nashvillen -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (2/26/2015 1:28:22 PM)
We were on the north side of the storm and, as such, only got about 2 inches. Enough to close schools around here due to all the back roads that have no removal other than vehicles driving on it and the sun. So, kids are at home, play computer games with their friends online, and I am at work. Unlike USS Mike, I had to drive in to do so. About traded paint with a Dodge Charger that pulled into my lane of travel with windows that were not cleared of snow and ice this morning on that commute. Seven lane road (3 each way and a middle turn lane), the vehicle came from the far left and I was in the inside lane northbound. Said vehicle had to cross three lanes plus the middle turn lane that was slushy. Two issues with the Charger, it didn't have it's windows cleared and it slid through the slush into my lane. I was less than 100 feet away and moving at 45 mph (posted speed limit) roadway was wet, but not frozen. I pulled a maneuver taught to me in Emergency Vehicle Operator's Course (EVOC) back in my Firefighter/EMT days. It is essentially an instant lane change at speed. We practiced it on a closed course with ambulances. It works well with a Grand Caravan, also. [:)] No paint was traded and the look on the others that pulled up next to me at the next light down the road was priceless. They had a look of astonishment at how the accident was avoided. Anyways, my adrenaline is up this morning...