Tac2i -> RE: Advanced Tactics Gold preview AAR (4/13/2011 3:44:20 PM)
I agree about the "accepting too many alliances early" comment. I've been in two games now where at least one player initiated (made offers) alliances with every other player. I don't think this is a good idea. One, you have given a potential future opponent a detailed map of your territory and the precise location of all your units. Not only that, you "ally" can move into your country next to your vital areas and then declare war on you. Not good! To me an alliance with another player should be considered very carefully. For me, once an alliance is made and accepted, I'm in it for the long haul. To me there is no fun to be had turning on an ally. That said, in this particular game, because basically everyone accepted an alliance with each player there was no recourse. I've thought about using a house rule in future games that would disallow alliances for certain set number of turns (3-5 perhaps). quote:
ORIGINAL: all5n I feel like I ruined the game a little declaring war on tom. Accepting too many alliances early in the game isn't something that i will do again i think.