New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (Full Version)

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Andrew Loveridge -> New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 7:11:32 PM)

Hello All,

There is a new version of the Public Beta in the Members Club. It handles missions and fuel ranges better, AI improved at handling Pirate bases, plus other adjustments. All listed below, with links to the previous update changes. We hope to make this an official update this week.

Please try it out, and give us your feedback.

v1.7.0.6 Beta – December 8th, 2011

Sixth Public Beta Update


    • Fixed fleet mission assignments to better calculate whether targets within current fuel range.
    • Pirate bases now hunted more intelligently by fleets: nearby pirate bases attacked first, with pirate bases in systems with potential colonies given preference.

    Colonies and Economy

    • Fixed bug where colony approval was sometimes calculated incorrectly.
    • Independent colonies now grow more slowly.
    • Made private sector more willing to build new ships within economic limits.


    • Reduced usage of Polymer in most components.
    • Increased gas mining rate.


    • Fixed bug where 'Continue Playing' button would sometimes be incorrectly disabled after the game ends (Victory screen). Changes Changes Changes Changes Changes

Nedrear -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 7:43:45 PM)

You increased the gas mining rate the second time? How high is it now? Did you increase the cap or really the extraction rate?

Seriously we only needed 2,5 extractors in DW Legends Vanilla to reach the cap and the savings in maintenace are what? 34 per extractor? Is that necessary?

AminMaalouf -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 7:45:58 PM)

The number of planets in the starting stellar system seems having been massively reduced.

Is there a way to mod back the larger numbers of planets?

I think I have liked them somenhow.

feelotraveller -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 8:10:33 PM)

The gas extractors (starting) now have rate of 14. Top tier tech is 28. Don't know about cap.

Yay, for further decreasing pop growth of independents. [8D]

More civilian ships also sounds good. [:)]

elliotg -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 8:22:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: AminMaalouf
The number of planets in the starting stellar system seems having been massively reduced.

Is there a way to mod back the larger numbers of planets?

I think I have liked them somenhow.

No change to this. Must have just been an unusual start to your game.

elliotg -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 8:24:18 PM)


You increased the gas mining rate the second time? How high is it now? Did you increase the cap or really the extraction rate?

Seriously we only needed 2,5 extractors in DW Legends Vanilla to reach the cap and the savings in maintenace are what? 34 per extractor? Is that necessary?

The new gas extraction rate for the basic gas extractor is 14 (up from 10). The per-planet caps have also been slightly increased.

Neotheone -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 8:30:02 PM)


Yay, for further decreasing pop growth of independents

I disagree I think that's "racism" in a game! I'd like independents to have more of a chance to spread out and grow myself. Sort of your Spartacus in Space or SoS.

Also, what's with this long range repair and refuel effect when there's a perfectly good station within a few miles? I think there should be a separate "if" routine when a ship(s) in a fleet need to repair. The whole fleet shouldn't have to goto a repair facility a million miles away when the majority of it just needs refueling. What should happen is ships in a fleet that need repair should break off from the fleet and go repair and refuel and those remaining should goto the nearest refueling point. This is what I'm having to do manually and it's a pain in the patunia to do this everytime a few ships in the fleet need repairing.

Nedrear -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 8:47:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: elliotg

The new gas extraction rate for the basic gas extractor is 14 (up from 10). The per-planet caps have also been slightly increased.

If you mean you increased the gas cap similar proportional, than the current ressource cap for gas giants would be 8 to 14 and 200 to 350? Well I guess if both grow proportional the ammount stays the same...

But you did not increase the mining rate but maybe the cap? Well if the main patch comes out I will renew the ressource guide in the war area I guess. But hearing that the gas extractor needs stays the same while mining ressources are growing in need. They already needed more. Hm... quite a strategical apply. Makes stations worth more again since ships can't carry that much.

All right. Good to know.

To the population:

You mistook one fact Neo, the free colonys were growing without a tax suppression THEIR goverment would of course have. This boosts their growth tremendously to 20% like your new colonies have it. THAT is wrong and imbalances all. This is a fix not a nerf.

shinobu -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 8:49:10 PM)

Just checking- if we missed can we still install Are the patches inclusive of the previous patch?

ASHBERY76 -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 8:49:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: shinobu

Just checking- if we missed can we still install Are the patches inclusive of the previous patch?


balto -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 9:07:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: elliotg


You increased the gas mining rate the second time? How high is it now? Did you increase the cap or really the extraction rate?

Seriously we only needed 2,5 extractors in DW Legends Vanilla to reach the cap and the savings in maintenace are what? 34 per extractor? Is that necessary?

The new gas extraction rate for the basic gas extractor is 14 (up from 10). The per-planet caps have also been slightly increased.


The new gas extraction rate for the basic gas extractor is 14 (up from 10). The per-planet caps have also been slightly increased.

Another patch.., cool.

