Steam sucks (Full Version)

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balto -> Steam sucks (12/31/2011 7:18:59 AM)

I have ordered the DLCs for HOI 3. None of them work. HOI 3 works (which I have had for a few years), so at least Steam did not mess that up.

I tried to get assistance. Their automated help site feature only works for billing and something else. The Steam support said it is my computer despite me informing them that I have HOI 3 on there and it works.

They will not give me a refund. It was only about $12, but what a bitter taste that leaves in my mouth. I will NEVER use Steam. I have about 20 or so Matrix games and I have NEVER had any problems ever.

I want that HOI DLC "For the Motherland, and I will just chalk up the lost $12 as a lessoned learned on Steam. It lists GamersGate as an option to download it. Does anyone have experience with Gamer's Gate?

I just had a bad thought, I wonder if Steam will somehow prevent Gamer's Gate downloads from working, it appears to be a very intrusive type of software.

goodwoodrw -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 7:30:14 AM)

I have used GG regularly,  I have no issues with them. Their D/L speed is excellent. I believe if your original HOI3 was not Steam the DLC won't work, I maybe wrong.

Terl -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 10:49:07 AM)

Gamersgate is great, I use them more than Steam. They had a huge collection for HOI3 on sale for $10.18, came with Semper Fi and some other DLC...

Did you get HOI3 from Steam? It sounds like you may not have. Sometimes DLC does not work if the main game was purchased via a different source. Often it will make mention of such in the descriptions.

pmelheck1 -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 10:56:47 AM)

Gamers gate refuses access to the games I bought and insists I set up a new account and repurchase the games I have already bought through them.  Every attempt at resolving the issue is rebuffed by their customer service department.  I will never again deal with gamers gate.  I couldn't care less about prices on gamers gate if I can't use my games a few months after purchase.  Of all the download service this is the only one I've wanted to report as a scam.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 11:14:43 AM)

I expect the usual bunch will be along soon to massage you and tell you how bad Steam is.

They are trying to take over the world...spread the word [8|]

balto -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 5:03:22 PM)

I read up even more and I found that you can get this off of Amazon. Which I just did for the same price ($11) and I just checked it over and everything runs seemlessly!!!!! Plus, there is no intrusive software where I have to sign up..,etc!!!! I had no idea you could get downloads on Amazon.

Because this my first experience with electronic software stuff (other than Matrix downloads which ALWAYS work and are easy to do), my question to smarter people is - if given a choice why would anyone choose a game on Steam IF it is available on Amazon?

Because unless someone gives me a legitimate reason to NOT use AMAZON, I am going to use that forever!!!

Andrew Williams -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 8:31:46 PM)


I have about 20 or so Matrix games and I have NEVER had any problems ever.

try playing the 24/7 online Cross of Iron content by matrix! - the best part of the game is inactive.

I can't unlock the catwoman DLC for Batman on my XBox

Phatguy -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 9:10:29 PM)

I bought the complete HOI 3. after dling the set the only thing I can access is the "For The Motherland" DLC , nothing else. Steam support has yet to answer me...Think this just might be my last purchase thru steam.....

JudgeDredd -> RE: Steam sucks (12/31/2011 9:57:35 PM)

I bought that package - and can run HoI3 - just letting you know it does work, though I have no idea why yours would not

Perturabo -> RE: Steam sucks (1/1/2012 1:09:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Andrew Williams


I have about 20 or so Matrix games and I have NEVER had any problems ever.

try playing the 24/7 online Cross of Iron content by matrix! - the best part of the game is inactive.

Or finding accurate representation of modern tactical warfare and equipment in Close Combat Modern Tactics...

Rosseau -> RE: Steam sucks (1/1/2012 2:14:54 AM)

I would never go HOI-anything with Steam. Through GG, I have running HOI3/SF/FTM/DIG. Not to mention IC, DH, ICE and a few others. Installing and patching them was work, not fun. But I like the series [8|]

Phatguy -> RE: Steam sucks (1/1/2012 3:41:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I bought that package - and can run HoI3 - just letting you know it does work, though I have no idea why yours would not

I should be able to access the base HOI3, the German-centric campaign(i think it is das irea?) and the FtM dlc......I got the three different keys but no matter which i hit it takes me to the same FtM dlc...strange

Rosseau -> RE: Steam sucks (1/1/2012 3:56:32 AM)

I assume you ran the HOI launcher in the Steam directory and chose DiG? Also, you want FtM, not the base HOI3. FtM is the update.

