RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (Full Version)

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koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/21/2013 3:19:24 PM)

20 May 43

South Pacific
Search planes from Tabiteuea detect enemy TF sailing north toward Gilbert's.
Nothing big as usually i see lot of ships in that area. But i lost G3M3 shot down by CAP above that TF.
It look like Cargo TF, maybe Tankers?
DL is very low I see 9 ships AM, TK, TK, PT, SC, AKA, SC, so it can be everything or nothing.

I am moving my forces to in area to lower DEFCON level.

Second Ki-84a factory repaired. Frank will enter production not later that in October `43
I have two more factories that need only one point to be fully repaired. I think with some luck i can have Frank available in August or September.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/22/2013 7:16:57 PM)

21 May 43

First two IDs retreat from plains and already are in new jungle defense line building forts.
Now i will move some tanks and artillery units.

I found that mini subs can be useful.

SSX Ha-34, Mine hits 1, heavy damage
SSX Ha-30, Mine hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
SSX Ha-33, Mine hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

New Guinea
ID and 3 BF units are sailing to garrison Holandia, Aitape and Wewak.
They already have ENGs building those bases.
In 10-14 days Air HQ will land in Aitape

I have refueled last ships but no fuel left as reserve.
Truk have ~40k of fuel but this is 3 day from KB. Next closest source of fuel is Borneo or Japan[:(]

Problem are not TK or AOs. There is just not enough fuel to transport, entire DEI have only 300k and most of it will be transported to Japan

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/24/2013 6:29:45 PM)

22 MAY 43

I lost 19 Ki49 from flak fire when they try to attack Aliied troops in Jungle hex.
It was stupid to sent them below 10k ft

Gilbert Islands DEFCON 1, DEFCON 1
I detect TF that is looking like CV TF. I lost G3M3 above them so CAP must be strong They hading toward Giolberts. Two islands have DL Tabiteuea 9/10 and Onota 6/7. So they are potential targets. Other potential targets are also all dot bases around Tabiteuea as they also can build AF fast

I have KB in range but i not sure i want to attack tomorrow. Maybe i will wait one day to see where Docup will land and to be sure it is not decoy mission.
But i cant miss opportunity to catch his forces on sea before landing. Battleships in Maiana can be in Onotoa before day. They are low on fuel but still enough for one day flank. I am thinking to send BBs to Onotoa trough Tabiteua (they will finish movement there but move target will be in X point where on day phase BBs will meet KB.

I can also move 120 bombers and 80 fighters to Tarawa. Together with KB that will give me 1000 combat planes tomorrow. Tarawa have Air HQ and 200 Torpedoes. AF lvl 4


koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/24/2013 8:36:08 PM)

After double drink i make decision.
I am attacking tomorrow. Time is not my friend, If i can attack i will. Opportunity to engage enemy carriers when hey are out of LBA support can`t happen again. So i taking my chances.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/24/2013 10:29:35 PM)



After double drink i make decision.
I am attacking tomorrow. Time is not my friend, If i can attack i will. Opportunity to engage enemy carriers when hey are out of LBA support can`t happen again. So i taking my chances.

I was reading on my phone and going to try to get you a message to go for it earlier. Good to see you're doing it. Why wait? Even if he's doing something else in another place, these ships are in range and look to be good targets. Go for it and take what you can. Make sure of all settings! [;)]



koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/24/2013 10:45:14 PM)

i will end turn in 5 minutes[8D].
I going with everything I have.

I still not sure about range setting to TB. I think i will go only with 7 hex range. Hoping to use both DB and TB and avoid to big spreed of forces.
I will park 3 hex West of Tabiteua. He is now 6 hex south of from it. It is good place to arrive to that base at night and unload. also it is max movement for his slow BB if he have them and want to use them to bombard island at night.

Jap BBs will sweep sea ending night move in Tabiteua. And if they survive night they will join KB on morning to hide under CAP.

I am sending KB in single TF. 780 planes. To avoid coordination penalty i should use 4 TFs but i have limited escorts. 3 TF mean penalty is on max also so no reason to split KB and risk that some of them will react toward enemy

Tarawa have 100 2E TBs and 70 fighters. Total 940 planes. It is almost all i have in Pacific. I have also 200 fighters in Rabaul. Rest of planes is in DEI.

