So How Do I Buy All? (Full Version)

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GenChaos33 -> So How Do I Buy All? (11/23/2011 5:41:07 PM)

Currently, I have none of the DW series. But with Legends out now, I'm thinking of making the Jump!!! So what do I have pay? I assume I have to buy all 3 at the Holiday pricing. So DW at $27, ROTS at $17, and Legends at $20 with the total being $64. Is this right? Or I keep seeing the term Bundle, but I see no pricing for a Bundle. Or is the Bundle available after the Holiday sale? Thanks for your help.

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/23/2011 5:43:13 PM)

That's correct. Distant Worlds and Return of the Shakturi are currently at about 33% off and Legends was released at the normal bundle price (after this promotion ends it will be $24.99 for the Legends download). So if you purchase all three now you get Legends at the normal bundle price and Distant Worlds and Return of the Shakturi below the normal bundle price (which is a $5 discount).


- Erik

Nedrear -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/23/2011 5:44:17 PM)

If you download without "hull" Legends should be 16 Dollar and the other two should be available as a bundle. Well even if not both are reduced like Shakturi to mathc 14 Dollar or so. All in all not more than 50 bugs I guess.

khelvan -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/23/2011 7:56:23 PM)

Since I'm having trouble with the wording (and am not in front of my gaming PC to purchase/download), is the correct procedure to simply add all three games to the cart and the correct discounts will be given automatically?

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/23/2011 8:29:57 PM)

We tried to make it as easy as possible. All three games are already discounted to below the normal bundle levels (for Distant Worlds and Return of the Shakturi) and to the normal bundle level (for Legends). So yes, as long as they all end up in your cart through whatever method you will be getting the discounted price.

After the holiday sale and release promotion is over, they'll return to the normal higher pricing and the bundle discount will only be available if you purchase them together (and that will still be at a higher price than they are now).


- Erik

toruserx -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 7:57:30 PM)

Hi everybody.
Let me do simple math. Buying original+rots+legends=63$. Buying any top AAA class game from steam <50$.
I really hope you release stand alone version for 20-30$. Until then i am buying from alternative vendors.

you can delete my post/account,just remeber that involving new players is better than milking fans.

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 8:05:54 PM)

Hi toruserx,

Why would we delete or ban your account?

Also, why would you assume that the economics of a AAA title and a small publisher/independent strategy game are similar? "Milking" would suggest that we are making some kind of obscene profit at these prices. Not at all, this is basically the minimum we can charge to stay in business and make new games.

I realize $63 is not cheap, but for three titles that's as much of a discount as we can offer and still continue to make these games. If your budget is tight, consider getting just the original and starting with that, then add the expansions as time and your budget allow.


- Erik

Mysterius -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 9:21:18 PM)

I'm afraid i have to agree with toruserx.

Here in France we have to pay about 62€ -$82!- for the game + the 2 addons (because of taxes). With the holiday prices [X(].

This may be perfectly justified in terms of development costs and also mostly not your fault (taxes again) but it is also very discouraging for new players. I have had trouble convincing real 4x fans to buy DW. Of course they can buy the base game and then the rest. Now let's not play the ignorant more than we really are : most players want everything or nothing.

It appears to me that the first addon, Return of the Shakturi, is heavily overpriced. For a "simple" (yes, i know [;)]) one year-old addon, even the bundle price of 15€ seems too much. I don't even dare talking about the full price when the holiday sales will be off. Even I, after all the hours played, couldn't afford to pay such a price for the game with its 2 addons.

A one-year old addon should have its price at least cut by half.

Again, this is from a customer point of view and even if you may find the prices justified, the problem is that it is the customer who decide what to pay for what, and they do not really care about these reasons ! ^^. For buyers, an addon is not a title. It is an addon, with all the expectations in terms of content and pricing attached to the concept.

Also, i don't really care since i already have the base game and Shakturi. I'm just saying Matrix may be discouraging potential buyers with that kind of pricing (and actually is, since i've seen that kind of reaction a lot on french-speaking forums). Toruserx has a point when he says that it's always economically better to attract new people than charging fans.

WoodMan -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 9:47:06 PM)

I was trying to persuade a friend to buy DW+RotS+Legends, he was waiting for the sale to start and was going to buy all three at the same time, but when he heard it was £46 for all three he said "I have to check my finances" which basically means "no its too expensive".

I'm perfectly happy with what I've paid for DW, RotS and Legends, but for new players anything over £35 is going above what a brand new bestselling game like Skyrim or MW3 costs. It is irrelevant that finances between AAA title and independent publisher work differently, its a lost sale, therefore no matter what your business model you have lost money.

Personally if I was in charge at Matrix I'd write to bestselling mags like PC Gamer UK who write at the start of their magazine that it is their aim to "review every single game released in the UK", if it gets a good review it would probably increase sales in this country somewhere in the region of 10 fold, meaning you can cut the price to a more reasonable £35 for the bundle.

