TAIL_GUNNER -> RE: Panzer Vorwärts! MOD (1/22/2012 3:02:55 AM)
Now at version 1.02 which covers up to April, 1942. Also updated with latest beta patch. Data changes: - Renamed Sdkfz 231 to Sdkfz 231/232 - Renamed Panzer IIIe to Panzer IIIf - Reclassified the Pz35(t) as type CS Cavalry Tank (this so captured Soviet BT tanks will not be used) - Reclassified the Pz38(t) and Pz38(t)E as type CS Infantry Tank Infantry Squad changes: (based on German TOE documents) Rifle Squad -1 Rifle Grenade (not widely available or issued until 1942 - they will return then) +2 Pistol -1 Kar98 Motorcycle Squad (renamed to Motorcycle Squad (+)) +1 Kar98 -3 MPi +4 Pistol Motorized Rifle Squad (+) +2 Men +3 Kar98 +4 Pistol -3 MPi Panzer Grenadier Squad +3 Kar98 -2 MG34 +1 MG34 Swivel Mount (this is the LMG on the SPW 251) -2 MPi -1 Rifle Grenade +4 Pistol Motorized Rifle Squad +1 Men -1 Rifle Grenade +2 Pistol The Panzer Grenadier MG Section as introduced earlier is also updated, and a new unit simply called Motorcycle Squad is introduced. This is a lighter version of the original, with only 11 men and 1 LMG. They are used in Motorized Division Infantry Regiments. Pioneer and Panzer Pioneer squads also updated, but these will be further edited in the next version. Also most of the above squads will upgrade in the spring of '42 to introduce Rifle Grenades. Support levels for Panzer and Motorized Infantry Divisions recalulated yet again. I can't say the numbers are perfect, but they're damn close. TOE changes: I erred before on calculating what is lost when the Panzer Divisions' Recon and Motorcycle Battalions merge. Losses are as follow: -3 37mm AT Gun -3 Pioneer squad -9 Motorcycle Squad -2 75mm IG -3 50mm mortar -2 HMG -8 Support -3 AT Rifle 8. Panzer in January, 4. Panzer in March, 3., 13., 17., and 19. Panzer in April, 1942 have this change effected. 29. Mot.Inf.Div in December, 1941, 16. Mot.Inf.Div. in January, 3. and 36. Mot.Inf.Div. in March, and 60. Mot.Inf.Div. in April, 1942 also have this change effected. Also in March, 1942, the 7. Panzer disbands one Panzer Battalion. And in December, 1941, 12. Panzer will drop it's Pz38(t) in favor of German-made tanks. 22. and 23. Panzer also have new, unique TOEs. One new unit, the 203rd Panzer Regiment will make it's debut on turn 24 and withdraw on turn 76. This is a playable unit that historically helped stem the Red tide in the AGN area, but of course the player may use it however they see fit. Any questions or errors noted, please respond. Enjoy![8D]