kirkgregerson -> RE: Mud attrition WAD? (5/15/2011 10:07:09 PM)
ORIGINAL: el hefe Sickness, accidents, disease, and frostbite. There were at least 400k cases alone in the German Army in Russia that had to be evacuated out of the Army Group rear areas to receive care for these cases from June 1941 through January 1942. Trey quote:
ORIGINAL: kirkgregerson I've seen up to 60k loses for attrition in mud turns in 42 for axis. The 2nd mud turn was 54k. I'm fairly sure the axis troops were not loses 60k troops during a week of rain and mud. THIS AMOUNT HAS NO COMBAT LOSES. So can somebody please give me a reason why WitE is taking such an unhistorical and IMO unrealistic approach to attrition in mud? I'm really concerned with so many of these game mechanics that have no documentation to verify what is going on? We're losing sight of reality of these period of warfare and just adding things to play balance? Like to see somebody explain this one to me. Thanks. Sure, but I think the normal attrition of about 15-20k a week accounts for this. Also, I did loose about 700-800k in the 3 blizzard months. So when you give me a # of 400k for "Sickness, accidents, disease, and frostbite" from June to the END of January (2 months of blizzard). You've just convinced me that the attrition rate in general for WitE is really way off and under close examination will be seen to be flawed in a realistic and historical sense. If it's for play balance of a GAME then that's another argument. Also, what people seem to forget is your comparing my logistic situation to the actual historical situation. I will argue that my situation is 10x better than historical. My troops all all in supply and basically static during the last two mud turns and I have an excess of vehicles in my motor pool to delivery supplies. THERE WERE NO Soviet attacks as well. So to lose 60k men from attrition in these conditions IS BOGUS. Sorry, but it just is. Not going going to play the apologist for WitE fans. I'm going to give it some tough love in the hopes these obviously flaws in attrition are corrected in some future patch.