If allies are using all carriers they can have ~630 planes. Probably ~200 F6F.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 6:49:27 AM)

Turn send.
I was so close to comment in email about next turn. But i dont do it.

KB will take position 3 hex West of Tabituea. It is currently 7 hex from enemy TF. I hope Docup will move north tomorrow or at lest carriers will stay in position and i will be in range tomorrow...
DB(D4Y1) and TB(B6N1 and N2)(total 470 bombers) are set on 14k , range 7 (i want to strike with mixed DB, TB packed because this give best results), they have 10-20% search order. I hoping for range 6 to use 500kg bombs

~90 fighters on 70% CAP, range 0, 1/3 on 7k, 2/3 on 17-19k (they are all 80+ XP pilots)
~150 fighters on 50 CAP, range 7 most of them at 14k to give better chance to coordination., some at 11k and 9k(70+ pilots)
~80 fighters on 0% CAP, range 7 14k, they are dedicated escorts.(mix of 60-70 xp pilots)
That shoul give me 160 planes on CAP and 160 as escorts

Tarawa have three bomber unit (G3M3 and G4M1) 100 planes total and 80 fighters (A6M5 and Ki-43IIb)

BB TF will move at full to Tabituea(ending night move there) with order to move trough Onotoa. and on morning they will join with KB.


Two thing are in my concern right now- weather and range to enemy.
But those are things that not depend from me right now.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 10:15:12 AM)

Interesting settings. I never do this kind of a split, but sometimes have one group set to range 0-1 at 70% CAP. The trouble I found recently with range 0 is that if your TFs get split it won't be involved in all CAP. You don't have to worry about this as yours are in one TF.

Weather can change everything, for either side. Fingers crossed.

veji1 -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 1:06:22 PM)

Good luck Samuraļ...

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 3:08:45 PM)

My mama have birthday today so i am going to see Her now.

Fasts rapport only

Enemy TF don`t move single hex so i end on 7 hex distance from it. Lucky KB react to enemy. Strike goes 100% coordinated. 370 bombers and 150 fighters in single wave.

Probably 3 enemy CV sunk or critically damaged. 4th CV damaged. BB sunk another heavily damaged. At lest one CL damaged . 6-8 enemy DD sunk.

Enemy counterattack slathered. Only one DB get trough it.
No single Jap ship hit.allies lost 220 planes Japan 172 planes and 140 pilots.

KB still have 700 operational planes.

Details in few h

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 3:26:25 PM)



My mama have birthday today so i am going to see Her now.

Fasts rapport only

Enemy TF don`t move single hex so i end on 7 hex distance from it. Lucky KB react to enemy. Strike goes 100% coordinated. 370 bombers and 150 fighters in single wave.

Probably 3 enemy CV sunk or critically damaged. 4th CV damaged. BB sunk another heavily damaged. At lest one CL damaged . 6-8 enemy DD sunk.

Enemy counterattack slathered. Only one DB get trough it.
No single Jap ship hit.allies lost 220 planes Japan 172 planes and 140 pilots.

KB still have 700 operational planes.

Details in few h

Way to go!!!! Nice work captain!

Sounds like this basically threw his timeline off by 6 months to a year!

I hope you make sure on the Allied CVs. That's way too far out to see them get back home if they're damaged. He can't have much left that's dangerous, and if there are amphibs around you might get some of those with the surface ships as well.



veji1 -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 3:36:48 PM)

Go get them ! Isn't that the 4th time you bloody his nose in CV battles ? Man lucky for him you were a bit naive in Burma, otherwise he would be completely stuck...

GreyJoy -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 3:55:29 PM)


obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 4:48:23 PM)

Stung again!


koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 7:09:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert

Stung again!


It looks great. It is Your work? Superb.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 7:16:28 PM)

23 May 43
Less important part

Enemy fighters sweep Ramree, i lost 10 Tojo's from leaky CAP

I forget to change bombers based in Hankow to rest and they decide to fly ground attack over Chunking. 28 Ki-49 lost.

