RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (Full Version)

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koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/2/2013 5:58:48 AM)

Pilots numbers analysis

As for fighter pilots a cant complain.
Army still have 900 good (XP 60+) pilots with almost another 900 trained green ones(XP 50-59). Training process i gong well and from those 884 training DEF skill almost 400, after week of flying CAP to build XP, should be able to combat duty also. That giving me ~2200 combat reedy pilots.
If I add that almost all groups are flying Tojo C (soon all) And that is best i can have until Frank arrive in October situation is OK

Navy looks also good. I am able to fill all CV group with pilots with XP not less than 77.
That should compensate little F6F superiority over A6M5. I am almost sure that allies are not able to have 250 so good pilots on CV. At lest not now.
With George arriving to land based units (already 130 in service) situation is also not catastrophic.

Army will now focus on naval combat. Ground trained poll is big and from now most of air group will train NavB and LNav skill for future use.
ASW poll is also ok, i am training some more pilots as i need to build some ASW reserve as now i have only 5 trained ASW pilots in reserve.
It was my decision to not train LGround attack because i see it not much effective as it should be and after last beta that enhance flak especially on low attitudes it can be very bloody tactic for attacker. We will see if that was mistake or not.
Al bomber units now flying K-49IIa (with few exceptions in china)

Navy is different story.
I have decent reserve of Nbomb pilots. I am able to fill all CV group with pilots not worst that 65+ XP and still have decent reserver for LBA . Torpedo bomber reserve is in worst condition. After filling KB groups i can say that almost all pilots are experienced 65+ but aroun 20% have XP in middle 50. After filling all CV group and few LBA groups i still have ~200 trained torpedo pilots in reseve but they all are having XP in middle 50 at best.
So far i was training most of TT pilots with bott TT and bomb skill. From now training will focus only on one skill. After that pilot will receive some search skill. Only small % of them will train both attack skills.

Also what i can say than almost all army and navy bomber pilots have Def skill close to 70. It not make huge difference. But in my tests i have notice that if bomber pilots have good Def skill les of them is shot down. I saw that especially for D4Y (~350mph) pilots where speed is giving them decent chance to avoid enemy. Also with B6N2 (299mph) pilots should have litter better chance to get trough CAP


koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/3/2013 6:35:51 AM)

30 APR 43

40+ units almost 130k troops 1500 guns 1500 vehicles[X(] in tree big groups taking positions to attack my lines in area between Ramree Island and Magwe. It is not looking good.
I can master (3000AV Entire Burma have 5500AV) against that force but i think Docup will try no avoid Jungle fight and he will strike in plains and ther his air force will crash any Japanese resistance.

North of Mandalay i see another 60+k enemy troops. It is mater of time when i will be forced to abandon central Burma and move my troops to Jungle.

Maybe monsoon(T -15days) slow him down but i rely dont believe in that. Determined player can do offensive during monsoon in that game. I have small hope that supply flow from India to Burma will be so slow that after initial strike he will be forced to stop offensive.

I am ordering Bombers campaign to use some of those supplies he have arleady in Burma. I willing to sacrifice my bomber wings in Burma for that.

I think key to Burma right now Is Ramree island. I need to hold that base as long as passable. IF Ramree Fall he will build it in few weeks and use is as unload point to supplies.

I almost ending Defense preparation. I have net of mutual supporting AF ready. Forts are building. I only need to garrison those island with some docent troops. I think ID plus some smaler units will be neugh. I dont expect invasion. He just dont have enugh CVs to do that.

Fortress Timor is stronger every day. In week i should have another ID landing. I need to reinforce Island little more. I have also many dot bases to cover but i have no units right now. Right now South DEI is quiet. I think Docup is focusing on Burma and Salomons right now.

