cpdeyoung -> RE: So how is this game ? (12/20/2011 4:35:51 AM)
Martok, Ah, there is only one choice, the obedient, respectful, diligent Hoon Yon! I am 540 turns into a 2,000 turn campaign and am in 4th place of 4 races, but am confident of eventual victory. I can build colonies in profusion, without having to worry about bureaucracy! I currently have about 100 more colonies than anyone else. The other races, random, are Jellutions, Humans, and A.R.O.M. No very aggressive races, so we have only had 75 battles in 540 turns. I have won 50 of them, and expect the Humans will be the most aggressive opponent. The Jelly Fish have some impressive defenses, and I have only fought them once to push 4 armored assault craft and 8 assault craft from a colony of mine. I have not fought Monkeys yet, and have been warring with the Tin Men. Other than sneaking in behind me to recapture a colony, which no longer is so easy, they have shown little concern with my aggression. I do notice massive deficit spending on their part however. My second favorite race is the Klurgu. Chuck PS : Jellutions were great neighbors, and generous in sharing tech, and trade. PPS : Supernova.