NefariousKoel -> RE: 64-bit (3/24/2011 1:52:39 PM)
ORIGINAL: the_grip 1. If I purchase the downloadable version, can I install it on two computers? I have a desktop and laptop I use interchangably. I can't recall exactly what the EULA allows, think it was something to the effect of only installing on your own computers (up to two?). But all of Matrix' games have the best kind of DRM.. just a plain serial code. No internet activations with limited installs so you don't have to ask permission, or even cross your fingers in the hope that your permission was screwed up. In a similar customer appreciating way, this company will also help you out if you have any troubles, if you ask. There's little worry about purchases, here, other than if you're going to like the game or not. But that goes for them all, doesn't it? [:D]