Air Production.
Ki-49 (transport) avaible to production. I will build right now 10/month
Ki-43IIb Oscar avaible I am building 122/month to use as kami and escort duty.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/5/2013 5:58:57 AM)

1-2 May

Again Docup Sweep Ramree Is. 50 P-38 and 20 F4U. He is sending bombers so i start thinking about CAP trap.

70+ Georges is flying now in Burma. Single FB unit i have in Burma upgraded to Ki-44IIc.
With Georges I no longer need outdated K-45 there. From now Ki-45 will fly only in places where allies cant sweep.

On first i again detect enemy CVEs. It look like 3 CVE TF so ~80-90 planes.
MKB will try to engage, but with small speed MKB is capable, it will be difficult to sneak close enough to strike. Right now i will try slowly close to enemy patrol area

Jap cruisers leaded by freshly refitted CA Tone bombard Tagula. They destroy 8 enemy planes only, but Docup stuck there with 60 more planes. I think many of them are P-38. Tomorrow 120 bombers will attack AF and base port

Tarawa area
One of Japanese DDs patrolling waters East of Tarawa was intercepted by two Fletchers. During night battle they exchange one main gun hits and both sides return home. I moved some bombers to Tarawa in case enemy DDs close to island.

I am not sure if there where pickets or invasion force[&:]


Home Island
3 Big CV end refit in Japan. They have still some damage and need week in repair yard. In 8 days another Unryu class CV Katsuragi will join them and they will sail to Pacific adding 280 planes to KB force. From now only single CV will be during refit at time.(need to refit three more)

In two weeks KB force will have 780 planes. Just in time for first Essex arrival.

Strange situation. If i want to have KB full with planes ready to strike. I almost need strip my LBA forces from groups. I think in RL Japan haven't that problem because in May 43 they already lost 5 or 6 CV of all types.

I upgraded one of FP (36 size) in Japan to A6M5. Group is restricted but i will use is it as training group for fighter pilots and I will be able to send one of unrestricted groups to Pacific.

With arriving of Ki-43IIb i was able to upgrade two LB group to fighters for free. This giving me 72 more fighters in service. One group will train another will fight in DEI.

CV Lexington.
[&:]Last turn i hear sinking sound.(there was no combat or sub action so no damage enemy ships in couple last days) On morning game and tracker show Lex on sunk list.
It is 2 months after he was hit by 2 or 3 TTs (not remember now). Maybe he sunk when Docup was moving it to Shipyard or he already sunk in March and now i have confirmation.[&:]

N1K2-J advance to 2/44 (should be avaible in Jully)
P1Y1 advance to 9/43

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/7/2013 4:01:10 PM)

3-5 May 43

Nothing happening right now. I am sending supplies to Ramree Is by air and naval.
Mandalay has fort 6 now.

Docup is sweeping Ramree every day with 50 P-38 and 20 Corsairs

Indian Ocean
MKB attack enemy Cargo ship. Unlucky they not find enemy CVEs. Reatert to Java ordered.

Morning Air attack on TF, near Diego Garcia at 17,77

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
B5N2 Kate x 12

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAK Ettrickbank, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk


Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Diego Garcia at 16,73

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 30
A6M5 Zero x 8
B5N2 Kate x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed by flak

Allied Ships
xAK Gorgon, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Autolycus
xAK Scottish Chief, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Queda, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk

CV torpedoes bug?
I find out that after last attack from MKB not a single TT was used wfrom CV reserve.
Thret on tech forum opened

On 3 May fighters sweep Tagula Island. Result was superb.
I lost 2 Tojos for 24 enemy fighters. Nice deal.

