koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (9/30/2012 6:45:52 PM)
Thanks for your comments quote:
ORIGINAL: PaxMondo PzB had real supply issues late game in his AAR. However, it started under a version that had some issues and may have set him up for late game problems. Not sure. Anyway, yes, you have far too little supply. Building forts might be part of the story, but hard to beleive it is a major culprit. I would look at: Factory repair - be sure you have LI/MP/resource repair off. you can burn a lot of supply repairing these at bases you capture. No ROI on repairing these ... Factory building: - are you still building alot of a/c or eingine factories? Replacements/upgrades: are you having a lot of units adding replacements or upgrades? again, a lot of supply is consumed with this. mid game and late game I have to be careful with this as I can burn too much supply. I make investigation, and i think i go overoptimistic with A/C and engine factories building. This process is over now so supplies shall grove fast now as i will probably not need to expend my factories for at lest next 14 months. In short i have already done job in `42 what i should do in 43` I think situation is not critical. It is only warning for me. But in long term i should now build supply reserve fast quote:
ORIGINAL: sj80 "Home resources reserve" means Honshu or Home Islands? Those are only resources on 3 big home islands(Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu) Hokkaido is different zone for me in tracer and i have there 50k supply and 120k resources and that all quote:
ORIGINAL: sj80 I stabilized oil around 1.800.000. My resource count is the same like yours but is slowly increasing. 2.000.000 fuel seems to be ok for me. But I think there should be much more fuel in the SRA which can be sent back home. I'm using standard xAk's for fuel transport to home island because my tankers are busy supplying the South-East area fleet for IJN operations. Heavy industry points are very good but Arm could be a bit higher. I think there should be a good amount of Arm in reserve before the 4E bombers are destroying your factories. For supplying Pacific fleet i am using AO TF. For that i am using Borneo only fuel All tankers are transporting fuel right now Sumatra have now 60K fuel only. Java 30k, China and Manchuria and Korea 200k, Borneo 90k, Burma and Indochina 80 Also i have 350k on ships sailing toward Japan I will start using xAK for transport also. Oil reserve. I think it is better to transport fuel first. Many players not transporting oil at all. quote:
ORIGINAL: sj80 Your aircraft production and research is very interesting. You put almost no more effort in researching the A6M line but you are researching the A7M. I don't think you will get the A7M before May or June 1945 with realistic R&D. The main question is: Do you still have carriers in mid 45? ;-) As land based plane the A7M2 is comparable to N1K5-J George. The A7M is a little bit faster but the George has a much better armament. The George will be much earlier available because it's within an upgrade path. You put in general a massive amount in research, much more than me for some planes (Judy, Jill, ...). I'm researching the same planes (except A7M), so everything on track with research. As for my R&D decisions. I hold researching A6M line because i do not see logic in it. If i loose my carriers i will use George and if i will have carries both A6M5 or A6M8 will die as fast, so better use those factories for different better planes. A7M is researched in case i will have carriers in `45. As for other planes (Judy, Jill, ...). I am playing PDU On so i have that freedom to focus on best planes only. An i think i make good decisions. Remember also that some of those factories will switch to production so After firs plane in lane will be availbe for late model only some factories will continue research quote:
ORIGINAL: sj80 How did you manage to produce all Unryu class carriers in accelerate mode after their production starting date? This costs 183 points for every carrier. After the Yamato finished some points get free, but even with stopped Musashi there is a very big gap between consumption and production of Naval points. I cancel Musashi (Yamato already in service), Shinano ans all subs. Probably will built few subs later(those with planes support) for reckon use. When Taiho arrive in January i will have 300 point to spend on subs, destroyers and ASW Ships.