GaryChildress -> RE: Steam sucks (1/5/2012 12:51:39 AM)

I finally broke down and bought a Steam product. I had been playing the Dawn of War 2 demo through steam and decided to get the full game. This will be my first test of Steam.

On a side note, does anyone have DoW2? What do you think of the game? So far I'm a little afraid that things will get a bit repetitive after a while. Each of the campaign scenarios I've played so far has pretty much the same format. Your team lands at one end of the map and then you fight your way to the other to confront the chief badguy. Fighting your way to the chief badguy is a breeze then when you get to him he knocks the puss out of your whole team. I hope I don't have to go through 20 scenarios of the same thing over and over again.

freeboy -> RE: Steam sucks (1/5/2012 4:23:37 AM)

when steam works its awesomke.. BUT I lost my game.. after they updated it it failed, so I am out the cost of the steam customer service is a joke....
I cannot play the game outside steam.. so I have a game that uses steam it worked for months.. I have reinstlled unistalled and ask for help.. "F" steam is my new motto

Razz1 -> RE: Steam sucks (1/5/2012 5:14:45 AM)

I've been telling people for years steam is no good.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Steam sucks (1/5/2012 7:46:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I bought that package - and can run HoI3 - just letting you know it does work, though I have no idea why yours would not

I should be able to access the base HOI3, the German-centric campaign(i think it is das irea?) and the FtM dlc......I got the three different keys but no matter which i hit it takes me to the same FtM dlc...strange

I may have read your post wrong AP - but I get the impression you think you should double click on HoI3 and get HoI3 - without the Fatherland addon or the Semper Fi addon?

If that is what you meant, then I may be wrong - but I'm not sure that's the case. I think if you have the expansions installed, you basically load the base game AND the expansions - it's a necessity really because the addons fix things - that's what Paradox addons do.

in other words - double clicking the HoI3 icon will load the base game (HoI3) and all it's addons, but just show the name of the latest addon...mine does the same - it shows HoI3 For the Motherland.

Rosseau -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 1:42:06 AM)

It's funny, 120+ Steam games and not one problem. I find that astounding considering the OS and NET add-ons required by each game, etc. I must just be lucky - and using XP can't hurt.

Sorry to go off topic. You are right, Judge. As usual [;)]

Jevhaddah -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 3:48:17 AM)

Aye to what JD says. I bought the same package.

It's all there, just try a custom start up campaign for more options.



jbunnelle -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 7:15:24 AM)

I also have all of HOI3 on Steam with no problems at all. Never had a problem at all with Steam, except for its offline setup acting wonky from time-to-time.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 8:03:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: rosseau
It's funny, 120+ Steam games and not one problem. I find that astounding considering the OS and NET add-ons required by each game, etc. I must just be lucky - and using XP can't hurt.

^ same - almost....

2 things have cropped up in my time using Steam.

1. GTA IV - no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to run. Contacted Steam...and as quick as their response was, it was totally useless and a "shrug off" - basically contact the developer. It did get sorted by me surfing the net and I think something just "fell" into place and it worked. That took almost 2 weeks. I think in the end it was some old version of a third party piece of software - so it was actually more to do with the crap the dev had included in the game as opposed to anything Steam. Still - it's always nice to know your point of contact for purchasing is your point of contact for support - with Steam it's not so be prepared to surf if you have a problem with a game which does not seem to be Steam related.

2. Recently bought Skyrim and Batman Arkham City and when I was directed back to Steam from the Paypal page, there was an error. The two items showed in my cart and I looked in my library and the games were not there. I rebooted Steam and the same I contacted Steam. The advice was to restart Steam. In the end, I had my Library set to "Installed Games" - when I set it to "All Games" they were there but showing as not installed (obviously) so I installed them. Those two items stayed in my cart though. In the end I just removed them from my cart.

