RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (Full Version)

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M60A3TTS -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/6/2011 12:58:15 PM)

Can you post a screenie of the production pool for air?

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/6/2011 1:43:10 PM)

Sure, will do next turn. I seem to have lots of planes in the pool.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/7/2011 8:37:52 AM)

Turn 73 over, another mud turn, not much happened.

He made another successful attack in the Crimea, in the mountains, in the mud, although at least this time there was no forts or defending rifle corps:

I was able to reoccupy the hex, and air-supplied the stack in the mountains away from the coast.

I forgot to take a screen shot, but recon shows that he still has pretty strong forces in the crimea, including air forces, so will be interesting to see what he's up to. Yikes, I just realized he can make an airborne attack, which might be bad, need to redeploy if not too late. That would not be good...

Someone asked for a screenshot of the production pool:

I have lots of planes and tanks. Tanks makes sense, because I have not built a lot of tank units, but my air units are starved for aircraft, so I'm not sure why they are sitting in the pool.

He has basically stripped most of his front of air units, big clumps in the Crimea, Kharkov, and some near Lake Ilmen. Literally hardly a single airbase between the Kharkov area and Lake Ilmen. He didn't fly a single recon flight between these areas, or really north of Kharkov. This seems rather strange, although his recon planes have been taking a pounding in my bombing raids.

Flaviusx -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/7/2011 9:21:05 AM)

You've got a lot of obsolete regiments. The pools for these models may not be very high at this point.

Generally the AI does a reasonable job upgrading plane types automatically, but if you've got the APs to spare and want to hurry things along, it might be a good idea to manually upgrade of all these prewar regiments. It's getting a bit late in the day for I-15s and 16s and whatnot.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/7/2011 9:46:26 AM)

I am actually pretty short of APs, and most of those old planes are in out of the way places, so I doubt I'll bother swapping them out.

At this point, I'm pretty sure I see what's going to happen next turn, but it is too late to do anything now...

Flaviusx -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/7/2011 4:12:38 PM)

One more thing: the 15-bis regiments are set to ground attack missions. If you leave it up to the AI to convert them, they usually flip over to more advanced fighter bombers rather than shturmoviks. This may or may not be what you want. (Some fighter bombers are actually not bad in the ground attack role, especially some of the lend lease types with good range.)

Even though I mostly avoid manual upgrades -- they get very expensive -- I make an exception for these regiments and make sure they become shturmoviks. Once they flip over to any particular shturmovik model, they will continue to upgrade along that path and don't need further micromanagement.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/7/2011 5:40:54 PM)

thanks for the tip, I have actually never manually converted any air regiment...

glvaca -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/7/2011 8:49:23 PM)

I could be wrong as a lot has changed in the game over the patches, but in the manual it says:
Air Doctrine settings over 100 are allowed,
although for percent required to fly, anything
over 100 would mean no air group units would be available, resulting in no air missions of any
kind being conducted.

This might have something to do with the problem of interdiction as you set it above 100% most of the times. In fact, the one time I read you had a lot of interdiction, it was set at 100%...

Concerning planes, it's not so abnormal that you lose a lot of fighters if you keep or kept the crap fighters for so long. The Germans really tore them apart.
Consider manual upgrades for those units with higher experience and morale. Yak1's are the best, closely followed by the Mig3's. Lagg3's aren't that good (crappy climb and turn) but better then I planes certainly. However, the LA5's are coming in and they are better (or should) than the Yak1's, especially the LA5-FN's which start arriving spring of 1943. When you get these, manually upgrade your best regiments, they will give the Germans a hard time.

Generally speaking, the experience level of the German Gruppe will be sky-high after the huge amount of kills they have done due to not really managing your air force. My recommendation would be to open the commanders report, filter on high experience and upgrade the best to the best planes mųanually and create some elite air divisions which you use to support the most important offensives.

For tac bombers, focus heavily on IL2's. They're beasts. Do the same as with the fighters. It costs only 1AP to upgrade a regiment so it's not that expensive.

