fcharton -> RE: Wot,no cavalrymen here? (6/24/2011 9:18:35 AM)
ORIGINAL: Local Yokel I also have some tiles with Babelthuap substituted for Babeldoab, and Dairen for Port Arthur. And I'm thinking of a version substituting Keelung for Taihoku. Dairen and Port Arthur were different places. Dairen was a city, known as Dalny to the Russians, and Dalian to the chinese. Port Arthur was a port known as Lüshun to the chinese. The characters for Lüshun pronounced Ryojun in Japanese (but I don't think this transcription was ever used on western maps). The two cities (Dalian and Lushun) were merged into one in the early 1950s, first known as Luta, and then Dalian. In the game, I believe Port Arthur (or Lüshun/Ryojun) better fits what is being represented (a major port). While we're on spelling, Chinese names on the map are a bit strange. The romanization system used is mostly the postal system in use at the time (hence names like Wenchow), but you also find Wade Giles transcriptions (Tienshui, I believe the postal name should be Tsinchow or something like that), and a few odd mixes (Kiuchuan, which looks like EFEO, ie the french system). Also KMT names are used for most cities that underwent name changes in this era (eg Peiping, Kweisui) but not all (eg Taiyuan, should be Yangchü, I believe). Some cities have the name of regions (eg Ningsia, correct name is probably Yinchuan). For the names of pilots and leaders, different romanizations are used, which allow some guys to exist twice under different names (the one I have seen is Fu Zuoyi, who exists as Fu Zsoyi and Fu Tsoyi, leading two units he historically commanded, but at different times). Francois