Ambassador -> RE: Japan Econ 101 setup Draft Doc (2/4/2021 6:44:08 PM)
ORIGINAL: Cohen_slith Is there a simpler approach with less math involved to begin with and more basic 'how to do things and get things done'? I've started to read the thing, kind of got lost with all the math, and I've quite basic questions that are not even answered or covered there. First 'easy' question: Does my economy includes conquered locations? Does it retain the same efficiency? (A Japan HI consumes and produces the same as a Korea or Manchuria located HI point, or the same as a China or Rangoon located HI)? Captured industry get halved, but otherwise HI is HI is HI : it’ll require the same ressources, whether it’s in Tokyo, Seoul, Batavia or Petaouchnok. quote:
Second 'easy' question: Does make sense to build (expand?) HIs and other factories that are closer to Resources and Fuel? (ie. Manchuria for instance - assuming they work at same efficiency) From a logistical and industrial point of view, yes. Ressources have to be hauled, and this costs fuel, more or less depending on the efficiency of the TK/xAK (as in fuel consumed per hex travelled per given load of fuel/ressources). From a strategic point of view, it depends. Fuel has to be brought to Japan, supplies have to be brought to the front lines, so producing that supply closer to the front limits the fuel consumption to haul both the fuel and the supply. But ! (There’s always a « but » in this game) this will also bring the HI closer to the front line, and they’ll be vulnerable to attacks. Some HI in Java may be useful, but if the Allies come bombing it and damage or destroy it, it’s gone. quote:
A more 'mathy' question could be: Does it make more sense to expand HI in Sapporo or in let's say Tokyo? Or to dump there LI? (The rationale, after having read your documents, is that around Sapporo there are an amount of resources already, and HI requires small amount of fuel that requires to get there. It is more efficient a longer oil / fuel route for that amount, or to ship resources to Japan?) You need 2 fuel but 20 ressources to make a HI work. A 6000-capacity TK transports enough to ensure 100 days of operation for a size 30 HI plant. In contrast, a 6000-capacity xAK assigned to transport ressources only brings enough for 10 days of operation. The difference is that bringing the ressources from Hokkaido is a short hop between two bases, while the fuel has to be brought much further (I’m not a specialist of Japan, but I found I had a hard time bringing enough fuel at the tip of Honshu - forgot the name of that base - to push it to Hokkaido). quote:
Ulterior 'mathy' question could be: Should I expand LI or HI? Or neither? Which is better? The 'feeding' formula was explained, but it's simpler to say 'It is more efficient to build THIS ... eventually as long as THAT premise is kept' (Example: HI are more efficient, but they require fuel too. LI can still give you supplies even when late war Japan is surrounded by USA aereonaval assets'). Think in terms of return on investment. A LI requires only 15 ressources, but only gives 1 supply point. As you need 100 supplies to create the LI, and 1000 to « repair » it to functional state, the initial cost is 1.100 supplies - you need it to operate for 1.100 days in order to profit from the expansion, or around three years. IOW, expand an LI at game start, and you get slightly more supplies starting mid-December ‘44. In contrast, HI requires 20 ressources and 2 fuel, but gives 2 supply points (and 2 HI points). Your investment in supply to create & repair the plant is recovered in 550 days, or one and a half year - IOW, expansion in December ‘41 gives a benefit in June ‘43. So, as long as you have enough fuel, expanding HI is more useful. Now, what about surplus ressources once you’re confident you’ve expanded your HI as much as you can afford given your Oil/Fuel sources ? Remember the strategic point above : location and susceptibility to enemy attacks. An LI that you’re confident won’t be damaged by the Allies before ‘45, can give you an advantage. But, unless your enemy is incompetent, Japan will be undergoing a continuous bombing campaign by then, and other parts of the empire may be under threat way earlier, so LI might only be safe in Manchukuo. And even so, as you need to bring 1.100 supplies somewhere to create that LI, very early in the game (when your fleet is under hard pressure to invade everywhere), it brings you a mere 30 supplies per month, 365 supplies for the whole of 1945. quote:
Hook a gamer first, go in detail later with some 'advanced guide'. Ironically enough, what you defined 'for advancer gamers' is explained in a simpler fashion than all the previous work. Thanks nonetheless! I know more of the game, but I am still a headless chicken about production and lack clarity of first steps about what I should do here. ADDENDA: Trying to follow the step by step thing - but for instance I cannot bring to 40 the Veichle factories. If I expand them, it -automatically- adds a batch of the same number. So a 12 Veic.Fact set to expand will necessarily add other 12. No less, no more. And then if I click again, they'll add other 24. Am I missing something? Don’t expand the industry from the base/city screen, but from the general industry screen.