Enemy Sub heavily damage xAK transporting Air HQ to Salomons. Ship will sunk tomorrow taking to bottom 1200 men and 25 AV squads.[:(] In return ASW escort attack and heavily damage that sub.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 7:55:06 PM)

23 MAY 43
Battle of Gilbert Islands
All ships manage to travel safely. Enemy sub attack only one time ASW TF that was clearing path to main body

Sub attack near Kuria at 135,132

Japanese Ships
DD Hatsuharu
DD Nenohi
DD Sazanami
DD Hatsushima

Allied Ships
SS Tinosa, hits 1


Morning start at first light. Search planes from Tabiteuea, Tarawa and KB start to detect enemy ships north of Nanumea. I counted 15 planes lost from enemy CAP.

After detection of enemy Carriers KB together with escorting SAG reacted toward enemy closing distance by 90 nm to 5 hex.

First attack came from Tarawa. Decent fighter number but to low bombers
Morning Air attack on TF, near Nanumea at 138,140

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 22
G3M3 Nell x 11
Ki-43-IIb Oscar x 32

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 36
F6F-3 Hellcat x 144

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 2 destroyed
G3M3 Nell: 5 destroyed
G3M3 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
Ki-43-IIb Oscar: 3 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
BB North Carolina

They came at 2000ft forcing enemy CAP to dive toward it. I think that help when main attack came.

I almost jump when i saw numbers and level of coordination i have. Good TF commander, almost 400 PP spend on squadron commanders and high quality of pilots take major role.
I must say that i am proud how A6M5 fight against almost 150 F6F. Escort shot down 5 Hellcats and 27 more was ops loses in return I lost only 7 A6M5 in that attack. Even they fight like lions they don manage to stop all enemy figters and almost 80 bomber where shot down before they close to attack range. After A2A phase i still have 300 bombers

Morning Air attack on TF, near Nanumea at 138,140

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 116 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 152
B6N1 Jill x 67
B6N2 Jill x 99
D4Y1 Judy x 235

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 35
F6F-3 Hellcat x 143

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 3 destroyed
B6N1 Jill: 3 destroyed, 4 damaged
B6N1 Jill: 2 destroyed by flak
B6N2 Jill: 14 destroyed, 3 damaged
B6N2 Jill: 1 destroyed by flak
D4Y1 Judy: 14 destroyed, 12 damaged
D4Y1 Judy: 2 destroyed by flak

Allied aircraft losses
F6F-3 Hellcat: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
BB Indiana, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CV Victorious, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
BB Massachusetts
CV Saratoga, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
CV Yorktown, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
BB North Carolina, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 6, and is sunk
CV Enterprise, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
CLAA Atlanta, Bomb hits 2
DD Laffey, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
DD Meredith
DD McCalla, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Lansdowne, Bomb hits 5, and is sunk
DD Lardner, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Aaron Ward, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Gwin, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
DD MacDonough, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Frazier, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Yorktown
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Enterprise
Fuel storage explosion on CV Saratoga
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Laffey
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Lardner
Magazine explodes on DD Gwin
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Saratoga
Fuel storage explosion on CV Victorious
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD MacDonough
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Victorious
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD McCalla
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Lansdowne
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Aaron Ward

Moments later some unescorted bombers attack allies but they manage to return or where destroyed by enemy CAP. Adding another 18 bombers to loses of day

Morning Air attack on TF, near Nanumea at 138,140

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 46 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B6N1 Jill x 7
D4Y1 Judy x 11

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 35
F6F-3 Hellcat x 129

Japanese aircraft losses
B6N1 Jill: 5 destroyed
D4Y1 Judy: 4 destroyed

No Allied losses

And then enemy counter attack found Kido Butai. CAP again fight like lions. Only one DB get trough it and was shot down by flak fire before was able drop bomb. I newer understand why Docup is using his CV so defensively. Huge CAP above Carriers that on the and fail, and very low focus on offensive. Only few Marlets escorting offensive mission.

Morning Air attack on TF, near Tabiteuea at 135,136

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 38 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 107
A6M5b Zero x 28

Allied aircraft
Martlet IV x 6
SBD-3 Dauntless x 33
TBF-1 Avenger x 47

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Martlet IV: 4 destroyed
SBD-3 Dauntless: 16 destroyed
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak (only He manage to get trough CAP)
TBF-1 Avenger: 16 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu

There was also small attack of enemy TB. They where all shot down.
There was also Small enemy attack on SAG 90nm north of KB. Leaky CAP from KB do his job defending Battleships.

