CC3 map (Full Version)

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HintJ -> CC3 map (6/5/2011 1:05:00 PM)

Here's my first attempt at a PCO map. It's actually a CC3 map.

From the readme.txt:


(1) cc3test folder->This is the map itself. It goes in the Media file.

(2) Scenarios folder->Contains a small mission called "CC3testmap,"
and it goes in the Data->Scenarios folder

(3)Templates folder->Contains a Random Battle template,
and it goes in the Data->Templates folder

*No water! Maybe you can put it in. The map is still coded for water,
in other words, the AI thinks it has water and should act like it.

*The scenario "CC3testmap" is my attempt to play PCO in a more CC3 style,
The Scenario plays from the German side, and is less than 200 points for each side.
There is no off-map artillery, so don't worry about getting smashed the first turn.
There is also no defender bonus. so TAKE YOUR TIME. Interestingly, I think,
all platoons are single squads/vehicles, so the player can have complete control over
his units. You can have 1st Squad withdrawing, while 2nd squad
advances, while 3rd squad changes facing, all from the orders phase.
Also, please be sure to reposition the units before starting, as I have rather
haphazardly placed them in the Scenario editor.

*If you want to make further changes to the map, first remove the
and place it somewhere safe outside of the PCO directory, because when Mapmaker
rebuilds the Megatexture, if not only replaces the Megatexture, it strangely erases everything
else in the cc3test folder!

Here's the link:

*edit-updated w/new template

junk2drive -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 1:57:11 PM)

The map and scenario work fine. The template crashed when I created a battle and tried to play it. I'll see what I can find. Rick is more knowledgeable about templates and he is busy at the moment.

The water looks fine to me.

HintJ -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 2:19:15 PM)

Just made a new one: try this template, it works for me.
*edit-the main download above have this updated template

junk2drive -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 2:43:32 PM)

I'm still getting a crash and the log still shows that 50mm M41 Mortar with no ammo. Yet everything I check says it has ammo. I'll keep looking.

dazoline II -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 3:02:00 PM)

I'll try it the afternoon.
Can you take down the link in your first post, as I understand its obsolete and I did a whoops when I downloaded that instead of reading the whole thread.

Thanks for the effort!

junk2drive -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 3:08:32 PM)

The second link is just the template. The first post is the whole folder with everything in it.

I still can't get either template to create a random battle that doesn't crash.

junk2drive -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 3:37:46 PM)

I don't think we can use 500m maps in RBG. The setup zones are sized for a 1000m map.

HintJ -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 3:52:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: junk2drive

I don't think we can use 500m maps in RBG. The setup zones are sized for a 1000m map.

I works (both files) for me. I highly suspect you are using the more points MOD. I could never get that to work for battles on smaller maps. I may be wrong, though.

My template seems to work just fine w/the default RBG.

Jacko -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 3:58:31 PM)

Works fine. Very, very impressive map. [&o]

junk2drive -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 4:06:20 PM)

No I used the stock RBG program. I am testing the update though.

If you open a random that you create in the scenario editor, does the setup zone go outside of the map?

junk2drive -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 5:30:56 PM)

In your test scenario you somehow have the Russian 50mm mortar at ammo=" " instead of ammo="0.875"

That is why you and I got the message in the log for the ammo error.

dazoline II -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 7:58:54 PM)




ORIGINAL: junk2drive

I don't think we can use 500m maps in RBG. The setup zones are sized for a 1000m map.

I works (both files) for me. I highly suspect you are using the more points MOD. I could never get that to work for battles on smaller maps. I may be wrong, though.

My template seems to work just fine w/the default RBG.

The RBG MOD will work with the map but you have to make sure the unit selection pool is on 1.0 and 500 max points per side otherwise you get a Template Complexity Exceeded error.

Nice map, planning on doing a CC3 series?

HintJ -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 8:47:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: junk2drive

No I used the stock RBG program. I am testing the update though.

If you open a random that you create in the scenario editor, does the setup zone go outside of the map?

I really wish I had more insight on this problem. Everything works fine on my end, including the more points mod. I used the more points mod and got crash after crash awhile back. I'm clueless why it is working (for me, at least) now.

In the past I did get the setup zone error when I tried to save it in the scenario editor.

My advice: Delete any random scenario you may have made w/the original template--don't even have it in your scenario folder, and try re-creating a game w/the new template.

Anyone else seeing this issue?


ORIGINAL: dazoline II
Nice map, planning on doing a CC3 series?

Glad you like it, I'm thinking about the first 3 maps in CC3.

junk2drive -> RE: CC3 map (6/5/2011 9:02:09 PM)

IT works

Gotta love computers. I exited PCO and the menu. Deleted all the old files and downloads. Redownload, installed, ran the RBG, didn't change anything, clicked build, zoom it was done. Started game, battle works fine.

Commanderski -> RE: CC3 map (6/6/2011 12:42:39 AM)

Great map and scenario! Played through the whole battle without any problems. Very challenging! Looking forward to more maps and scenarios.

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