German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (Full Version)

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2ndACR -> German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/6/2011 6:53:41 PM)

New game. This game, I am going to try and do much better than previous games. But also try and do better than Tullius' last opponent and not let him kill all those Panzer troops so soon.

We shall see what happens.

PeeDeeAitch -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/6/2011 7:34:40 PM)

Now now, I have the market cornered. I demand you show German invincibility.

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/6/2011 9:01:27 PM)

Turn 2 is sent.

Tillius got some holds on turn 1 so that set me back some. I have 3 panzer div across the river south of Riga. Standard pocket formed in the AGC area of operations.

In the AGS 1 panzer Corps sent from AGC to seal northern pocket. Rovno captured. Lvov pocket failed due to holds. So I came up short there. But will complete the pocket next turn and try to catch anything left.

Not posting screen shots this turn because we have all seen them a thousand times. Will start posting them next turn after we see what Tillius does in response.

PeeDeeAitch -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/6/2011 9:05:05 PM)

See what I said in the Kovel thread.  I did ok with not closing the Lvov pocket on turn 1 (or turn 2 *blush*)

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/6/2011 9:20:39 PM)

I saw it, I don't worry too much about it. I will bag 90% of them turn 2 and 3. Unless he gets ballsy and manages to isolate the farthest panzer div which will require me to mount a rescue effort.

I got all the rail lines cut so he is forced to march them out at the least.

PeeDeeAitch -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/6/2011 9:22:52 PM)

That is key. They can only go so far. And unless you bag them all on turn 1 or 2, there is plenty of gas since you are still close to the railheads (unlike the panzers sucking fumes next to the Dnepr in PzG 2 and 3...)

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 12:51:20 AM)

Turn 2

In the north, Riga falls and armor continues moving east. Not going to stick my neck out too far, but have still stuck it out there some.


2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 12:52:36 AM)

Turn 2 Center

Turn 1 pockets eliminated. Minsk weakly isolated. Infantry advancing to the front.


2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 12:53:55 AM)

Turn 2 South

Here the Lvov pocket is completed. He got some out, but not all of them. Armor advancing to the east and 6th Army keeping pace.


2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 12:54:36 AM)

And turn 2 casualties


Klydon -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 3:28:56 AM)

Hmm.. I see a fair number of your units getting put out of supply. He should be able to reestablish contact with the Stanislav and Minsk pockets as well rather cheaply. 

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 3:39:40 AM)

He will go back into supply, but not escape. It delays my killing his army quick, but I have to keep moving east. I have tried the halt and allow infantry to close the distance but that allows him to dig in deeper. That I cannot afford.

I should be able to open my lines back up to any units that get cut off the next turn.  Unless I get popped by mud, but I think he said non random weather so I might get lucky.

Mynok -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 5:15:52 AM)

You're gonna get some armor isolated in AGN.

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 11:57:49 PM)

Turn 3

Judging by all the hits his thread has gotten, you all must have seen that glorious counter attack he launched. Well, I had a moment of "oh crap" when I first opened the turn. I did not grab screen shots at turn start, but I bet he has some in his. LOL

Should I make you all wait or just give up the info?

Nah, why prolong the agony.

In the north, 3 panzer div isolated, as I thought might happen. But, all are back in supply again and safe another turn. Infantry have closed the distance and are now in supporting range.


2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/7/2011 11:59:09 PM)

Turn 3 Central

Tillius isolated half of AGC armor, but all are safe and in supply again. Infantry have closed the distance and also in much better support distance.


2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 12:00:57 AM)

Turn 3 South

Here was the biggest moment of panic. But it worked out in my favor big time. He now has a huge army pocketed. Glad I shifted that AGC Panzer Corps to the south. It paid off in spades. It will be close, but I think I have him firmly trapped.


Senno -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 12:01:59 AM)

The back and forth is amazing in this game.

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 12:03:55 AM)

Overall, I was surprised by his counter attack. First opponent I have had that really did a major counter attack like that. Most form lines in the north near Pskov, behind the Dnepr in the Center, and form a line in the south. So, I will have to adjust my thought pattern to his play style.

God that was a fun turn.

Senno -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 12:06:37 AM)



God that was a fun turn.

That's it, right there.[:)]

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 12:13:14 AM)

It had it's moments of doubt, but the more I looked at the turn, the more I thought I could turn this around, and there it was. He did not pin my northern armor units. That was the key, they had full movement available to them to head south at break neck speed. I would have been screwed if he would have pinned my northern forces and forced me to use up movement points attacking, but the entire center was clear except for a few weak units that got bumped out of the way.

Plus 6th Army was close enough to make the initial bumps. I hope the entire game is this fun. LOL

Oh, and if you all are wondering, that lower gap in Romania was a boo boo on my part, I forgot to move the air landing Div up to close it off.

Pipewrench -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 12:48:35 AM)

that pocket in the south is a thing of beauty. Stalin will be executing many generals by week's end.

keep the guns loaded and the gas tank full. thanks for the AAR

Mynok -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 2:47:22 AM)

Where is the rest of 17th army? I would expect to see more towards the front.

Nice response to his attack. He did set you back a turn in the north, though. You'll need to make that up if Leningrad is your goal.

How's the fuel on those 4th Panzer corps? Assuming you've done your recon, you have an opportunity there if you have the gas.

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 2:54:50 AM)

He left a good sized pocket of troops west of Lvov so I have some there that only had 6-8 movement for some reason. That is where most of them are.

They will be closing the distance next turn. Hate to have him rush all my airfields and such.

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 2:57:35 AM)

Shoot Mynok you know I can never keep track of the Corps numbers. All are/were at 40% fuel at turn end. I did massive fuel lifts to all panzer units. I expect to start having serious fuel issues come turn 5 or so. That is about where it always hits me until the rail closes the distance more.

Mynok -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 3:24:33 AM)

Yes, that's about how it goes. Get those Pz HQs forward and drop on them next turn.

Klydon -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 3:45:29 AM)

The gas question got answered. I guess the other is the supplies and fatigue factor with spending a fair amount of time isolated.

Nice moves in the south. That gives new meaning to the term double encirclement. :)

Mynok -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/8/2011 4:01:16 AM)

That's the advantage of those extra panzers down there. Really puts pressure on the Sovs.

2ndACR -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/9/2011 1:48:52 AM)

Well, guess no turn for today. Had to sacrifice a cat and 1 kid to get my gaming fix.

So, in the meantime, I am going to run a head to head game against myself and try out a new strategy and see what happens.

Senno -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/9/2011 2:14:33 AM)

Shoot. Was looking forward to see the counter, and your reaction.

Exciting game!


Josh -> RE: German Folly 2ndAcr (GE) vs Tullius (Reds) (3/9/2011 1:27:40 PM)

"...Turn 3

Judging by all the hits his thread has gotten, you all must have seen that glorious counter attack he launched. Well, I had a moment of "oh crap" when I first opened the turn. I did not grab screen shots at turn start, but I bet he has some in his. LOL

Sure thing, we all saw it and we all enjoyed it. [:D] 
Great game, great AAR. [&o]

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