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 9:51:24 PM)

Hi Mysterius,

We do hear you, but I think part of this is the friction between expectations set by mainstream economies of scale and pricing in comparison to the pricing and economies of more independent releases with more niche appeal. There is also really nothing we can do or say about taxes, that's between each gamer and their government.

It's also worth keeping in mind that Return of the Shakturi, up until yesterday, was the newest version of Distant Worlds and is currently available at it's lowest price since release. For the work put into it, that for us is a really low price.

The pricing decision is made individually for each release based on the factors that correspond to that release. We make these decisions based on years of data and analysis. If you look at our catalog, you'll see that our games cover a range of prices, both lower and much higher than Distant Worlds. It's our responsibility to ensure the success and survival of this series and a successful future for Elliot as well as making this affordable for our customers and to reach as many customers as possible. We combine those goals as much as possible.

With all that said, we very much appreciate the feedback and your efforts to spread the word to other gamers. Distant Worlds will over time become more affordable and have a lower entry price point, which will hopefully help you and other fans to convince your friends to give it a try. This is the best we can do now though and to lower the price further at this point would go against our best economic judgement.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 9:54:24 PM)


Personally if I was in charge at Matrix I'd write to bestselling mags like PC Gamer UK who write at the start of their magazine that it is their aim to "review every single game released in the UK", if it gets a good review it would probably increase sales in this country somewhere in the region of 10 fold, meaning you can cut the price to a more reasonable £35 for the bundle.

We reach out to the media and press for each of our releases. While there are some notable exceptions who understand this genre, you might be surprised how many really don't and either are not interested in reviewing these kinds of games or trash them based on a completely irrelevant evaluation (for that genre) once they do review it. Finally, I wish a good review in PC Gamer multiplied sales by ten fold. Perhaps once it did and it certainly has more effect in retail, but retail for PC Games below the Top 10 AAA level is mostly dead.


- Erik

Sithuk -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 9:59:13 PM)

1) How many units of DW have sold?
2) How many units of DW:ROTS have sold?
3) How many units of DE:Legends have sold

We all wish Codeforce to have a sustainable model. There is only one programmer for Distant Worlds, from the units sold info we might have a chance at gauging how sustainable the title is.

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 10:04:34 PM)

Hi Sithuk,

We do not share sales data, sorry, but that's confidential. We do have more than ten years of internal data on various strategy and sci-fi games to compare to as well as other publicly available sales data and privately gathered data on various other releases and distribution stores. We're doing the best we can to steer this ship on the right course. The end goal for everyone is to have Distant Worlds outsell all previous Sci-Fi 4x games together, but the strategy to get there is of necessity somewhat incremental.


- Erik

Mysterius -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 10:20:20 PM)

Elliot was interviewed by the french mag "CanardPC" more than a year ago. We have a topic about DW on the forum.

For the fun of it, here's the (translated) conclusion of the test that was published inside the magazine in may 2010 :

"Distant Worlds is ugly, rough, badly designed, irritating, only in English and single player. But it is also innovative, interesting and pleasantly complex. We forgot its defaults to plunge during hours into the conquest of a galaxy which never seemed so alive. For a normal price, its ugly face and numerous defaults would have been worth 5 or 6. But for 30 euros, i can only recommand to the veteran players to try it and salute the achievement of the two authors" 7/10

I don't really agree about the ugliness of the game, but i think the tester understood quite well the very spirit of that kind of games : graphics are only here to serve the imagination of the player. The core is the gameplay.

Raap -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 11:26:58 PM)

It's a tricky thing trying to balance price vs sales, especially in a niche genre like this one, so I can sympathize with MatrixGames on that point. I would have to throw in with the other side here however. It's expensive, but that's just one thing. The other thing is that the base game, Distant Worlds, really didn't bloom until it got the RotS expansion. I've seen several examples already of people being put off for the expansions because they had things they really disliked about the original, many of which have now largely been fixed. So with no demo to try stuff out, and with no way to check out the expansions without buying everything, many potential customers are unfortunately left in the dark on just how good the game has become.

There's also the problem that for every expansion you make, you're likely to see less customers than the last one simply because it requires the previous installment as well. So I really think a more permanent way of getting these items in a bundle would help stuff out. I personally don't mind paying 60$'ish for this, since I think it's a far better game than pretty much all the AAA-titles released lately, but most people are more skeptical( and with good reason) with such 'low-budget' projects.

Best of luck to you though. It's in my interest to keep you guys alive and well and continuing to make great expansions/sequels to this series, so I'll definitely be spreading the word.

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/24/2011 11:32:05 PM)

Hi Raap,

Thanks for the feedback. We are definitely aware of these issues and there will eventually be a more permanent and integrated bundle, but we're not there yet.


