Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/2/2012 12:15:52 PM)
4 attacks this impulse for the Germans, the middle two are Blitz attacks. The only attack that is mostly safe for Soviet Ground Support is the attack on Kalinin. None of them are actually worth it, though (I think). The attack on Kalinin could put a temporary halt to the Northern German forces by disorganizing 5 units (2 x MECH, 1 x INF, 1 x MIL, 1 x ART), but it might do that anyway. ----- Edit: The Stalino attack could be supported by 6 factors, making this a 5:1 +1 Assault, but that can be intercepted at +4/-3 odds. It would require 2 LND and a FTR, and it would only have value if both got through. Not likely, I'd say. If it did work, that gives a 40% chance of disorganizing 10 units (about 20% of the German forces) early in the turn, but I'm chicken . . . I don't think it's worth the risk. ----- So, no Ground Support. The attack on the Stalino MIL is interesting. It is a Blitz attack (German choice), but if the ARM Division and the 6-6 MECH involved in this attack advance beyond the target hex, they end up OOS. However, I can keep them under FTR cover, and I can also rebase a 6-factor FTR to the area if I need to. I'll probably advance them into 2 different hexes. At best, the USSR can Ground Strike with 3 factors, and if they aren't together, they'd have to use 2 LND. Even if they only try for the MECH, it's the weakest of the German mechanized Corps, and an attack or overrun would put some Soviets out of position for the defensive, I think. Anyway, here is what I have set up: [image]local://upfiles/38062/27AB683975664B4AB1AC943B67FACC30.jpg[/image]