Morning Air attack on Tagula Island , at 104,137

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 13 NM, estimated altitude 36,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 20
N1K1-J George x 30

Allied aircraft
Kittyhawk III x 5
P-40E Warhawk x 11
P-40K Warhawk x 13
F4F-4 Wildcat x 6

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIc Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Kittyhawk III: 2 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk: 3 destroyed
P-40K Warhawk: 4 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed

On 5 may Tojos and Georges sweep Fergusson Island
Georges arrive first shotting down 13 enemy planes for 3 Georges. I am little disappointed with Tojo. They have huge problems with defense. Probably because of low maneuverability. Also better armament will help shorting down more enemy planes.
I shot down 24 enemy fighters for 17 on Japanese side (only 4 Georges lost)
George even being slower is much better plane than Tojo is. I have some hopes when N1K2-J will enter production in 7 weeks.

Morning Air attack on Fergusson Island , at 102,132

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 24 NM, estimated altitude 35,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 44
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 39

Allied aircraft
Spitfire Vc Trop x 15
P-40E Warhawk x 25
F4F-4 Wildcat x 22
F4U-1 Corsair x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1-J George: 2 destroyed
Ki-44-IIc Tojo: 4 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-40E Warhawk: 7 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 4 destroyed

*all air combat reports are summary of few smaller reports

Planes detect and enemy TF. Unlucky TT hit was dud.
It is probably resupply mission of Baker Island

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Baker Island at 150,140

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M3 Nell x 3

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/12/2013 5:58:06 AM)

6-8 MAY 43

As usual Docup is sweeping and bombing Ramree Is.
I have decided to end this. 450 fighters (380 Tojos, 70 Geroges) will LCAP that base tomorrow.[8D] It will be bloody day but i hope own base below will save most o my pilots.
I send DD TF to Ramree Is. hex hopping that radar they are equipped will help(not sure)

MKB IS returning home.
He is now one hex from safe port. Fuel reserve for two hex only[:D] Math work this time

South DEI
Qiuet. To Quiet.

New Guinea
Allies are building Marauke. I will send air strike there but my planes have more important job to do right now

I sweep Terapo but no opposition in air. Last two days where quiet.
I manage to resupply Lae. In few day i will resupply Buna.
There is no enemy air raids from at lest 5-7 days. I not know way.
Also number o fighters in area i smaller for last few days.

Something is going on there.
Two days ago i detect 4 CVE TF in Christmas Island.
Radio traffic from island is so huge. I am telling monster huge. Every day i see 3-5 heavy radio traffic rapports.
I lost Sub last turn. She was sunk by DD TF (fletcher's). I know about two more Fletcher TFs in that area. Sending new sub to patrol there. SO many Fletchers in middle of Pacific should mean something. Right? You just not sending Your best DDs to ASW in middle of nowhere.

KB (8xCV, 2xCVL) in one day distance from Gilberts. 560 operational planes (230 fighters and 320 bombers) with all best pilots Empire have. I strip MKB from bomber pilots for that.

I move more search planes to Tarawa. Maybe they find something i also have 4 subs with FP paroling area.

Qiuet. I am ending slowly nort china offensive. After that i will think about nex move there.

Home island
Oil drop to 600k[:@]. I am sending all avaible fuel and oil to Japan but is only meeter of time when oil will be gone. I should keep some reserve for next 6 month maybe.
HI move above 1,6M. I am saving 5300 HI daily right now. Goal is 2,2M by end of `43

3 big CV under protection of 10 DDs move at sea toward Truk. They will join KB in about week. Anbother Unryu CV will arrive in 13 days. I stop accelerating it. Instead i am accelerating all ASW ships and all destroyers.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/13/2013 4:03:56 PM)

9-10 MAY 43
Very quiet days.
I am bombing ground targets in china.
No allied offensive raids from days.

Only thing i notice that i lost tracking of almost 70 bombers from Ndeni.

Anchored in Ebon from almost two months. AR i have there manage to repair all damage after last battle. Last turn i do mistake i send all planes at rest and almost 100 planes go to repairs. Lucky only tree units are not full after that disaster. It will take more than week to have KB in full power.