Two problems in about 100 purchases and hundreds of hours gaming - across platforms (Win XP, then Win 7 64bit). That's not a bad record.

I'm not saying Steam isn't without it's problems and people do not have problems...but I think it's generally painted in a much worse light technically than it really is.

I not a fan of their policy though - still, I take the view that until I come up against it, I'm not fussed with it. When you hear me cry because I've been bitten in the arse with their policy, you can laugh and point to this thread...I won't be offended :-)

demyansk -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 10:52:29 AM)

I have used Steam and it works for me.  How about just uninstalling the entire series and doing a complete re-install?  I have this game Heart of Iron and its a bear, never really got into it.  I sort of like the interface of Global Conflict type game with Strategic Command etc.

jbunnelle -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 3:39:47 PM)

I second demjansk.

1. Delete entire thing
2. Reinstall
3. Enter Steam settings for the game and do a complete verification of game cache; let it download any missing files.

One more idea. I had a game that refused to launch and someone recommended that I delete the file ClientRegistry.blob from the Steam folder. This worked for me. I honestly have no idea what the file does so back it up before you delete it. It recompiles itself when the client is restarted I think. Worth a shot anyway.


ORIGINAL: demjansk

I have used Steam and it works for me.  How about just uninstalling the entire series and doing a complete re-install?  I have this game Heart of Iron and its a bear, never really got into it.  I sort of like the interface of Global Conflict type game with Strategic Command etc.

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 8:51:21 PM)

I've been wary of Steam and it's starting to taint things a little for me. I need to uninstall and reinstall a game and I don't want to do it b/c I'm sure the gremlins will sprout out of the woodworks.

DLC as a whole is not something I want either, not exclusively.

And, I'll say it expecting trouble, I don't like Plimus.

2ndACR -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 10:08:41 PM)

I never tried Steam, but I do not like any form of DRM that does not let me play my game when I want. Internet connection or not. No phone home for permission for me.

jbunnelle -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 10:51:26 PM)

Not trying to be a PR toady for them, but there are a lot of misconceptions about Steam that get repeated from its early days. It does now have an offline mode that allows you to play with no internet connection, which I use a lot when I travel with my laptop. And you can set games to avoid auto-updating. To their credit, they have listened to the bitching and have made changes since the ugly days of Half Life 2's launch. I like to fire up games and play on the fly, and ironically, I can now do this more easily with Steam than I could needing discs in my drive, or messing around with cracks.

For older games, go GOG. They are superb.


, m
I never tried Steam, but I do not like any form of DRM that does not let me play my game when I want. Internet connection or not. No phone home for permission for me.

planner 3 -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 10:52:03 PM)

Steam BAH!

2ndACR -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 10:56:48 PM)

That is why I play Matrix games only basically. No need for discs, and never any cracks.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Steam sucks (1/6/2012 11:01:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: jbunnelle

Not trying to be a PR toady for them, but there are a lot of misconceptions about Steam that get repeated from its early days. It does now have an offline mode that allows you to play with no internet connection, which I use a lot when I travel with my laptop. And you can set games to avoid auto-updating. To their credit, they have listened to the bitching and have made changes since the ugly days of Half Life 2's launch. I like to fire up games and play on the fly, and ironically, I can now do this more easily with Steam than I could needing discs in my drive, or messing around with cracks.

For older games, go GOG. They are superb.


, m
I never tried Steam, but I do not like any form of DRM that does not let me play my game when I want. Internet connection or not. No phone home for permission for me.

Exactly. Only the other day my daughter was playing my Steam purchase of Plants vs Zombies whilst I played Skyrim.

I'm not a massive fan for Steam - but I'm a satisfied customer who's had very, very few issues.

Perturabo -> RE: Steam sucks (1/7/2012 12:24:33 AM)



I never tried Steam, but I do not like any form of DRM that does not let me play my game when I want. Internet connection or not. No phone home for permission for me.

Yeah, I seen no point of stuff like this.

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