berto -> AGElint is poppycock? No way! (11/8/2012 8:38:19 AM)
In the AJE Game Data Bugs thread I reported and documented hundreds of bugs, glitches, and data anomalies in the latest available Alea Jacta Est release. Of those, about 200 were acknowledged as significant (worth fixing) by a principle AJE developer. Not a few false positives, a considerable number of minor errors (not worth the trouble of fixing), but a substantial number (~200) of genuine, significant errors (worth fixing) too. Based on his feedback, I will further refine the AGElint code and rule sets, and issue an updated AGElint release soon. The war on false positives continues! In late October, as one of the final steps in the AGElint 1.2 vetting process, I did a complete error check across all seven supported AGEOD games: ACW, AJE, NCP, PON, ROP, RUS, WIA. This is what I found: [root@berto chk_QA_20121029]# for g in acw aje ncp pon rop rus wia; do echo $g; egrep -c "^ERROR:" chklint_$g\_QA_20121029_error_rpt.txt; egrep -c "^WARNING:" chklint_$g\_QA_20121029_warning_rpt.txt; awk '{t+=$1}; END {print t}' chkaliases_$g\_QA_20121029_lst.txt; awk '{t+=$1}; END {print t}' chklocals_$g\_QA_20121029_lst.txt; echo; done acw 140 280 191 137 aje 86 37 493 532 ncp 22 12 238 2325 pon 586 673 3647 12255 rop 122 26 123 236 rus 159 199 422 174 wia 59 71 300 387 So, in AJE for example, I discovered aje 86 37 493 532 That is, 86 script/data file ERRORs, 37 script/data file WARNINGs, 493 bad alias refs, and 532 missing localizations. Of the nearly 1,000 reported bad alias refs and missing localizations, by far most of them were deemed unimportant (and will be filtered out of future AGElint releases); but well over a hundred of the alias and localization errors were considered significant enough to require fixing. Looking at the numbers across all games above, you can see that there are (very) roughly similar number of errors in each of the supported games. Although PON, with its substantially larger data file set, has a substantially larger number of reported errors too. Earlier in this thread (see above), I wrote: quote:
ORIGINAL: berto By now, I have thoroughly vetted chklint & chkaliases results across seven supported AGEOD games -- ACW, AJE, NCP, PON, ROP, RUS & WIA. I am taking extraordinary care this time to reduce false positives to a bare minimum. Still... Are there bugs in each game? You betcha! Dozens and even hundreds of them in every game (including AGEOD's newest release, Alea Jacta Est), many of them indisputable and of greater or lesser seriousness. (And are there bugs in AGElint? You betcha! But I try my darndest to find them and fix them! [;)]) Based on a careful review of reported bugs together with a principle AJE developer; weeding out false positives; and disregarding real but insignificant errors -- we are still left with roughly 200 significant errors in the latest AJE (Public Beta Patch 1.01). I remain confident in my earlier assertion: quote:
Across all the games, I am observing in total easily well more than a thousand game data file bugs. In fact, taking into account the rather larger numbers for PON, the number of significant errors is more like a few thousand. My standard disclaimer: [Disclaimer: I make no claim about the significance or insignificance of any discovered bug, problem, glitch, or anomaly. Whether or not it impacts game play, or goes entirely unnoticed. Whether in the larger scheme of things it's important, or unimportant. I just call them as I see them.] But I will without hesitation positively proclaim: AGElint has proved its worth as a useful, even indispensable, bug checking and all-around QA toolkit. (Remember too: "AGElint is more than a beginning, but far from an ending ... There's still much more untapped potential, much more to be done ...") Quoting the AGElint README: quote:
What is AGElint? Akin to the well-known C programming language utility lint. ("Lint: A Unix C language processor which carries out more thorough checks on the code than is usual with C compilers. Lint is named after the bits of fluff it supposedly picks from programs." See here.). Similarly, AGElint is a toolkit of programs designed to discover and report bugs, problems, glitches, anomalies in the AGEOD game data files. If anybody thinks that AGElint is poppycock, that I'm just making this up, please read this: Proactive, pre-execution debugging (AGElint) vs. reactive, post-execution debugging (the traditional way). Static analysis (AGElint) vs. dynamic analysis (playtest the game, inspect the log files). Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, but together they've got the bugs surrounded -- no escape! AGElint is poppycock? No way!