8 CV (*Amagi*, Hiryu, Junyo, *Shokaku*, Soryu, *Taiho*, *Unryu*, *Zuikaku*,)
2 CVL (Shoho, Zuiho)
1 CS (Nisshin)
4 BB (Matsu, Fuso, Haruna, Nagato)
8 CA (*Tone*, Atago, Maya, Myoko, Haguro, Ashigara, Kumano, Kinugasa)
2 CLAA (Tenryu, Tatsuta)
3 CL (Agano, *Oyoda*, Noshiro)
32 DD (*9*)
*radar equipped*

Future plans for KB. KB is anchored in Ebon it is one day distance from Marshals and Gilbert's and two day distance from Salomon's Islands and New Britain. Those 4 areas are only places where i planing to fight there. KB will not participate in defense of south Papua (Port Moresby).
High concentration of enemy LBA in Terapo, Milne Bay, And Ferguson Island and hordes of subs in that area plus potential support of planes from Australia make that base nor worth of fighting with KB.
In Truk i have AO TF with 70k fuel to refuel KB if KB will be needed in DEI

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/13/2013 4:25:46 PM)

Port Moresby
I think Docup will land there next.
He retreat SC TF from Milne Bay back to Cairns. I have some radio traffic from OZ cost in that area. I think Bombers from Ndeni where moved to support PM landing. Rabul is preparing to strike against enemy fleet but with huge CAP he can have above navy i am not counting that i can even slow down landing.

I concentrating subs south of PM. Maybe we will hit CV or BB.

Allied CV fleet.
I know that allies have 3 CVE near Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean)
Few days ago i seen 3-4 CVE near Christmas Island (Pacific) i can assume they are still there or they return to Oz.
I don`t have clue where are enemy 5 CV and 1 CVE. Lexington is probably still in dry dock after double TT hit during Milne bay battle. Question is where are Big E (minimal chance still damaged after TT hit during Milne bay battle) , Saratoga, Yorktown, Victorious and last CVE.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/14/2013 9:36:50 AM)

11 May 43

Another quiet day

MKB arrive to Batavia. After refuel MKB will sail to Singer.
At lest two weeks to repair all damages ships have. Yamato 4 weeks.

MKB air units send to land. Pilots moved to polls and units will now work as training groups.

I have cancel naval bombardment mission of Ndeni. Bomb TF i send to do that was detected 10 hexes from base. One hex to far to do night bombardment so i will not risk engagement of those 60 bombers Ndeni have. Cruiser returning back to KB anchor

I lost xAKL attacked by flying boats near Guadalcanal.

Japanese sub sunk empty xAK

Other areas quiet.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/14/2013 7:14:53 PM)

12 May 43

New Guinea
DB attack my ships unloading cargo in Hollandia
Cargo ship will sunk tomorrow becouse of fire. Destroyer with minor damage will escort rest of ships to Truk and later will sail to Japan for repairs.

Enemy planes fly from Merauke

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Hollandia at 93,116

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Allied aircraft
SBD-3 Dauntless x 13

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
AK Kano Maru
AK Kinai Maru, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
DD Susuzuki, Bomb hits 1, on fire

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/15/2013 4:39:15 PM)

13 May 43

War has changed.

Enemy finally start moving 70k enemy troops from weeks siting in jungle. They moving toward Magwe and Mandalay.
I am expecting air offensive soon. Time to prepare to abandon plains.

Something is going on south of Gilbert Island. I prabably found those 4 CVE o see last week in Christmas island
Second day in row i lost G3M3 patrolling area south of Gilbert's from enemy CAP. Last turn i was not sure where it was but today two enemy TFs sailing north from Pogo Pogo were detected. G3M3 was shot down above one of them.

I am moving more search planes to Tabiteuea.

Kaga, Akagi and Hiyo arrive to Truk. In three days they will join with KB and i will be able to send two different CVs back to Japan to take refit.