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Tabiteuea at 135,134

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 70 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 33 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 19

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 14
TBF-1 Avenger x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged
TBF-1 Avenger: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
BB Mutsu

There was also 4E attack on Tabituea. 70 bombers attack AF on Island again leaky CAP from KB fight well shooting down 16 Liberators.

Morning Air attack on Tabiteuea , at 137,134

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 62

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 63
PB4Y-1 Liberator x 7

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D Liberator: 4 destroyed, 16 damaged

Airbase hits 7
Airbase supply hits 6
Runway hits 15

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 8:10:24 PM)

Pilot loses of day
61 MIA
33 WIA
92 KIA

Air Loses

JocMeister -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 8:17:41 PM)

Well done Koniu! Poor Docup!

Wonder why his strike were so small?!

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 8:30:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Well done Koniu! Poor Docup!

Wonder why his strike were so small?!

Not sure.
But i saw the same thing 4 months ago when he was landing at Milne bay.
Heavy CAP above CV TF but minimal offensive power.
I think he still using wrong tactic. CV is offensive weapon that way 2/3 of my planes are bombers. We all know how engine is working. Even with 500 fighters on CAP well coordinated strike especially with good pilots like mine in KB will always get trough.

That way i only have 140 fighters an CAP and 150 on Escort.

He lost 200 carrier planes. So his CV TF is reduced to ~300-350 planes. Probably only Saratoga is operational. I see also one CVE so probably there is few more there I still have 700 ready planes. Even all D4Y1 and B6N1 that survive day are operational and they have SR3. That is good news for tomorrow. But i need to play safe. I see horde of SAGs in enemy hex.

JocMeister -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 8:38:20 PM)

Yeah, I think your reasoning are the correct one. But if you look at his bombers:

SBD-3 Dauntless x 33
TBF-1 Avenger x 47

With 3 CVs it should have been around 100 DBs. The Avengers match up in numbers if you count a Brit CV. But only 1/3 of the DB flew.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/25/2013 9:10:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Yeah, I think your reasoning are the correct one. But if you look at his bombers:

SBD-3 Dauntless x 33
TBF-1 Avenger x 47

With 3 CVs it should have been around 100 DBs. The Avengers match up in numbers if you count a Brit CV. But only 1/3 of the DB flew.

Weather? I don`t think so. Clear sky above KB and light rain above allied TF.
DL - also not, KB have DL 10/10
Maybe bad luck or wrong range settings. There was for sure more DB on CV because some go down with CV (Enterprise I think)

Also look at escort he have
Martlet IV x6 and F4F-4 Wildcat x14.

PaxMondo -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/26/2013 12:35:22 AM)

Wow. BRAVO! To win a standup '43 CV battle is really good.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/26/2013 5:42:41 AM)

Still no answer from Docup.
I will give him as much time as he want.

I think Big E or Yorktown sunk. Saratoga and Victorious should take some damage. I hope thy are closed for air ops. Indiana take also serious hit. I plan to catch some of them tomorrow.

There will be no naval charge from my side. I see to many enemy SAG TFs. They will eat my surface ships alive.
KB tomorrow will move East by night and on morning he will change direction South. One SAG will defend KB directly 4 others will protect KB moving on KB right flank(on morning they will return to Tabiteua.

TBs will now fly on max Torpedo range. I move more fighters to escort duty reducing CAP by 25%. I think i can catch some cripples tomorrow.

After that KB will retire north to refuel and replace planes and pilots. 3 or 4 CVs will sail to Japan for refits.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/26/2013 8:30:04 AM)




ORIGINAL: obvert

Stung again!


It looks great. It is Your work? Superb.

Just a quick thing from two images off the internet I manipulated. Since you've perfectly embodied your AAR title I thought this was appropriate. I also got inspired by seeing all of the great insignias created by PT boat crews while in Massachusetts.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/26/2013 8:36:44 AM)




ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Well done Koniu! Poor Docup!

Wonder why his strike were so small?!

