage.

Look for him to use his ground forces to attack you in Burma to force you to commit more and more troops there. I'm learning in early April '43 that they can be a force by themselves with the number of AA units he has to make use of LBs very expensive. My poor Helens cannot get low enough to cause worth while casualties due to the shear number of AA guns. Losing 10 to 15 per day is not going to work. [:(]

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 10:38:36 PM)

Yes, Michael, that's pretty much what I believe he'll try. A Commonwealth offensive in Burma plus a US attack in SOPAC.

FYI, we have successfully re-sized the KB air groups to emphasize more Zeros. Soryu and Hiryu are almost done with CV upgrades, Shokaku and Zuikaku are next.

Mike Solli -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 10:40:50 PM)



Obviously very disappointing, especially as these are the first carriers of any kind I've lost in 3 PBEMs.

The first one is always the toughest. Can't say it gets any easier though. [:(]

ny59giants -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 10:42:29 PM)

My re-size was to enable me getting two torpedo strikes out of each CV if I don't have any losses. Them like you focus on the fighter size.

I had a lot of very small size FP taken off my BBs and CAs that did not use the CS to re-size. Just ran them through an AV to get them to size 9.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 11:05:26 PM)

July 21, 1942

A good day in China!


We have shifted the Karachi wolf pack to the tip of the subcontinent. We also have another wolf pack near Colombo. This is because of several recent "heavy volume" intercepts from Colombo.

4th Fleet, SE Fleet, 14th Army

No change.

16th Army

Madjene occupied.

It appears that the enemy armor in NW Oz is not advancing after all. There is also no sign of the B-17s.

25th Army

No change.

15th Army

We will soon upgrade the Rangoon Nells to G3M3 and then swap them with Bettys currently at Port Blair.

Airfield buildapalooza: Prome to 4, Toungoo to 2, Calcutta to 7.


So far, the enemy has responded to Operation Red Dragon with a series of local counter attacks by existing stacks near Kukong and Changsha. We believed we had sufficient force defending the sides of the developing kessel, CF apparently disagreed. Today is judgment day, and our forces are not found wanting.

First, we DA the former Kweilin garrison at 76, 53, achieving a 2:1 and retreating 6 LCUs a second time, which should leave them shells. Casualties are 7352(526) vs 982(1). Our armor pursues, leaving the new enemy occupied hex "unowned." This means our armor can move to cut the enemy off from Hengyang.

CF tries two Allied DAs. The first, at 77, 56 (near Wuchow), is a 1:2 affair with casualties 2385(20) vs 871(2). We have lots of supply nearby to recover and will use the IJAAF wing at Canton to pound the enemy here.

Next, a much bigger DA at Changsha goes in at 1:2, destroying one enemy LCU and resulting in casualties of 10249(287) vs 4067(13).

Thus, with his only reserves still at Chungking, CF finds himself stuck at the bottom of the bag with 17th Army's crack troops only three hexes of good road away from closing the top of the sack on up to 45 LCUs.

His situation here, IMHO, is dire. He has lost 1,575 Chinese squads in a week, while our main maneuver force is about to slam the back door to Changsha. Meanwhile, two more divisions will reinforce the IJA in the region over the next few days. He can still abandon Changsha, but that is fine with us as the loss of the Changsha cluster should cripple supply on a strategic scale for the Chinese army.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 11:11:58 PM)


On your good advice, I've taken the "2" FP groups off BBs and CAs, re-sizing to 20 using a CS. The "1" groups upgrade to Jakes and re-size to fit the ship. This gives more nav search groups (20 Jakes cover a good bit of arc) and improved search for the IJN.


I hear you. [:(] Still, we learn the lesson and move on. Not sure what else to do with slow CVEs, but in time it seems all raiders are brought to justice.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/18/2012 11:25:25 PM)

July 22, 1942


An active day. An ASW TF DCs Porpoise near Groot Natoena and gets a fuel tank hit. O 20 misses a DD near Singers and then takes a penetrating hit from return fire. DD Fortune hunts but can't locate I-20 near Bombay.

4th Fleet

No change.