D4Y3 advance to 4/44


koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 5:40:54 AM)

Burma help!!
I need advice.
Should i defend in plains or better is to retreat toward jungle line and start defense there. I really hate abandon plains but i dot think i can do much about it.
I can probably fight fair fight against LCU but i am scared about allied Air Force

South of Akyab i have 1400AV in jungle and ID in Ramrre Island
Central plains have 3500AV. Together with some units in North Burma and another ID that will land in Rangoon in week I have there ~6200AV(1000 in tanks).

I know allies can have much more. Please help

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 8:31:52 AM)

First line of defense when plains fall
I will tel that again. Invading Burma late in middle of `42 and not forcing allies to fully retreat to India can be one of biggest mistakes i do in that game


GreyJoy -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 8:36:39 AM)



First line of defense when plains fall


Mate, i think Prone cannot be defended like that. Abandon Ramree Is. and estabilish a perimeter ONLY in the jungle. You cannot defend the plains. it's a waste of resources and you risk to be overrunned. The line should be running from Rangoon-north, nothing westwards of it. IMHO

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 9:58:50 AM)

Are You telling about def line like that?


obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 10:51:08 AM)

That line is much better. If you look at my game, I was forced to retreat into the jungle much later than you, in 12/43, but within two weeks abandoned all bases in the plains and moved troops into the jungle onto almost that line. One thing I'd change is the placement of the area near Taung Gyi back onto the yellow road toward Lashio. That'll give you more time to reinforce should he send a big stack that way.

I kept Bassein as well, forcing him to decide if he wanted to make a shock across that river, but it might not be worth it. If he moves immediately to the spot between Prome and Bassein you will likely have to evac Prome as well, as it won't hold in the face of bombing for long. But the jungle hexes are nice. It'll take 3:1 AV advantage once you're dug in with at least 2 forts to begin to move you. Arty really helps here, especially those massive 24-30cm guns if they're dug in.

So far my line has held for 4.5 months and only now is he having success on the northern portion pushing me back. This is much longer than I'd anticipated. You also must make sure the Burma coast all of the way to Mergui is well defended. Jocke brought a massive army to Burma, probably 12-13k AV of good units well supported, and unless Docup matches that you should be doing well with what you have there.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 10:54:37 AM)

PS - Not sure what you have at Ramree, but if it's built up and the units are not too important it could be a nice place to add a few weeks onto his schedule. He has to either invade amphibiously or risk a shock over the water to enter it. That is good territory, so a shock would be iffy. But you will then lose those troops.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 11:01:33 AM)

So I should evacuating plains as soon as he move out of Jungle or even now, leaving behind only small garrisons to slow him down and give time to dug in in jungle?. I think i can slow him down enough to buy 20+ days.
Units in jungle marching 2 or 4 miles per day?

I can also wait on positions and see what units is he moving. It will be stupid if those are only ENG unit moving to Shwebo and i will retreat entire army[&:]

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 11:04:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: obvert

PS - Not sure what you have at Ramree, but if it's built up and the units are not too important it could be a nice place to add a few weeks onto his schedule. He has to either invade amphibiously or risk a shock over the water to enter it. That is good territory, so a shock would be iffy. But you will then lose those troops.

Ramree Isl have Inf ID behind fort 2 an building

Currently biggest problem with Ramrre are supplies. Only way is to air lift them,
27 Float transports is doing that, or fast transport them by sea. I have few FT TF doing that currently.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 5:38:14 PM)

14 May 43

Enemy troops, showed on picture above (post 1054), change march direction now they marching south toward this same hex as southern group.

Two Georges lost when P-38 sweep my leaky CAP near Mandalay.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/16/2013 9:46:31 PM)




ORIGINAL: obvert

PS - Not sure what you have at Ramree, but if it's built up and the units are not too important it could be a nice place to add a few weeks onto his schedule. He has to either invade amphibiously or risk a shock over the water to enter it. That is good territory, so a shock would be iffy. But you will then lose those troops.

