Zebedee -> RE: Patch 1.04.22 to much of a German nerf? (5/29/2011 3:01:31 PM)
ORIGINAL: Pelton Flaviusx and others make some wild unfounded claims I have been HQing 45 hexs from the railhead, which is totally untrue(political statement IE complaining). I don't beleive I have ever made any past 25 hexs. Historically it seems truck supply is about 400 miles or 40 MP's, The Red Ball Express was 400 miles long on the Western front, from Cherbourg to Pattons front line units. http://www.skylighters.org/redball/index.html So 20 MP's is way to short an not based on historical data. You can't count the 5 hexs from the HQ to units because the HQ and Divisions have their own trucks. I can see 30 MP's because the road net work in Russia was not that of France, which by the way would not effect my play at all or for that matter anyone esles. As I have stated over and over to fix the exploiting problem they need to simply up the AP cost, not go to some unhistorical value of 20 MP's. Hard cap of 30 mp's and cost 30-40 ap's. Pelton If you're going to cite 'history' as support, worth having a look at the book I linked to via Amazon a few posts ago Pelton - fairly substantial excerpts can be read via Amazon, and that includes segments on the German logistics on the Eastern Front. That's probably going to be a tad more relevant than the Red Ball Express. Yes, supply was done over great distances on the Eastern Front (out of absolute necessity because there wasn't the capacity to move the supply dumps forward at the same time as major offensives) - but it came at a cost which is not replicated in game (eg lack of supplies then going to other units), in circumstances which are not replicated in game (eg absolute shortage of supply at railhead supply dumps), and which are not really going to be constrained by increasing the AP requirements unless that level is such that it necessarily precludes the kind of rolling HQ buildup offensive which exploited the mechanic. Got to be honest and say that so far the only thing the new rule has prevented me doing is the rather ahistorical offroading through the swamps and forest to the East of Leningrad. That's not really a bad thing.