SE Fleet

More engineers unload at Gasmata. Bases are building fast in this AO now. Luganville makes level 5 airfield, so CF has his engineers hard at work, too. Cribtop Intel suspects we could be in for a show here whenever CF is ready to attack.

14th Army, 16th Army

No change.

25th Army

We have finally gotten the third brigade of 18th Division loaded and shipped to Batavia. From there 18th and 56th Divisions will sail to Luzon.

15th Army

No change.


There are no further Chinese attacks this turn. Our bombers hit Changsha airfield hard, aiming to kill supply. We also bomb the stack near Wuchow.

One armor unit slips between the former Kweilin garrison and Hengyang. Our lead element is thus only two hexes west (map) of Hengyang now.

5th Fleet

After a surprisingly long battle against the ocean, DD Murasame slips under the waves today, adding to the CVE Raider butcher's bill. The brave crew worked the pumps until getting the "decks awash, abandon ship" message. The Captain survived and we assume the Emperor's portrait was packed into the lifeboats.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 3:35:28 AM)

Open Questions

A few open questions to the readership:

1) nygiants59 - you recently indicated that the CVEs would be useful in future operations. Granted I'd love not to have lost them, but didn't make them part of MKB due to low speed. In your opinion, how are they useful?

2) To all - What, if anything, are the lessons of the failure of Operation Kraken (the CVE Raiders)? What have I missed? Should raiding be left to subs? To subs or LCTFs?

3) To all - Is my optimism in China warranted or am I off base? It seems to me that Changsha, Kukong and eventually Nanning fall, opening the Singers to Port Arthur land route; and that the KMT starves. This allows me to shift divisions to the Pacific and DEI. What do you think?

vicberg -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 3:46:40 AM)

Vietnam to Fusan LOC is IMO the MOST import japanese strategic objective of the game, often overlooked because it's not as exciting as India/OZ/SoPac/PH.  The savings in fuel alone is massive.  Pull from Fusan while increasing the port (and the port next to it, forget the name) and you can pull fuel/oil/resources a 3 hex distance instead of 60+ hexes from Cam -> Formosa -> HI.  There are plenty of players who have conquered China or at least opened the LOC.  Balikpan -> Soerabaja (8 hexes? maybe 9).  Merak -> Osthaven (2 hexes).  Palembang -> Singers (6 hexes).  Fusan -> HI (3 hexes).  Easy (as can be expected) to escort, protect from subs and save fuel. 

IMO, India/OZ/SoPac/PH are diversions.  They keep the enemy further away, but as Greyjoy just showed us, doesn't prevent an allied attack elsewhere. 

vicberg -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 3:49:13 AM)

Also, the japanese attempted this very same thing.  They attacked Changsha in 1944 with 17 divisions and eventually won.  Unfortunately for the japanese, it was too late. 

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 3:58:49 AM)

Operation ICHI-GO, right? Thanks for the input vicberg!

PaxMondo -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 3:59:43 AM)



3) To all - Is my optimism in China warranted or am I off base? It seems to me that Changsha, Kukong and eventually Nanning fall, opening the Singers to Port Arthur land route; and that the KMT starves. This allows me to shift divisions to the Pacific and DEI. What do you think?

Absolutely agree. If you can take china out of the war, it is a big deal. It should allow you to seal Burma longer ... keeping the DEI flow going that much longer.

ny59giants -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 4:10:48 AM)

While CVEs are not the fastest carriers you have now and will have in the future, they can be part of Mini-KB which you may need to protect transports and use as a supplement to KB and hopefully KB2 which will be formed after the 6 Unryu Class CVs come out in late '43. They could help in ways that do not rely upon speed as an asset.

Your raid was a risk and you lost. Besides not having the number of Kates needed to inflict more than minor damage to any TF they came across, they are not fast enough to get away, IMO. I would say that the cost analysis would not have had me sending them out just for a raid. Not with the American CVs able to run you down. Use them as bait to get the Americans CVs out with KB lurking, would be something I would have tried.

I do better as an Allied player as I'm more methodical. Thus, the need to play a game or two as Japan to get out of that comfort zone. [;)] At this point in the game, I would have to go back and tell myself to play somewhat more aggressively to try to get some more breathing space. Attack Pearl again....hell no!! But, I would try to send most of my CVs of all size and speed to operate in the eastern part of the map.