Ramree Isl have Inf ID behind fort 2 an building

Currently biggest problem with Ramrre are supplies. Only way is to air lift them,
27 Float transports is doing that, or fast transport them by sea. I have few FT TF doing that currently.

So he'd need about 1200 AV to knock you out. If you can get to forts 4 before he comes, that's a good long problem for him to solve.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/17/2013 5:51:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: obvert




ORIGINAL: obvert

PS - Not sure what you have at Ramree, but if it's built up and the units are not too important it could be a nice place to add a few weeks onto his schedule. He has to either invade amphibiously or risk a shock over the water to enter it. That is good territory, so a shock would be iffy. But you will then lose those troops.

Ramree Isl have Inf ID behind fort 2 an building

Currently biggest problem with Ramrre are supplies. Only way is to air lift them,
27 Float transports is doing that, or fast transport them by sea. I have few FT TF doing that currently.

So he'd need about 1200 AV to knock you out. If you can get to forts 4 before he comes, that's a good long problem for him to solve.

I manage to drop 1200 tons of supplies today. I will drop another 1200 in two days.
Fort is building. For sure i will build it to lvl 3, lvl 4 will depend of how fast allies will move.
If i understood good Ramrre is important for allies as best point to resupply troops in Burma after build to big base?? I think i will probably sacrifice that ID to buy time.

Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/17/2013 10:08:02 AM)

One nice thing is that it's a dot base, so he can't bombard the fields to kill supply. He can naval bombard, but still your supply should be relatively okay compared to having a port/field built, and mining that base could help thwart attempts from the sea.

Interesting he decided to start the offensive just as the monsoon kicks in. That could be good for you. I'd hold Ramree as long as you can in this case.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/17/2013 11:13:40 AM)

Thanks for help.

I rely hate to abandon plains. From what i see now Docup is moving his troops to hex that will allow him to cross river to open hex between Mandalay and Magwe.
Depend of what forces he will have i have some plans.

1) I can accept battle and force him to cross river with shock attack. Depending of forces he will use we can have different results. From Major victory to river full of British corpses.
I can easily move there 2000AV(inf+tanks+arty). Biggest risk there will be allied air force but i think a can give decent air support to my troops from all 4 AFs i have there.

2. Allow him to cross river and stay dug in in tree bases. They have huge forts and he will need huge army to beak my defenses and AF will give me good protection from 4E

Both plans have flow. Big allied stack. ~50k men West of Magwe (those units are not moving right now) can move East cross river and cut of Magwe from rail and my forces in half. and they will have open road toward Rangon.

3. Slow down enemy movement by air attacks. Slowly retreat to jungle line leavening some small garrisons(they will retreat in las moment. AF in jungle bases are buildup and i can use there AV support from Mandalay Area. Save solution but no glory from that.

I will probably go for 3 but my inner kamikaze is fighting with me.

If troop numbers are correct ~55k men currently marching and 50k in reserve. My calculation telling me that Docup is have there 6-7 divisions(3-4 Div are marching) so around 3000AV. Lots of arty and Tanks. Maybe less if he have more support units.

I still have few days maybe week when decision have to be made so i will drink few vodka shots first and by weekend we will have plan.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/18/2013 3:09:08 PM)

16 May 43


FT TF unload another 1200 tons of supplies on Ramree Is.
Ships now return Singer for nesesery repairs.

Salomon Sea
Buna bombed and closed.