Not sure.
But i saw the same thing 4 months ago when he was landing at Milne bay.
Heavy CAP above CV TF but minimal offensive power.
I think he still using wrong tactic. CV is offensive weapon that way 2/3 of my planes are bombers. We all know how engine is working. Even with 500 fighters on CAP well coordinated strike especially with good pilots like mine in KB will always get trough.

That way i only have 140 fighters an CAP and 150 on Escort.

He lost 200 carrier planes. So his CV TF is reduced to ~300-350 planes. Probably only Saratoga is operational. I see also one CVE so probably there is few more there I still have 700 ready planes. Even all D4Y1 and B6N1 that survive day are operational and they have SR3. That is good news for tomorrow. But i need to play safe. I see horde of SAGs in enemy hex.

Yeah, something was wrong with his settings for sure. That isn't a good mix of planes, and quite a few bombers not flying as Jocke points out. Feel for him, but we all go through it eventually.

About the SAGs, if you put a bunch in your hex as well with reaction 1 they should get to any he sends before they get to the KB. Maybe also send in your BB TF hot at flank toward him, which should also scoop up something moving toward you. I learned a lot recently in my game with Torsten. The key to intercepting CVs is many TFs. I'm not sure he has many with good ships after what you've done. Most DDs will be needed to try to fill in around the CVs. I assume you have subs in the area as well.

You could also move your CVs to the side first, then South, to avoid direct routes toward you. Make sure there is a lot of night search flying.

veji1 -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/26/2013 8:56:23 AM)

Wow. I wouldn't waste this chance by bein too careful. This late in the game you have to risk a few carriers if you can sink more of his. between 4 carriers sunk and 1 sunk + 3 others in the dock, the difference is very big. Honestly very well played but Docup has major problems understanding the CV aspect of the game if I may. 4th time I think you nail him and very strange CAP/strike settings on his part.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/26/2013 9:14:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: obvert




ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Well done Koniu! Poor Docup!

Wonder why his strike were so small?!

Not sure.
But i saw the same thing 4 months ago when he was landing at Milne bay.
Heavy CAP above CV TF but minimal offensive power.
I think he still using wrong tactic. CV is offensive weapon that way 2/3 of my planes are bombers. We all know how engine is working. Even with 500 fighters on CAP well coordinated strike especially with good pilots like mine in KB will always get trough.

That way i only have 140 fighters an CAP and 150 on Escort.

He lost 200 carrier planes. So his CV TF is reduced to ~300-350 planes. Probably only Saratoga is operational. I see also one CVE so probably there is few more there I still have 700 ready planes. Even all D4Y1 and B6N1 that survive day are operational and they have SR3. That is good news for tomorrow. But i need to play safe. I see horde of SAGs in enemy hex.

Yeah, something was wrong with his settings for sure. That isn't a good mix of planes, and quite a few bombers not flying as Jocke points out. Feel for him, but we all go through it eventually.

About the SAGs, if you put a bunch in your hex as well with reaction 1 they should get to any he sends before they get to the KB. Maybe also send in your BB TF hot at flank toward him, which should also scoop up something moving toward you. I learned a lot recently in my game with Torsten. The key to intercepting CVs is many TFs. I'm not sure he has many with good ships after what you've done. Most DDs will be needed to try to fill in around the CVs. I assume you have subs in the area as well.

You could also move your CVs to the side first, then South, to avoid direct routes toward you. Make sure there is a lot of night search flying.


Wow. I wouldn't waste this chance by bein too careful. This late in the game you have to risk a few carriers if you can sink more of his. between 4 carriers sunk and 1 sunk + 3 others in the dock, the difference is very big. Honestly very well played but Docup has major problems understanding the CV aspect of the game if I may. 4th time I think you nail him and very strange CAP/strike settings on his part.

Already done that. KB will move East and then South hopping to catch some of those wounded ships. CA TF will escort KB(BB are to far from KB) while 4 other TFs (BB, CA and some DD) will move toward enemy hoping to intercept his ships. I play safe. My SAGs are focusing on KB defense and if they intercept something it can be only nice bonus. KB safe is priority. I don`t want to change that Victory in disaster. We all reading "The Elephant Vanishes"[sm=00000002.gif]

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/26/2013 9:29:36 AM)



4th time I think you nail him and very strange CAP/strike settings on his part.

