fsp -> RE: Reviews and Impressions? (7/12/2011 11:27:02 AM)
I have to say that this is one of the changes I really like. So far I like them all I think. It makes a lot of sense, too: You can always have full-strength units, but they are just being replaced by conscripts. If you have had heavy losses, your units will suffer in experience. Unless you have a lot of prestige, than you can request elite replacements. Makes a lot of sense to me. Also, it forces me to take a more real life approach in the battles. No more: "Oh, I have two turns left, but I will get free elite replacements anyway, so let's just attack somewhere for fun and to pick up that extra experience. Let's attack that AA with my fighter, I will finish the scenario afterwards, the fighter will get lots of additional experience and free elite replacements." It adds to the depth of the game.