Pogo Pogo
Second day in row high radio traffic. Dl 2/2. Intel showing 70 planes and 120 ships in port

Kneel before Kido Butai
I need to share it with You.
KB air power reach his Mont Everest. KB newer in history of that game was stronger like today.
11 fleet carriers and two light carriers.
790 operational planes +89 in reserve
317 Fighters (all A6M5)
273 Dive Bombers (all D4Y1)
200 Torpedo Bombers (all B6N1 or N2)

In real world it would be view worth of song

In 14 days CV Katsuragi will join KB and i will send different ship back to Japan. My goal is to keep KB with 750+ operational planes.
Allies Carriers currently can have force of ~720 planes(Essex will arrive on map in 3 days but i am counting it already). But only ~480 from 5 big carriers and 240 from CVE. Also i not know what is state of damaged Lexington and Enterprise and Essex need ~two weeks to arrive to PH and from there sail to Australia

Crackaces -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/18/2013 4:08:32 PM)


) I can accept battle and force him to cross river with shock attack. Depending of forces he will use we can have different results. From Major victory to river full of British corpses.
I can easily move there 2000AV(inf+tanks+arty). Biggest risk there will be allied air force but i think a can give decent air support to my troops from all 4 AFs i have there.

The use of the Allied Airforce is a huge risk .. not just a big risk .. [8D] The Allies do not have to kill squads in teh open .. simple disruption is enough to lower AV and firepower where a shock attack become effective with little risk of causulties. You can hope that the Allies get impateint and cross without preperation but if they do .. it is katy bar the door ...

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/18/2013 4:33:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Crackaces


) I can accept battle and force him to cross river with shock attack. Depending of forces he will use we can have different results. From Major victory to river full of British corpses.
I can easily move there 2000AV(inf+tanks+arty). Biggest risk there will be allied air force but i think a can give decent air support to my troops from all 4 AFs i have there.

The use of the Allied Airforce is a huge risk .. not just a big risk .. [8D] The Allies do not have to kill squads in teh open .. simple disruption is enough to lower AV and firepower where a shock attack become effective with little risk of causulties. You can hope that the Allies get impateint and cross without preperation but if they do .. it is katy bar the door ...

I'm leaning this way too, from my experience so far. I chose not to take the risk, and the jungles have provided some stalling time. If he succeeds in one attack it can turn into a snowball there unless you have another line built up behind.

Crackaces -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/18/2013 5:07:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: Crackaces


) I can accept battle and force him to cross river with shock attack. Depending of forces he will use we can have different results. From Major victory to river full of British corpses.
I can easily move there 2000AV(inf+tanks+arty). Biggest risk there will be allied air force but i think a can give decent air support to my troops from all 4 AFs i have there.

The use of the Allied Airforce is a huge risk .. not just a big risk .. [8D] The Allies do not have to kill squads in teh open .. simple disruption is enough to lower AV and firepower where a shock attack become effective with little risk of causulties. You can hope that the Allies get impateint and cross without preperation but if they do .. it is katy bar the door ...

I'm leaning this way too, from my experience so far. I chose not to take the risk, and the jungles have provided some stalling time. If he succeeds in one attack it can turn into a snowball there unless you have another line built up behind.

My gripe is the JFB's park troops in the open and then complain that Allied airpower is borked! [8|] If teh Allies have agreed to some homerule that prohibits ground attacks than the IJ can defend the Irrawaddy Valley .. else .. it is the Jungle line that you have well described. BTW) With staacking limits I believe there are two very vulnerable hexes at the 10 oclock and 12 o'clock positions above Toungoo .. these hexes can stack 55,000 and represent a point where the IJ must concentrate or lose the rail lines going north...

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/19/2013 9:55:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Crackaces


ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: Crackaces


) I can accept battle and force him to cross river with shock attack. Depending of forces he will use we can have different results. From Major victory to river full of British corpses.
I can easily move there 2000AV(inf+tanks+arty). Biggest risk there will be allied air force but i think a can give decent air support to my troops from all 4 AFs i have there.

The use of the Allied Airforce is a huge risk .. not just a big risk .. [8D] The Allies do not have to kill squads in teh open .. simple disruption is enough to lower AV and firepower where a shock attack become effective with little risk of causulties. You can hope that the Allies get impateint and cross without preperation but if they do .. it is katy bar the door ...

I'm leaning this way too, from my experience so far. I chose not to take the risk, and the jungles have provided some stalling time. If he succeeds in one attack it can turn into a snowball there unless you have another line built up behind.

