OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (Full Version)

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cantona2 -> OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 4:11:33 PM)

View from my bedroom window. Scuttlebutt says a ship was approaching to bunker when the tanks blew!!!! A Royal Caribbean Cruise Liner was berthed on the next quay and made a very speedy exit. Amazing how a ship that big can turn and move so fast. I guess this counts as a port fuel hit?!?!!? Thankfully no major injuries yet!


cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 4:13:56 PM)

Apologies didn't resize. Hope this one is smaller


cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 4:16:51 PM)

RC liner was the Independence of the Seas.

Here's one more. I guess they must be worried about the other tanks. Explosion was at 15:30 local, its no 17:17 and the flames are still gushing out!


Erkki -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 4:26:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: cantona2
RC liner was the Independence of the Seas.


I've seen her too, when she was being built at Aker Finnyards, a few years back that.

ilovestrategy -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 4:58:43 PM)

How the heck did Yamamoto get the KB alllllllllllllll the waaaaay over there? The folks at Malta must have been sleeping! [:D]

cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 5:19:01 PM)

Broken Search Arcs!!!!!!

bjfagan -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 5:20:20 PM)

You can see the roof of the exploded tank laying on the quay, just to the right of the tanks.

cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 5:23:01 PM)

Taken 2 minutes ago. Emergency C3 meeting called. Rumours of evacuations, closure of airfield. RGP (Royal Gibraltar Police) do not discount terrorist action but highly unlikely. All points to a welding accident!


cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 5:23:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: bjfagan

You can see the roof of the exploded tank laying on the quay, just to the right of the tanks.


Local Yokel -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 5:48:26 PM)

Looks like the Italians may have some questions to answer - isn't that the Olterra I see in the background? [:)]

filo78 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 5:59:45 PM)

what the heck have to do italians with this? pls explain

Chickenboy -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 6:15:12 PM)

Lousy attack roll for KB. Only one port hit? Pathetic!

cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 6:20:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: filo78

what the heck have to do italians with this? pls explain

Olterra was the mothership for Italian Chariots, manned undersea torpedoes, that was berthed at Algeciras, Spanish port on the other side of the Bay of Gibraltar. I think it was the I-MASS troops that sunk and damaged several ships in the harbour during ww2. Gib was a base for Force H and a staging point for many Malta convoys. I think LY was making a joke in good historical jest. Essentially the chariot carried two frogmen under the target ship, the warhead was detached and the timer set, then the frogmen sailed back to the base ship.

filo78 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 6:26:36 PM)

yeah i know about MAS but i didn't get the joke thank you for explanation!

cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 7:08:36 PM)

Another loud bang! I guess KB is hanging around for a second day!

Local Yokel -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 7:42:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: cantona2


ORIGINAL: filo78

what the heck have to do italians with this? pls explain

Olterra was the mothership for Italian Chariots, manned undersea torpedoes, that was berthed at Algeciras, Spanish port on the other side of the Bay of Gibraltar. I think it was the I-MASS troops that sunk and damaged several ships in the harbour during ww2. Gib was a base for Force H and a staging point for many Malta convoys. I think LY was making a joke in good historical jest. Essentially the chariot carried two frogmen under the target ship, the warhead was detached and the timer set, then the frogmen sailed back to the base ship.

Yes! It was indeed intended as a joke, and I do apologise if my questionable sense of humour gave offence.

Actually, I intended a backhanded tribute to Italy's Decima Mas: the exploits of these underwater men command great respect, and the story of how they converted and used the Olterra as a base for their maiale is an extraordinary one - all done with the Spanish Guardia Civil security detail aboard the tanker throughout!

<edit> Jonathan, take care if that tank is going off pop at intervals. Looks like you're not too far away, so you may need to keep yer 'ead down, mate! </edit>

cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 8:09:15 PM)

Thanks John, I'm hunkered down behind Level 5 forts here, tin hat on!!!!!

Seems the immediate danger is over. Spanish sent over a sea rescue tug with monster water jets and its made a great job of cooling the surrounding tanks down. The main tank is still ablaze and collapsing though.

Nikademus -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 8:11:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: cantona2

Another loud bang! I guess KB is hanging around for a second day!

pssst.....It was The Seventh Carrier........

morganbj -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 8:17:41 PM)

So THAT'S where the KB disappeared to in my game. I wondered....

Now to figure out how many turns I have before it shows up again.

Should I send my carriers to the Aden entry hexes and abush it when it emerges? Will they use the canal, or will they come around one of the capes? Damn KB.

Terminus -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 8:18:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Lousy attack roll for KB. Only one port hit? Pathetic!

The game is broken!

Nikademus -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 8:23:18 PM)

Joe Wilkerson and I did heavy research on the creation of off map pathways. We based it on my research into wormholes and Joe signed off on it. We figured that the negative polarity of IJN warship metal grades would keep them out thus making them safe for Allied only usage. Most people don't know this but in addition to inventing the Internet, Al Gore also invented time travel and faciliated the initial USN funded research into this facinating topic.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused to the citizens of Gibralter

Lifer -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 9:05:08 PM)

Was watching something on TV about the oil burns a lot higher than water boils so if the fuel/oil burns off it will flash the accumulated water in the bottom of the tank to steam and blow the tank apart

chesmart -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 9:30:06 PM)

Sorry cantona but unfortunately our entire navy (3 cutters) are involved in an undeclared war with Italy at present so unfortunately we had to let kb pass through our waters

cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 9:33:32 PM)

Impressive pictures now that darkness has fallen!!!!
che200 both our ML's are not fitted out for fire fighting but damaged 2 zeroes!!!!

DOCUP -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 10:29:50 PM)


GEN Patton has risen from his grave. He has slapped the head stones of his soldiers, to get them to rise up. They are now marching to Gibraltar to defend the beachs. He states he will be in Tokyo in 72 hours and will personnally shoot Tojo with his ivory pistols.

ADM Halsey and the Enterprise has risen from Davey Jones locker and are making flank speed to the Med on an intercept course.

The Bismark has been sited with the Japanesse TF. HMS Hood and Warspite will join the Enterprise TF in the alantic.

More to follow!!!!!

Nikademus -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 10:33:37 PM)

you know....if the Zombie Apocolypse occurs......I wouldn't be suprised to see Patton at the head of a large column of zombies with a decided step to their shamble.


Chickenboy -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (5/31/2011 11:46:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikademus

you know....if the Zombie Apocolypse occurs......I wouldn't be suprised to see Patton at the head of a large column of zombies with a decided step to their shamble.


"When you put your hand into some goo-that just moments before was your best friend's face-well, then you'll know what to do! BRAINS!"

Itdepends -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 10:20:56 AM)

Good pictorial description of why TK/AK/AO's loaded with fuel don't survive more than one bomb hit..........and why the fires need to be out before you'll be berthing your beasty at port.

Andrew Brown -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 11:56:53 AM)

Hmmmmm. Maybe this can be recreated on the personal map mod I am fiddling with [:)]...


Smeulders -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 12:12:30 PM)

That looks really nice

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