- Erik

Despayre -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 4:17:56 AM)

Had to register to say that I came here specifically to look at picking up DW after hearing about the new expansion and sale on rock paper shotgun, but 60+ dollars for the complete game is way too much for me.  I'm a huge 4x fan, and I've had my eye on DW for a while but there is just no way I can justify paying over 60 bucks for this game plus all the expansions.  I've looked at it before and always hoped that it would drop to the 20 dollar range so I wouldn't feel too bad if I ended up not liking the game, which is a concern for me due to how the game plays with the level of automation available and how much it's needed/required (depending on which review or forum threads I read).  The base game and first expansion have been out long enough that I was hoping that the sale would put the game plus expansions into a more reasonable price range (like somewhere around 30 bucks for everything), but was sad to see that even with the sale, the game is now even harder to justify a purchase of. The addition of characters is exactly what made me come back to take a second (or third, maybe even fourth) look at buying the game, so to experience the feature that made me think about buying the game again I have to buy everything.

Saying a game is niche and requires a more expensive price point is obviously fallacious, even Jeff Vogel of Spiderweb gave up that fight. If anything, niche games should cost less to encourage more people to experiment and try them out.  Look at the success other 'niche' indie projects have had on steam and desura with price points from 5-20 dollars that get cut to 50-75% off regularly.  Almost every single indie project I've followed that has gone this route says that the sales of the games are far and away higher when the price drops, like orders of magnitude higher.  I have to believe it's because at that point it's just an impulse buy and not an investment, so people just buy it.  Personally, I'm much more likely to buy random indie games I know little about when they are under 20 bucks and I almost never buy anything over 30 bucks anymore, I dont care how interested I am in the game.  That's especially true with smaller lesser known projects that you never know what to expect, lower price points convert potential sales and people that are just curious about the game or interested in supporting indie titles into actual sales.  When the game costs more than any brand new big budget AAA title, that's more of an investment than I'm comfortable making with any game. If it was half of the current price for the complete DW experience, you'd already have my money.  At the current price, you'll never have it. I may be alone on this, but I dont think so. 

the1sean -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 4:46:26 AM)

One thing that I have always said is that Distant Worlds should be sold on Impulse. Tons of Indie titles thrive on there because it gives the game visibility. Impulse was started by Stardock Entertinment, makers of successful 4X games. The core gaming community that frequents that site is DW's target audience. Distant Worlds would absolutely ROCK the strategy gaming crowd that flocks to the Impulse digital store shelves every day, I am sure of it.

It's like bundling publicity and ease of checkout together. Steam would similarly be a good choice. Many "niche" and "independent" games do very well selling in those marketplaces. Another Matrix title, Armada 2526, has sold extremely well on Impulse; both the base game and it's expansion stayed on the best seller list for quite a long time. What's the hold-up? Why is Distant Worlds different than Armada? They are two different approaches to the EXACT SAME genre... but they aren't competing in the same marketplace.

PS: about the $$$, the $59.99 price point is pretty much the upper limit you can ask for a game before a lot of potential buyers get offended. Newcomers will see the bundle as the only way to go.

the1sean -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 5:08:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: toruserx

Hi everybody.
Let me do simple math. Buying original+rots+legends=63$. Buying any top AAA class game from steam <50$.
I really hope you release stand alone version for 20-30$. Until then i am buying from alternative vendors.

you can delete my post/account,just remeber that involving new players is better than milking fans.

You fail at simple math: Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim, and other AAA titles are $60 on Steam/Impulse right now. There are also $60 game bundles for sale.

While I agree that $63 is a lot of cash, you get the base game AND two expansions, one of them hot off the press. Maybe the price is 5% too high in my book, but for genre fans it should be an EASY decision to purchase the game. This is hands down my favorite 4X of all time, and tons of other gamers agree. Just go read the forums.

Matrix isn't milking fans, they work hard to please the fans and have already released a patch for the very minor issues that have been reported since release just days ago. In addition, they are quite polite on their boards. By your 1 post count I can tell you might not have figured either of these things out yet, nor can you fact-check, so I wanted to make sure that everybody else that read your poorly conceived comment was on the same page.


Gelatinous Cube -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 7:27:22 AM)

Yeah... it's hard to get my loyalty, especially after the fiasco with another certain 4x game I was looking forward to. But Codeforce, and Matrix in general, have shown a level of commitment to excellence that exceeds even Paradox (which is hard to do, from a developer's point of view--nevermind their publishing practices, that's a different story).

The price is steep.. but it's worth it, if you're a fan of this kind of thing. The Legends expansion takes this to a whole different level--from a "Well.. that's neat!" to more like "Holy crap!" It's been a long time since i've been this blown away by a bunch of words and shapes on a computer screen. Even if the price turns a lot of people off, this is one of those games that will steadily gain a following for a long time to come.

