SLAAKMAN -> RE: What program/film/documentary are you watching now? (6/15/2013 4:30:14 PM)
Hey, Sherlock-have you noticed that those people don't look a thing alike? The 'attourney' [sic] parts her hair on a different side. Oh-and she doesn't look a thing like the other 'Sandy Hook' actors. Step #1- After you have your corrective occular surgery then I invite you to stare at each photo long enough so that your Warspite1-Newblette-Infested-Neuron can process the light waves in an unimpeded manner. [:'(] quote:
Also, the 'Sandy Hook actors' pictured don't look a thing like the HS employees pictured below. Repeat step #1 posted above. quote:
But other than that, I can see why you would think them identical. Yes, when even a passing glance will identify them as different people to any reasonable person, this conspiracy truly runs deep! "Crisis Actors" is an Illuminati camouflage unit who actually exists & was present at Aurora, Newtown & Boston when these supposed "attacks" occurred. We're under attack by an organized crime cartel, not lone nut gunmen. This phony CNN "interview" is a smoking gun. Only the braindead believe this isn't staged- [8|] SANDYHOOK COVERUP Robbie Parker-CRISIS ACTOR [image][/image]