Peltonx -> Game engine and combat ratio need and over haul. (12/23/2011 5:26:50 PM)
Historical losses on Eastern front, only includes KIA,MIA,WIA ——————German——————-Russian————Ratio 1941 3rd—————551,000——————2,795,000———-5 to 1 4th—————280,000——————1,598,000———-5.7to 1 1942 1st—————280,000——————1,686,000———-6 to 1 2nd—————220,000——————1,395,000———-6.3 to 1 3rd—————383,000——————2,371,000———-6 to 1 4th—————177,000——————1,281,000———-7.2 to 1 1943 1st—————498,000——————1,908,000———3.8 to 1 2nd—————110,000——————444,000———-4 to 1 3rd—————533,000——————2,633,000———-5 to 1 4th—————381,000——————1,939,000———-5 to 1 1944 1st—————423,000——————1,859,000———-4.4 to 1 2nd—————352,000——————1,021,000———-3 to 1 3rd—————879,000——————1,771,000———-2 to 1 4th—————297,000——————1,086,000———-3.6 to 1 As can be seen in many of the AAR's 1.05 or before 1.05 the combat ratios are not close to historical. In most games by March 1st 1942 the ratio is 3.5 to 1 at best 1.5 millions Germans to 4 million Russians. 50% of German losses are during the blizzard which is still causing more losses to Germans then was historical. Personally I can live with the June 41 to March 42 game as it stands now. This is probably being caused by the general withdraw to the east tactics used by most russian players now, which seems completely withen historical limits. This causes higher then historical losses. The problem I have with the game as it stands now is the combat ratio during 1942 is not close to historical at all. Over all during 1942 the ratio was 6 to 1( there were very few surrenders during 1942, nothing like 41). So the basic ratio for a normal retreat should be at least 1 dead german for every 6 russians. Most combat ratio's even when the russian is forsed to retreat is 3 to 1. Historically speaking the combat ratio for 1942 was the same or better then 1941. 2 by 3 for some unknown reason has desided to lower the combat ratio during 42. Now the combat ratio during 1943 was 4.5 to 1, but in game its 2.5 to 1. Again why has 2 by 3 lowered it to 2.5 from 4.5? Why? This is why come late 1943 the russians can do a front wide offensive which again is not historical and by mid 44 break the german army. Once broken the Russian can advance 4 to 6 hexes per turn and pocket many German divisions. Its simple math guys. 1+1=2 Russians get 5 men for every German replasement. Combat ratio is 2.5 to 1 during 43 Russians out number Germans 2.5 to 1. Thats why German army is breaking so easly during late 43 to early 44 and games will end months before may of 45. If the combat ratio was historical the German army would not break so easly, losses would be almost 1/2 of that they are now. The russian army is way over rated or the german army is way under rated as per 2 by 3. Right now the game is broken late war because of 42-43 combat ratio's being so far of from historical. Pelton