2ndACR -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 8:13:21 AM)

For the support Matrix and Codeforce give, they should charge even more than they do. Here you get to talk to the devs and publishers, they listen and even add improvements into the game based on us players.

Worth every penny and then some. Yes, the original has been out quite awhile now, and it is still being patched/upgraded. 95% of the games out there quit being supported within a year or faster.

I pay the higher price for games I like to support the devs/publishers so they continue making great games. I don't want to see Matrix or Codeforce go the way of 90% of the other companies out there and dump titles after a year into the bargain bin and quit support. It can take that long to trip over a major game killer bug. But I also have not bought a single game from another company since I found Matrix way back when. Not a single one. But I have about 15 Matrix titles.

Face it, this is the MOO3 everyone wanted. I will say the title. I own it and got burned badly like everyone else. And I don't see anyone else making the games I want.

Gareth_Bryne -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 8:20:50 AM)

Hi, guys!
First of all, I for myself feel that the bundle price is quite justified, especially if you take into account the fact that the other 60-buck games just might release addons for themselves, and then guess what their price will be[:D].
On the other hand, the "English only" (kudos, Mysterius!) problem is quite relevant. In the modern gaming world, there should be available the following translations, in this subjective order of relevance:

German (they love games, especially with a strong economic element)
Russian (a hardcore, active gaming community, not to mention that Russian language spans 15 countries)
Korean, Chinese and Japanese (strong gaming communities)

Just my 5 gryven))

Gelatinous Cube -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 8:34:00 AM)

I do agree on the translation topic. If I was a German who spoke no English, I'd still really want to play this game.

Mysterius -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 9:47:04 AM)

Also, if texts were moddable, i would be happy to translate them in french.

jomni -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 9:47:25 AM)

It's all relative actually.  I am a Matrix fan but will not touch DW series despite being curious because of the price even with the current sales.  It is really too steep for me to justify getting it.

Though I won't hesitate spending that price on Gary Grigsby games.   Why? Because I'm not really into 4x space games.  I play them once in a while but never finish a whole campaign because I get bored or I get defeated.  But monster WW2 games are my interest so I know I'll play GG games. It's about the risk of spending money on a game that you will not play.

So people who defend DW pricing in Matrix would probably be those who are 4x fans and know that DW is of great value to them.  Who knows, they might be complaining about GG game prices.

Regarding pricing and sales, Matrix doesn't need to look far.  Panzer Corps is selling well and it brings in new people... the price is just right.

sem.maxim -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 11:16:29 AM)

For Russia 2141,83 roubles is VERY BIG price. It is 1/10 middle salary of all country (and 1/7 of my region). I never buy this game. But very-very want buy. In Steam games for Russia - Star Ruler: 349 roubles, Mass Effect 2: 399 roubles, Anno 2070: 599 roubles. Feel the difference!

WoodMan -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 11:27:34 AM)

I should probably point out that when I was writing above I was talking specifically about the UK price.  Lets put things into perspective: 

The cost of DW with all expansions in the USA is 5% more expensive than a AAA title.

The cost of DW with all expansions in the UK is 53% more expensive than a AAA title.

This is taking The1Seans quote of $60 for a AA title in the USA above and DW price of $63 and the price of a AAA title on the site of £29.99 in the UK and the DW price of £46.

Hope this makes sense!

Data -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 11:28:31 AM)

Hi sem.maxim and welcome to the forum. Overhere in Romania that 1/10 report is even worse but I never hesitated to pay the money to support a company that produces a great game like this. I'm not passing judgement but in the end it's a matter of personal choice.

Erik Rutins -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 3:39:25 PM)

Hi Jomni,


It's all relative actually.  I am a Matrix fan but will not touch DW series despite being curious because of the price even with the current sales.  It is really too steep for me to justify getting it.

That's not what you said on the Wargamer... [;)]

Seriously though, it's absolutely a personal choice and we respect that. If we could price it lower at this point, we would. I can only say that if you enjoy 4x space strategy games, you will no doubt get excellent value for your money with Distant Worlds.


- Erik

Xornox -> RE: So How Do I Buy All? (11/25/2011 4:19:05 PM)

I have very many Matrix games and they all have been expensive if I compare to my other game purchases. However, these games are unique and it seems that Matrix games as a company is such also. How many this kind of war gaming companies there are in the whole world? I know two other ones which may be comparable but even among that group Matrix games is probably number 1.

I do not want that gaming as a hobby changes to just one another pointless mass entertainment media (Battlefield, Steam, Skyrim... you know). Those games are great, but I want also more intelligent options. It is hard to keep any company profitable and especially that concerns game software development.

As long as Matrix games continues to develop this kind of great games and gives as good support as they give, I do not mind pay little bit more than usually.

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