Regards to the low CV value for many units, have you checked their experience and morale level? Both things are very important. Really important! [;)]

Great AR!

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/8/2011 6:50:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: glvaca

I could be wrong as a lot has changed in the game over the patches, but in the manual it says:
Air Doctrine settings over 100 are allowed,
although for percent required to fly, anything
over 100 would mean no air group units would be available, resulting in no air missions of any
kind being conducted.

This might have something to do with the problem of interdiction as you set it above 100% most of the times. In fact, the one time I read you had a lot of interdiction, it was set at 100%...

Actually, usually I keep the interdiction setting at 100%, I only mention it when I increase it. I don't think that the wording in the manual is very clear as to whether increasing the interdiction air doctrine setting will increase the number of interdiction attacks or increase their strength (so few interdiction missions), but everyone seems to suggest that it is the latter, so increasing the interdiction setting above 100% is a mistake, I guess. I would go back and look at past turns to figure this out, but since this is a server game, I cannot do so...

I usually keep my flying threshhold at 25%, but actually try to cycle air units back into the National Reserve once they fall down to 8 aircraft.


ORIGINAL: glvaca
Concerning planes, it's not so abnormal that you lose a lot of fighters if you keep or kept the crap fighters for so long. The Germans really tore them apart.
Consider manual upgrades for those units with higher experience and morale. Yak1's are the best, closely followed by the Mig3's. Lagg3's aren't that good (crappy climb and turn) but better then I planes certainly. However, the LA5's are coming in and they are better (or should) than the Yak1's, especially the LA5-FN's which start arriving spring of 1943. When you get these, manually upgrade your best regiments, they will give the Germans a hard time.

You guys really don't like my biplanes! All of these deathtraps are on quiet parts of the front (Leningrad, Northwest Fronts, etc.) where there is virtually no air activity other than whatever bombing missions I choose to conduct. On these missions, sometimes these old fighters do rather well, other times they get slaughtered, can't figure out why. In any event, I would rather reserve my better planes for the main arena down south. I will probably fly these things until they are all gone, although air regiments with 2-3 planes are not particularly useful.

That said, Flavius is probably right that these units have become so depleted because their production pools are empty, so I need to check that. Also, I have hundreds of better planes in the pool, so maybe if I manually change plane types these aircraft will be transferred from the pool to air units.

Regarding experience/morale: I will try to post a screen shot or some numbers next turn, but many, many of my air units have morale in the nineties, and many have experience in the eighties or nineties, so they are not doing bad.

The air war is going rather strangely, he has focussed his air bases in a few clumps along the front (Ilmen, Kharkov, Crimea), with the center completely devoid of air bases. I will try to post some screen shots next turn.


ORIGINAL: glvaca
Regards to the low CV value for many units, have you checked their experience and morale level? Both things are very important. Really important! [;)]

Actually, most of my CVs are "OK" at this point, the problem is that until I get multiple corps involved, they cannot take on his high level forts, the math just doesn't work. Most of my units have crap experience and morale because they have not had any opportunties to attack, and their attempts at defense are usually unsuccessful.

My Shock and Reserve Fronts are now poised to launch some attacks near Kharkov, we'll see how they go...

glvaca -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/8/2011 3:18:56 PM)

Because they suck bigtime!
You should try them in IL2-Sturmovik 1946. A Russian flight sim [;)] you'd know what I'm talking about [:'(] Very good one too.
Speed and climb are very important. Experience is key. Putting great pilots in these crappy planes is a waste!

Just a thought, if you're looking for things to improve upon for the next one, it really pays to check on morale and experience for your ground units. If they're low on morale, pulling them out, I think at leats 10 hexes away from enemy units, with a good leader, is key for them getting back morale. Morale is key for gaining experience upto nationale level.

It really makes a big difference. Don't grind your forces into the ground, after a few succesful attacks pull them back, let them rest/refit, retrain new elements. Get back in.

Good luck with the planned offensives, will be lurking to see how it goes!