Use your Glen equipped subs to be your recon there Gen Stuart. Don't go off looking at Washington DC and leave Gen Lee without intel. If anything, some AMC out to shake the bushes.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 4:18:29 AM)



3) To all - Is my optimism in China warranted or am I off base? It seems to me that Changsha, Kukong and eventually Nanning fall, opening the Singers to Port Arthur land route; and that the KMT starves. This allows me to shift divisions to the Pacific and DEI. What do you think?

I think you should be optimistic, but keep the pressure on. Do not let the Chinese hunker down in the rough terrain in any kind of numbers. Attack, attack...attack! Bomb, bomb...bomb. Pin your ears back and just don't relent until you exhaust your advance or reach your predetermined defensive line. Time is your enemy in China, do not let them consolidate any kind of defensive line, maneuver around them, keep the battle fluid.

Mike Solli -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 11:04:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: vicberg

Vietnam to Fusan LOC is IMO the MOST import japanese strategic objective of the game, often overlooked because it's not as exciting as India/OZ/SoPac/PH.  The savings in fuel alone is massive.  Pull from Fusan while increasing the port (and the port next to it, forget the name) and you can pull fuel/oil/resources a 3 hex distance instead of 60+ hexes from Cam -> Formosa -> HI.  There are plenty of players who have conquered China or at least opened the LOC.  Balikpan -> Soerabaja (8 hexes? maybe 9).  Merak -> Osthaven (2 hexes).  Palembang -> Singers (6 hexes).  Fusan -> HI (3 hexes).  Easy (as can be expected) to escort, protect from subs and save fuel. 

IMO, India/OZ/SoPac/PH are diversions.  They keep the enemy further away, but as Greyjoy just showed us, doesn't prevent an allied attack elsewhere. 

I agree with this but have one suggestion. I would pull only oil and resources, not fuel. The fuel suffers from loss during this. Not sure how much but I'd make some changes in the SRA. In the SRA, shut off all refineries except for producing fuel for fleet operations and fueling the HI there. Everything else remains oil so it can be shipped to Singapore then trucked to Fusan without loss. The Home Islands have plenty of refinery capability to handle the oil. If you really want to save the maximum amount of fuel, don't let it move by land.

PaxMondo -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 2:35:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

I agree with this but have one suggestion. I would pull only oil and resources, not fuel. The fuel suffers from loss during this. Not sure how much but I'd make some changes in the SRA. In the SRA, shut off all refineries except for producing fuel for fleet operations and fueling the HI there. Everything else remains oil so it can be shipped to Singapore then trucked to Fusan without loss. The Home Islands have plenty of refinery capability to handle the oil. If you really want to save the maximum amount of fuel, don't let it move by land.


Great observation ... I had completely overlooked the excess refining capacity in the HI. Making changes to my plans now ...


Crackaces -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 2:54:03 PM)


Your raid was a risk and you lost. Besides not having the number of Kates needed to inflict more than minor damage to any TF they came across, they are not fast enough to get away, IMO. I would say that the cost analysis would not have had me sending them out just for a raid. Not with the American CVs able to run you down. Use them as bait to get the Americans CVs out with KB lurking, would be something I would have tried.

I would agree with that 100%. I have discussed privately with Cribtop my poker background, but you see this on TV .. going all in when the other player is likely to fold if beat and only call if he has you beat. So a small pot is won with maximum risk. In this situation, to invest a lot to sink a few ships, but if found .. disaster ...

Raids with the CVL/CVE forces are very likely to be found. The SIGINT gives "Heavy radio transmission" where the Allied player simply pivots PA platforms to check out the areas where these transmission are coming from .. and as NY59Giants states once found .. easily smashed ..

BTW) I could see such raids agaisnt a player that has not established regular serach arcs and does not pivot them .. but those SIGINT messages remind the Allied player to go ahead and adjust arcs or move platforms ..

That exact situation occured in my game. I tracked this mini-KB for four fulll turns and caught the Mini-KB whilst undetected launching against Baker Island ... for one xAK and a few planes 1 CVL lost 2 out for 3 months for 10 USNAAF planes lost ..

Just my .02 ..