Sorry, I just cannot seem to grasp the Resource Cap thing. I get the 14, but how do I find what the planet cap is? How do I find the Resource Cap for everything? And by 'Resource Cap' I assume you mean that if say a thing has a Resource Cap of 30.., and we have a ship that has three extractors at 14.., does that mean we get the 30 resource and have 12 [(3x14)-30] excess extraction capacity? Is that how that works? My ultimate goal is to figure out what are the max Extractors I should strap on to my Mining Ships and Bases and Space Ports. Thank you again.

Caesar_Augustus -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 9:41:37 PM)

Goodness! I can't keep up with these beta patches... [;)]
Can we lodge a formal protest somewhere for game companies
who take such good care of their players?? [&o]

And a patch coming out on such a great feast as the
Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary!

"Unfair competition", maybe, or something like that? [:D]
I mean, this will ruin other companies, you know... [8|]

Canute0 -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 9:56:52 PM)


Made private sector more willing to build new ships within economic limits.

Do we realy need more civilian ships ?
They should stop flying with nearly empty cargo to trade resources !

Nedrear -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 10:06:00 PM)



Sorry, I just cannot seem to grasp the Resource Cap thing. I get the 14, but how do I find what the planet cap is? How do I find the Resource Cap for everything? And by 'Resource Cap' I assume you mean that if say a thing has a Resource Cap of 30.., and we have a ship that has three extractors at 14.., does that mean we get the 30 resource and have 12 [(3x14)-30] excess extraction capacity? Is that how that works? My ultimate goal is to figure out what are the max Extractors I should strap on to my Mining Ships and Bases and Space Ports. Thank you again.

Go to my thread in the war area.

14 extraction is based on a 10% world. It means you get 140 on a 100% world in one tick (7 days). The planet cap pre patch 1.7.X.X (Vanilla Legends) was in mining 100% = 100 and for gases 100% = 200.

tjhkkr -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/8/2011 11:03:46 PM)

Okay, these patches are different sizes... so I presume that I have need to run them in sequential order in order for this to work; Am I correct?
The last one is smaller than some of the others.

And seriously: thank you.
I do not know if there is a place where I can kindly tout your customer service, but if there is, I will do so happily.

Gelatinous Cube -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 12:08:13 AM)

Heeey, good patch!

HectorOfTroy -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 12:17:26 AM)

Thanks Kiwis [:'(]

feelotraveller -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 8:45:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: HectorOfTroy

Thanks Kiwis [:'(]

Just don't mention the cricket...

Keston -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 1:56:38 PM)


Go to my thread in the war area.

14 extraction is based on a 10% world. It means you get 140 on a 100% world in one tick (7 days). The planet cap pre patch 1.7.X.X (Vanilla Legends) was in mining 100% = 100 and for gases 100% = 200.

I will check in at your thread again later to see how this all falls out in terms of extractors - it sounds like having 2 is a safe rule of thumb now unless the caps have increased.

Tormodino -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 2:36:36 PM)

Hola! Just wondering if there is supposed to be another patch incoming soonish or if I should give this one a spin. Anyone know what time they usually release?

Gelatinous Cube -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 2:41:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tormodino

Hola! Just wondering if there is supposed to be another patch incoming soonish or if I should give this one a spin. Anyone know what time they usually release?

This should be the last one before the official patch. I'd say you probably have time to give it a whirl! Either way, any upcoming patches are likely to be backwards compatible with this one, like all the previous ones have been.

ASHBERY76 -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 3:12:06 PM)

Is this the last update for the weekend?

Erik Rutins -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 3:16:52 PM)

This version will become the first official update today. There will be future beta updates that eventually become the second official update.


- Erik

Caesar_Augustus -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 4:15:30 PM)

Wow.. from beta to beta to official patch...

What warp, or should I say, what transwarp speed are you developers traveling at??? [&o]

J HG T -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 4:22:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Caesar_Augustus

What warp, or should I say, what transwarp speed are you developers traveling at??? [&o]

Fully upgraded Temporal engine with Jumpgator MM, maybe?

BTW, have to say that I love this "beta patch" style where you can play parts of the official patch in advance. Especially when the beta patches are relatively bug free in general.

Upuauta -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 5:39:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

This version will become the first official update today. There will be future beta updates that eventually become the second official update.


- Erik

Is there any ETA, to when it will be released today so it can be downloaded with the update-loader?

Erik Rutins -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 6:35:34 PM)

Later this afternoon US Eastern time, so in the next for our five hours I'd guess.


- Erik

Gzu -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 7:05:55 PM)

Dear DW dev team i really appreciate your hard work.
But i'm worried that you will burn out.
Today we have friday so please go the pub, have some beer and RELAX [:)]


BTW. Hi to everybody on forum (my 1 post)

the1sean -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 7:33:41 PM)

Welcome to the community Gzu! Are you a newcomer to DW, or have you been playing for a while?

Gzu -> RE: New Distant Worlds v1.7.0.6 Public Beta Now Available! (12/9/2011 7:55:32 PM)

About 50h of gameplay ROTS + Legends total.

I belive there is a lot of players who only read forums(like me until today).

Sorry for offtop

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