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/8/2011 3:26:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: glvaca
If they're low on morale, pulling them out, I think at leats 10 hexes away from enemy units, with a good leader, is key for them getting back morale. Morale is key for gaining experience upto nationale level.

When units are attacking I tend to rotate them in and out, but when they are just sitting in fortfications I guess I have been too lazy to do. Maybe I should go look at a quiet sector (NW or Kalinin Fronts) and compare the morale of the first line and second line rifle divs, would be mildly interesting to see.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 5:20:41 AM)

Turn 74 over, snow turn, finally got to attack!

I had my powerful fronts positioned on the front line during the mud, so they were ready to go when the snow finally hit; here are the attacks I launched, with the results shown top to bottom, below. All of my corps attacks were successful, but I got a little frisky and my attack with the SW Front was stuffed:

A couple of notes:
1) somehow my ground support was turned off for the first few battles, didn't realize what was going on. They won anyway.

2) I'm sure the 1:1 haters will go on and on about these results, but the fact is that I massively outnumbered him in men, arty, aircraft and if I couldn't push him out of these positions there would not have been too much point in continuing the game. As it is, my losses were very high. Seems about right to me...

A few more things: I bought some arty divisions but did not have time to deploy them this turn. Is it best to attach them to armies, to a front, or leave them with stavka? Also, at least so far they seem kind of puny, at 250 tubes--is that as big as they get?

I looked at the morale of several of my units which have been sitting on the frontline for months vs the morale of those one hex back. the bottom line is that the morale of the units on the front line was generally as high, if not higher, than the morale of the units lounging in the rear.

Not sure if I have ever shown a picture of the entire front, so here it is:

A few words on the Crimea: I totally expected to open the turn and find that he had conducted airborne attack on the eastern end of the Crimea, which I think would have cut off the corps at the neck. That didn't happen, so this turn I moved a rifle division back to that hex, and moved the airbases around a bit. He has moved about 15 airbases out of crimea this past turn, but still has very powerful ground forces there. I have to say that I'm a bit mystified by what he's up to...

Once again, he flew no recon north of Kursk, so I've got a small surprise planned for him next turn (yes, I am fixated on the north!). I have been relentlessly, and successfully bombing all of his recon assets everywhere but the south, where I get punished pretty badly when I try to do so. I might just have to give him air superiority in the south, or at least parity. everywhere else I think I'm in good shape air-wise.

One more air question: I looked at some air units this turn, and some were set to manual upgrade. I did not change them to manual and would rather have them upgrade automatically to save AP. But I couldn't see how to do this from the air unit detail screen, any tips?

M60A3TTS -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 5:27:07 AM)

If you're talking the air groups tab on the cdr's report, click the AC change mode under functions.  Set the value to 1 for automatic upgrades.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 5:56:01 AM)



If you're talking the air groups tab on the cdr's report, click the AC change mode under functions.  Set the value to 1 for automatic upgrades.

Got it, thanks, I was trying to do it from the air regiment detail screen, didn't work. Turns out that for some reason, about half of my air regiments were set to manual upgrade, and I wasn't manually upgrading. Oops!

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 7:30:34 AM)

Also, take a look at the aircraft losses in those battles. I hate to go on and on about this; while my losses were not massive, he did not suffer a single loss despite being outnumbered about 50:1 in these battles. This is why I've started bombinb his air bases, it is the only way--I repeat the only way--to inflict any aircraft losses on him. It's just not right.

And before you start with the biplanes again [:D], these fronts generally have the best planes. In any event, even biplanes should be able to knock down an enemy plane every now and then when they outnumber their opponent by 50:1.

timmyab -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 12:32:21 PM)

Those combat results are interesting.I think they illustrate how wacky the WITE combat system is.In all the successful attacks the forts are reduced from 4 to 0 presumably because of the sappers.Do engineers really reduce a defenders combat strength by 80%?I don't think so.If forts were really this easy to dismantle they wouldn't be worth building.
I think the whole fort thing needs totally revising.Make forts more difficult to build beyond level two, but also make them more difficult to reduce with no more than one level per week and not at all below level one.At the moment the success or failure of an attack seems to rely mainly on engineering values.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 1:06:04 PM)

I can't speak to how the combat system works, because I have absolutely no idea, but I will say that Ketza seems to slice through fortified positions very easily. IIRC Ketza often had six engineering points in his attacks earlier this year, and I think once he had as many as 9!

