SLAAKMAN -> RE: What program/film/documentary are you watching now? (3/7/2013 2:35:55 AM)
warspite1 I think I've now uncovered the truth . Why has it taken me so long? How did you lot not see it? Slaakman posting conspiracy theory, You Tube footage and illuminati-type reading matter has not really been happening. Its all a government sponsored media hoax. Nice try Slaakers ol' son, but you need to get up a bit earlier to get one past the warspite Silly Warspite1-Newblette, your rank-amateurism is glowing bright since only a newb reduces verifiable history to that of a "conspiracy theory". Would you buy a used car from republicans or Democrats & their Utopian stooges? The Mighty Slaakman wont! [:'(] [:D]