John 3rd -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 4:12:15 PM)

Just caught up on the AAR Cribtop. A good and solid read.

Think your China position is quite promising.

CVEs are tough. Thoughts:
1. I like to use them as Raiders as well and, generally, suffer the same results. One possible way to improve their survivability is to link them with the slower CV conversions--Junyo/Hiyo--for greater firepower. Those two CV are somewhat slow and I don't like to keep them with the carriers so it simply falls to link them up with the even slower CVEs.

2. Another way to use and abuse them is to place only Zeros on them and use them to set-up CAP traps. Use them to draw in the Allied airpower and then sweep in with fully operational CV Air Groups.

My .02...

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 5:58:39 PM)

Thanks for all the responses, folks. A few thoughts before moving on...

1) I concur with the idea that in the end, CVE (or CV/CVL) raiding of convoy lanes ends up a high risk/low yield proposition. The only big upside would be catching a troop convoy or a lone CVE or CVL transiting from CONUS to the front. Odds are you'll get a few supply convoys and then get smacked. CVEs are too slow and by definition you have to go into Indian Country to reach the convoy routes.

2) This does not apply to raids against specific, high value targets. For example, the raids in jrcar's AAR by KB smashed lots of key enemy shipping, including tankers and AP/AK assault ships. In my own game, the losses inflicted at Darwin, Soerabaja, and, to an unluckily lesser degree, Colombo, were worth the lower amount of risk to KB.

3) I used FP equipped AMCs as pickets, but kept them too close to the CVE TF to provide enough warning. They were at four hexes, should've been farther out except when making the run between Midway and the Aleutians. I should have posted Glen boats near Pearl and even CONUS to watch for emerging targets and threats as well. Recall the elaborate screens created IRL at Midway to watch Pearl. They were put in place too late to catch the USN's departure due to SIGINT intercepts revealing the IJN plan, but the concept was sound.

4) IMHO upping the ante on raids by including the slow CVs probably doesn't change the equation much in the IJN's favor. If Junyo and Hiyo had been present, we maybe sink, but probably only damage, 1 USN CV and they die too. In a similar situation in other AARs (jrcar and PzB, IIRC) these two CVs ended up sunk too.

Conclusion: deep convoy raiding should be left to subs and, rarely, LCTFs. Raids against specific, fixed targets are a different type of Op and can be done in the right circumstances.

Cribtop -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/19/2012 6:15:33 PM)

July 23, 1942


Sealion duds on an xAK near Formosa. Plunger hits an xAK near Tokyo. The ship will probably make it.

4th Fleet

As we shift more towards a defensive posture, a small Emily group pulls back from our secret AV base at Nukufetau to TB to ensure coverage of the gap near Ocean Island. We still have a Mavis group at Nukufetau.

SE Fleet

Gasmata makes level 2 airfield, Hollandia level 3. For the enemy, Noumea hits level 5.

14th Army

The last regiment committed to the central PI loads up as garrison issues are finally resolved. They will go to either Sabang or Port Blair.

16th Army

Turns out the enemy armor is indeed advancing on Daly as they move a hex today. It took them four days, a sign our bombing is slowing them up. We will continue bombing, shift one additional brigade of 21st Division forward just in case, use our flanking armor unit to try to cut in behind the enemy, and rely on the strong defenses at Daly.

Waingapoe makes level 1 airfield, Bandoeng level 4.

25th Army

Loading for Luzon while hordes of raw materials (so far) placidly move to Japan.

15th Army

Karachi makes level 7 port.


We will catch up to the former Kweilin garrison again tomorrow. Bombing continues everywhere.

Oddly, recon reveals that Nanning apparently has been abandoned by the KMT. We will fly again tomorrow to confirm. We have troops in Liuchow, so we would have seen the enemy if they were marching there (adjacent units). That leaves an invasion of Vietnam, a march south against the coast, or withdrawal into the interior as the possibilities. Cribtop Intel rates withdrawal as the most likely course of enemy action.

ny59giants -> RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A) (1/20/2012 3:19:02 AM)

RF Guns - You have some of these units in China to do what?!? They are equipped with AT guns to fight what Chinese armor?? [&:] If you haven't moved them yet, they should go to Burma or Australia.

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