This is my first experience with attacking fortifications using engineers, so don't really know what conclusions to draw.

Klydon -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 1:32:52 PM)

Interesting results.

Here is what I would comment on the 1:1 thing and its honesty meter on time. Did you take advantage of the 1:1 to rule in cutting down the size of some attacks so you could make more attacks in the same area? This is one of the hidden consequences of the 1:1 rule. It allows the Russians to make more attacks over a given space than they could have otherwise. You went 6 for 6 on attacks over a 12 hex stretch of the line. Another observation is he had reserves show up at two of those battles and they would have held except for the 1:1, yet most players view the "reserve" as a broken thing that doesn't really help much. This is one of the reasons why.

Either way, interesting to see what will happen. I am sure Ketza is going to be dismayed at the relative ease of how many level 4 forts he lost over such a small section of the front.

timmyab -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 1:34:36 PM)

I'm playing him too as you know.What he's taught me so far is that you absolutely can not rely on forts.Nearly all of them get demolished first time which means that you have to base your defence on terrain only.I'd much rather have a level 1 fort that I can rely on than a level 4 fort that I can't.As a commander you have to have at least a rough idea of how strong a vital position is otherwise the whole thing becomes meaningless.One minute it's a massively strong level 4 fortress and then a few engineers come along, wave their magic wand and the next thing you know it's leveled to nothing.That's just mental, and actually makes having fortifications a liability in some situations.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 1:46:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: timmyab
I'm playing him too as you know.What he's taught me so far is that you absolutely can not rely on forts.Nearly all of them get demolished first time which means that you have to base your defence on terrain only....As a commander you have to have at least a rough idea of how strong a vital position is otherwise the whole thing becomes meaningless.One minute it's a massively strong level 4 fortress and then a few engineers come along, wave their magic wand and the next thing you know it's leveled to nothing.That's just mental, and actually makes having fortifications a liability in some situations.

This is EXACTLY how I felt earlier in 1942 when he launched his attacks which cut through my fortified carpet with great ease. While I didn't expect these positions to hold up to determined attack, I thought they should at least slow him down, but they did not seem to do so.

I was extremely frustrated, so much so that I considered giving up the game.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 1:56:57 PM)


Here is what I would comment on the 1:1 thing and its honesty meter on time. Did you take advantage of the 1:1 to rule in cutting down the size of some attacks so you could make more attacks in the same area? This is one of the hidden consequences of the 1:1 rule. It allows the Russians to make more attacks over a given space than they could have otherwise. You went 6 for 6 on attacks over a 12 hex stretch of the line.

hmmm, I looked at the screenshot above and can't remember exactly, but generally I had two or three stacks of rifle corps participate in every attack; I don't have a hard and fast rule but generall try to get at least 1.5:1 in "back of the envelope" pre-combat odds. IIRC in the failed (non-corps) attack, I had a bit more than 1:1, but when I launched the attack it was much worse. FoW I guess.

As for the 6 for 6 comment: yeah, I went 6 for 6, but mainly because I have spent enormous time, effort, and AP to build up and deploy these two Fronts to play this assualt role. (lots of artillery, aircraft, SU, etc.). I certainly expected them to win, and the fact that the wins were all within 12 hexes is because I decided to concentrate these two fronts in these locations. Frankly, I don't see anything strange or broken about this result. Other than in these two Fronts, I have hardly any rifle corps anywhere else in the Red Army (a couple in Crimea and a couple up north).


Another observation is he had reserves show up at two of those battles and they would have held except for the 1:1, yet most players view the "reserve" as a broken thing that doesn't really help much. This is one of the reasons why.

