warspite1 -> RE: What program/film/documentary are you watching now? (6/3/2013 7:31:13 PM)
ORIGINAL: SLAAKMAN Silly W1-Newblette, quote:
Soz SLAAK..... you bring out the worst in me I DIG BROTHER W1-NEWBLETTE! I DIG! YOUR DEFEAT IS ALMOST COMPLETE! quote:
(Illuminati a myth?) warspite1 YES, OF COURSE IT IS, DUH Yeah sure, there are no RothSchilds, no Rockefellers, Warburg, Shiff, Brandeis, Morganthal, Trotsky or Lenin to be found anywhere in history. There was no WWI, Bolshevik Revolution, SCW, WWII, Korean War, Cuban coup, Vietnam War or Cold War. Its all just a figment of our imaginations. There was no Big Lie, there was no war, there were no atrocities & there was no crime. All of history only began on 9-11-2001. [sm=00000506.gif] How the Rothschilds created Israel - Eustace Mullins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUms50htsuM [image]http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/xmjIZRTyju1wgqxRA2Cprw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/ymusic-awards/beyonce-illuminati-super-bowl-jpg_184026.jpg[/image] warspite1 Sorry you are of course right. That long list of people and events proves conclusively the existence of some gang of clowns who are conspiring to er....do..whatever they are conspiring to do...and in a conspiratorial way too...er..... By the way, what's with the piccy? Is Beyonce the ring-leader?