It was 5th CV vs CV battle.

In first he lost 2or3 British CV in battle of Ambon
In Second he lost British CV near Cocos Island
In third He lost 2 USN CV near Java (most of job done by LBA)
In forth near Milne Bay he end with two CV damaged and CVE sunk
An fifth is that last one 1 or 2 CV sunk and 2 damaged

In all those battles his best result was single 500lb bomb hitting my carrier and 3 or 4 TT hit from subs

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (4/27/2013 9:54:09 AM)

24 May 43
Very intensive day.

South DEI
Allied bombers attack oil field in Babo and Bolea. 6 oil points destroyed
It is first strategic bombing mission in our game

Thing are start to be dangerous here.
Allied DDs attack ships around Rabaul. I lost few LBs and old slow CL. Two destroyers are light damaged. I rushing KB toward Rabaul to regain balance in area.

I think Docup will want to land in Woodlark Island. 4E raids and heavy sweeps above island

I see CL TF south of Rabaul and big SAG 6 Hex north of Woodlark (passably cruisers or BB)
Rabul is in danger of Naval bombardment

Night Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 106,125, Range 7,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Katori, Shell hits 3, on fire
CL Kashima, Shell hits 10, heavy fires, heavy damage (sunk on morning)
DD Oboro
DD Minekaze, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Susuki, Shell hits 3, on fire

Allied Ships
DD Sims, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Patterson, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Clark, Shell hits 1


Day Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 106,125, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Aoba, Shell hits 1
CA Furutaka, Shell hits 1
DD Hagikaze, Shell hits 1
DD Murakumo, Shell hits 4, on fire
DD Sagiri, Shell hits 1
DD Amagiri

Allied Ships
DD Sims
DD Patterson, Shell hits 2, heavy damage
DD Clark, Shell hits 1, on fire


Day Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 106,125, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Aoba
CA Furutaka
DD Hagikaze
DD Murakumo, on fire
DD Sagiri
DD Amagiri

Allied Ships
DD Clark, Shell hits 8, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Battle of Gilbert Islands Day 2
As suspected allies send SAGs toward KB. Japanning surface force manage to stop them with cost of one DD and few damaged ships
KB safely arrive to new position.
One of subs find and put 3 TT in to Victorious belly. Later CV was sunk by LBA from Tarawa. Another sub sunk enemy DD
KB found and sunk few DDs and SC but no intel about enemy CV. I am suspecting that Big E and Yorktown sunk. I have also theory that one of them manage to anchor in Nanumea. I saw enemy FT in Nanumea hex during replay but TF was gone when turn was loaded. I am sending reckon planes to check that, and all subs available to patrol around island.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Nanumea at 137,139, Range 11,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Isonami, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Yuzuki, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
DD Russell
DD O'Brien
DD Morris


Night Time Surface Combat, near Arorae at 137,138, Range 11,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Yuzuki

Allied Ships
DD Russell
DD O'Brien
DD Morris


Sub attack near Nanumea at 135,143

Japanese Ships
SS I-20, hits 1

Allied Ships
CV Victorious, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
DD Gillespie


Submarine attack near Nanumea at 138,141

Japanese Ships
SS I-175

Allied Ships
DD MacDonough, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage


Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Funafuti at 141,146

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 26 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M3 Nell x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M3 Nell: 5 damaged
G3M3 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak

Allied Ships
CL Richmond
CL Detroit


Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Nanumea at 134,143

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 44 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 9

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Martlet IV: 10 destroyed

Allied Ships
CV Victorious, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
DD Gansevoort
DD Gillespie


Morning Air attack on TF, near Nanumea at 138,140

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 63 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 63
B6N1 Jill x 14
B6N2 Jill x 6
D4Y1 Judy x 25

Japanese aircraft losses
B6N1 Jill: 2 damaged
D4Y1 Judy: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Conyngham, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Drayton, Bomb hits 4, and is sunk
DD Ralph Talbot, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires


Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Nanumea at 138,140

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 39
D4Y1 Judy x 25

Japanese aircraft losses
D4Y1 Judy: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Ralph Talbot, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk


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