Yeah, I was worried when the reserves were committed, but as point out it didn't seem to help. But not sure if it should have helped, dunno.

veji1 -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 2:19:29 PM)

As a spectator I hadn't realised this.. it makes you think that Forts really should be changed... Forts 4 or 5 should be really hard to get in any place, and represent massive fortifications built around strategic towns or chokepoints, with Bunkers, Forts, cross supporting artillery positions, minefields, antitank ditches, etc... These should, if properly manned, take a while to reduce or cause massive casualties... On the other hand, field fortifications, even built over an extended period of time like when frontlines don't move much, are just this, equivalent to WWI trenches where you have trenches, barbed wire, dug in positions and a few chosen concrete positions, but not many...

Basically there should be a big cut-off point between forts 3 and 4, 3 being the maximum one can get to on open terrain even with time and engineers, without committing all the extra ressources of fortification... and then level 4 and 5 would be real strong hard fortifications... Actually when you think about it, it would be good to Have two different tiers : field fortifications and Forts...

glvaca -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 2:33:39 PM)



Also, take a look at the aircraft losses in those battles. I hate to go on and on about this; while my losses were not massive, he did not suffer a single loss despite being outnumbered about 50:1 in these battles. This is why I've started bombinb his air bases, it is the only way--I repeat the only way--to inflict any aircraft losses on him. It's just not right.

And before you start with the biplanes again [:D], these fronts generally have the best planes. In any event, even biplanes should be able to knock down an enemy plane every now and then when they outnumber their opponent by 50:1.

Tempting! [:D]
Can't resist [;)]
Actually, imagine you're driving a bicycle, in fact you and 50 friends are driving bicycles. I'm driving a ducati 1100cc. Do you think you're going to catch me even once?
It gets even more complex. In air combat, you can't think only horizontal, but also vertical. Thing is (although perhaps not modelled?) everything the german has outperformes anything the Soviets have above 4000m in a big way (including Yak, Mig's and Lagg's, etc...) . So if I'm in a 109G2 or F4, I'm at 4000m and your 50 Biplanes are at 2000m, I'm untouchable, there could just as well be 1000 it doesn't matter, you can't get ot me unless I'm an idiot and the german pilots weren't. All that German pilot needs to do is keep an energy advantage (kinetic or potential) and boom& zoom (come in high 6 oclock, take a shot and go back up and repeat) those 50 biplanes till he's out of ammo. Trust me, numbers don't count, unless the german pilot would be stupid enough to start turning and even then, with the vastly superior performance, he could most likely still get out.

With Yaks etc... the margin is smaller obviously, but the same principle applies. Air combat is complex and experience is the most important.
Until Citadelle and the introduction of the LA5-FN, the Soviets were outclassed and especially their pilot quality was not up to the German standard. For example, during citadelle, the Germans managed a 6:1 exchange rate on fighters while having a 1:3 disadvatage in numbers combined with serious aviation fuel problems. If anything, having 90 experience aircrews for the Russian in 1941-42-43 is totally unrealistic! IL-2 pilots for instance wnet into front line duty after 10hours of training! Only 7% of the IL-2 pilots at Kursk had previous combat experience!

In a large part this is also caused by tactics and orders. For example the Soviet pilots for the most part didn't have 2-way radio's even in 43, and were ordered to fly close escort with the bombers matching their slow speed and stay within a few hundred meters and not higher than 2000m. They were sitting ducks...

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 2:35:37 PM)

While we're on the topic of fortifications, a few more words about my defense in the Crimea: I've got a stack of three rifle corps in a level 4 fort. I am reasonably confident of holding this position, but nothing to do with the forts, which I assume will do little good--he can only attack my stack from two hexes, and even if he succeeds in that attack, my defenders will retreat another hex to another level 4 fort, which he can only attack from one hex. If he can break through all of that, I think this game is a bit off.

I'm still a bit concerned about an airborne attack in the area, but have never seen one used so don't know how much of a threat it really is (I assume that any units he dropped would be isolated rather fragile, or even how many airborne units he has, if any.