My gripe is the JFB's park troops in the open and then complain that Allied airpower is borked! [8|] If teh Allies have agreed to some homerule that prohibits ground attacks than the IJ can defend the Irrawaddy Valley .. else .. it is the Jungle line that you have well described. BTW) With staacking limits I believe there are two very vulnerable hexes at the 10 oclock and 12 o'clock positions above Toungoo .. these hexes can stack 55,000 and represent a point where the IJ must concentrate or lose the rail lines going north...

I make decision. I will retreat to jungle. First units arledy take position ant Jungle line. But most of forces will retereat in last moment.
Later i will make map.
Sadly we are no playing with stacking limits. It would defiantly help me. We are playing clean SCEN 1.

17 May 43


Two SAG? closing toward Ramree. I am expecting naval bombardment tomorrow night.
Docup is becoming serious about Ramree. I am planing 450 planes CAP trap above Ramree. Docup is sweeping it with 70 fighters( and bombing with about 80 bombers. I hope i will get few of them. So far i have no luck. Every time i set LCAP above Ramree allies stay on ground. It happens 4 times so far.

Ki43 sweep Chungking. I lost 13 Oscars for one 1 enemy. Stupid idea. I will send 45 Georges to China. They should eat enemy fighters for breakfast.

N1K2-J advance to 12/43

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/20/2013 9:14:58 AM)

18 MAY 43

Docup open Pandora's Box. Firt time in our game strategic bombing have place.

Night Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-17F Fortress x 6

Allied aircraft losses
B-17F Fortress: 1 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x B-17F Fortress bombing from 10000 feet *
City Attack: 4 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Finally CAP trap above Ramrre Is. has happened. Ok it was not success but also it was not failure.
I lost 41 fighters for 16 enemy fighters and 14 bombers. Entire day cost me 9 KI and 10 MIA pilots.
All air group are in good condition. Still high morale 90+ and fatigue below 20. I don`t even need to replace planes as none of groups lost more that 4-5 planes and i try to have them with 12 planes on reserve

Morning Air attack on Ramree Island , at 54,48

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 34,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 31
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 39
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 89

Allied aircraft
F4U-1 Corsair x 18

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1-J George: 3 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIc Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4U-1 Corsair: 3 destroyed


Afternoon Air attack on Ramree Island , at 54,48

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 42 NM, estimated altitude 33,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 27
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 39
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 84

Allied aircraft
P-38G Lightning x 25

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIc Tojo: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38G Lightning: 1 destroyed


Afternoon Air attack on Ramree Island , at 54,48

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 32,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 20
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 28
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 65

Allied aircraft
P-38G Lightning x 25

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1-J George: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 7 destroyed
Ki-44-IIc Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38G Lightning: 1 destroyed

Afternoon Air attack on 21st Division, at 54,48 (Ramree Island)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 13
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 14
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 56

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter VIc x 16
Blenheim IV x 16

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Beaufighter VIc: 3 destroyed
Blenheim IV: 5 destroyed

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/21/2013 10:25:05 AM)

19 May 43

21 P-38 sweep Shorthands. I have there 80 Tojos and 20 Georges. Result was good.
I lost 4 Tojo's and 1 KIA for 8 P-38G shot down. In two days allies lost month of P-38
I was planing to sweep Tagula tomorrow but after that i am canceling that mission.

Afternoon Air attack on Shortlands , at 109,131

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 35,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 15
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 52

Allied aircraft
P-38G Lightning x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIc Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38G Lightning: 2 destroyed

CV Katsuragi manage to enter deep ocean and is sailing toward Truk. It barely compensate 50% of firepower allies get after todays CV Essex arrival.

Last turn i move many pilots between fighter air groups and reserve. I notice today almost 200 pilots deficit. What big is delay until pilots show up again in reserve. 14 or 21 days?

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