Nedrear -> RE: [WIP] Galactic War II (9/12/2012 11:27:20 PM)
No I am neither from Mecklenburg, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen, Thüringen or Sachsen-Anhalt. I come from the northern part of Germany and do not dislike my goverment... well mostly. Our "Grundgesetz" (Basic Law) HAD a paragraph defining its area of effect to all the "old" federal states. After the unity 1989 our goverment missed to rewrite the then deleted paragraph to include our old and new federal states again. Therefore we got a 'Basic Law' with no land attached de jure... its hilarious but works de facto anyway. The person in the picture is a Japanese officer. He may be allowed to keep his name hidden. And please try to keep these things to a private message next time.