Flaviusx -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 2:41:49 PM)

You are overcommitted in the Crimea, imo. I wouldn't have a single rifle corps down there being wasted on mere defense -- those 3 guys could be elsewhere pounding on the Germans.

There's no need to put so much stuff down there west of the Kerch straights. I'd thin it out and fortify the eastern side of the straights if the Germans want to push you back across them. The Crimea is a sideshow.

You'll get it back when you push the Germans past the Dnepr. The fate of the Crimea is decided in the Ukraine.

The artillery divisions will get bigger. As for attachments, that depends on what you want to do. What's your plan? Concentrate them on your main strategic direction. Don't be afraid of using 3 or more of them on a single attack if need be. Quick and dirty rule of thumb: use one arty division per enemy unit in a hex. More if urban. (I've had attacks with as many as a half dozen artillery divisions on urban terrain.) If you've got guns to spare, throw them in even regardless of said rule. Nothing exceeds like excess.

I'd be inclined to attach them on the Front level by and large, to give them some flexibility but not take too much of a hit on CC. That being said, very occasionally you will want to make a super strong rifle army with lavish artillery attachments and use this as a shock formation. In the 1943 scenario, 11. Guards is my favorite for this and by far the strongest such army. Commanded by Bagramyan, filled up to the command limits, and 3 arty divisions attached. It could punch through anything. But you cannot make many such formations.

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 2:52:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: glvaca
Actually, imagine you're driving a bicycle, in fact you and 50 friends are driving bicycles. I'm driving a ducati 1100cc. Do you think you're going to catch me even once?

hmmm, you obviously know more about air combat than I do, but I think the better analogy would be if me and fifty friends are on bicycles with machine guns, and you're on a Ducati with a machine gun--do I think as you zoomed by me or one of my 49 friends, might, once in a while, be able to pump some rounds into you? I would think yes.

Again, I don't know much about air tactics but would expect that in the course of any dogfights, some of the German planes might occasionally find themselves in a disadvantageous position in relation to one of the biplanes, and might, maybe, sometimes, get shot down.

If you insist that they could simply sit and blow the biplanes away without risk by staying at higher altitude, I'll take your word for it, although it seems a little odd...

glvaca -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 3:04:53 PM)

Well, probably yes, the chances of probability are in your favor.
Problem is, the more inferior the plane is the less chance this will happen.
You're analogy is better [:D]
But to refine, the machine guns are mounted to the front not the back [:)]
Secondly, if I'm coming from behind it takes a lot of guts (or maybe foolishness) not to try and evade, once you do that and I'm passing at 200km/h difference the window of opportunity will be very small...

Also, armed with only machine guns, even if you do get a hit or 2, it's unlikely you're going to do much damage. The 109's and especially the 190's are vwell armoured. With 20mm cannons that's a different matter.

It's not sitting at a higher altitude, it's converting that altitude into an advantage (speed and position, ie your six) that makes the difference. In ground combat there's always something that can hit you. In air combat, if you're high enough (or have a good energy advantage) there's really not much the other side can do if the high guy doesn't make a mistake and has a simular or better performing plane...

Just get ride of them or I'll keep pestering you [:'(][:D][;)]

76mm -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 3:22:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: glvaca
Just get ride of them or I'll keep pestering you

Aaaiiieee! OK, they are gone. Or at least I won't mention them in this AAR anymore![;)]

cpt flam -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/9/2011 5:23:10 PM)

one more world about fort
were defender hold the level didnotchange
but if you retreat automatically it will go to 0 as there is a conversion of the owner of the hex [:-]

M60A3TTS -> RE: GC 76mm (Sov) vs Ketza (No Ketza) (8/10/2011 2:18:22 AM)

In terms of the air losses, perhaps few if any of your fighters spent time engaging enemy planes, but flew protective escort and hugged the bombers.  Bottom line is you had major air superiority and that may be reflected in the modified combat results. 

In one battle with 400+ bombers your combat value went from 374 to 775.  In another with 300+ you went from 591 to 847.  Conversely, his modified values were siginificantly down.  So if you wanted airpower to be impactful here, it looks as though it was.

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