RE: Checkmate? (Full Version)

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khyberbill -> RE: Checkmate? (5/19/2012 6:27:33 PM)


I think you are in great shape to completely conquer Australia, which to my knowledge has not been accomplished in a PBEM to date, at least not one that was documented. Has it?

I did take Australia playing WITP in a PBEM. No AAR though. Ironically, it was my first and only game as Japan in any version of Pacific War and the game was against a fairly new player. The game ended at the gates of Canberra with the rest of Oz flying the Rising Sun. And now I am playing the same person in AE although this time as Allies.

FatR -> RE: Totals (5/19/2012 9:25:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Here is a question to ponder while I get things moving: What do I do with all the factories, aircraft producers, repair yards, Sydney once I have them? Didn't think about the fact that there will be a pretty large expansion of the Japanese War Industry pretty soon...COOL!

HI isn't really worth anything, except perhaps the dubious economy of fuel on ferrying it to Australia instead of Home Islands. Japanese HI capacity at the start already exceeds capabilities of the oil production that they have or can obtain in DEI. IMO, captured HI in places other than DEI should never even be repaired. Aircraft factories shouldn't work for Japanese, or I think so...

LI, though, is a major boon. It is also not worth repairing, but if you manage to take several significant centers intact, it can help you weather the shortage of supply that you're likely to face in late 1943 and after. (In fact, you should start considering your supply situation right now and at least avoid building up bases that aren't likely to be relevant.)

FatR -> RE: Checkmate? (5/19/2012 9:35:56 PM)



If I were the Allies, I would land in the DEI and think about a landing on the Kuriles/Hokkaido, and just make Australia irrelevant.

I don't think that Java or eastern DEI are options without possession of Australia. This leaves Sumatra to fortify. In the north Japanese now have Aleutians as their first line of defense, I don't think it is reasonable to land at Kuriles without clearing Japs from there first, so there will be some warning.

John 3rd -> RA IJN LCU (5/19/2012 11:02:51 PM)

There are additional Japanese Naval LCU within RA now:

1. 9th Air Fleet HQ, 3 Air Flotilla, 3 Large BF
2. The SNLF units are grouped together into Assault Brigades. No real addition of firepower numbers but they do pack a solid 180-200 in AV (3 regular SNLF combined into the bigger Brigade).
3. About a dozen Atoll Defense Units in lieu of Naval Guard units. The ADU add a decent amount of CD plus the Infantry of the Naval Guard.
4. 3 starting FIXED CD units in the Kuriles plus 3 more that arrive during 1943.
5. Several small IJN Pioneer Bn (6 Eng Squads with 2 Eng Vehicles)
6. Roughly 10 Heavy AA Bn (24 88mm).

John 3rd -> RE: RA IJN LCU (5/19/2012 11:03:34 PM)

Concur regarding fortifying Sumatra. Will send some of my reinforcements sitting in Tokyo for important points there.

John 3rd -> RE: Totals (5/19/2012 11:06:02 PM)




ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Here is a question to ponder while I get things moving: What do I do with all the factories, aircraft producers, repair yards, Sydney once I have them? Didn't think about the fact that there will be a pretty large expansion of the Japanese War Industry pretty soon...COOL!

HI isn't really worth anything, except perhaps the dubious economy of fuel on ferrying it to Australia instead of Home Islands. Japanese HI capacity at the start already exceeds capabilities of the oil production that they have or can obtain in DEI. IMO, captured HI in places other than DEI should never even be repaired. Aircraft factories shouldn't work for Japanese, or I think so...

LI, though, is a major boon. It is also not worth repairing, but if you manage to take several significant centers intact, it can help you weather the shortage of supply that you're likely to face in late 1943 and after. (In fact, you should start considering your supply situation right now and at least avoid building up bases that aren't likely to be relevant.)

Was talking to Michael about this earlier and I am willing to run small TK TF from the small Oil Centers at Babo and Boela to Townsville. We'll use that to get some HI production out of Aussieland. Might divert the occasional large TK TF from Palembang. We'll have to see how that goes.

ANYTHING extra will only help the Japanese economy.

Also get 5 aircraft production lines. Hmmmm...what shall we produce?

Don't forget two repair shipyards also...HIGHLY useful!

pharmy -> RE: Totals (5/21/2012 8:28:57 AM)

I thought the a/c factories just convert to vehicle factories


John 3rd -> RE: Totals (5/21/2012 8:00:50 PM)

CRAP! Here you go having the audacity to quote the RULEBOOK at me! We don't need no stinkin rules...

OK. Can still produce stuff---just not what I want.

Have an update to do. No major action but things continue to look GREAT!

pharmy -> RE: Totals (5/22/2012 5:24:40 AM)

I was hoping you know something I don't [&:] I have half of all SNLF squads and 3 IJA regs in Noumea and 6 divs just freed from Java and Bataan on my way down there to emulate you in my vs AI game. So much effort and all I got for one was a very long supply line that will tie down most of KB in fruitless commerce raiding and being a force in being to deter strikes against the south, for it to mean anything [:(] And its a line that can be severed at any point between Truk and Luganville. Feel so vulnerable in Centpac that I feel like removing mini-KB plus Junyo/Hiyo from the Indian ocean. I can of course thicken the wedge by taking, either the east coast of Australia or Samoa, Baker and Tonga Island along with Phoenix and Ellice Islands, but that's a huge ocean to patrol and north of Rabaul it still leaves me vulnerable till the arrival of the Shokaku Kais. The Ellice Islands can't even support an LBA base. In an AI game it probably won't matter, but any human player could easily punish me. I'm playing May in one of your 3 point something RA scenarios (with stacking limits) and the tanker fleet can barely feed Japan as it is, supporting ops down here is a huge hit on fuel reserves (factoring in the opportunity cost of not carrying SRA fuel back to Japan makes it a disastrous economic blunder) And if the manual is true, then even if I wrestle Southeast Australia from the Allies, the HI is halved(although with the amount of tankers that might be a blessing).

Although I think its a bold move that you are doing and it makes the AAR hell of fun to read, I feel that you have to play for an autowin, otherwise your opponent can probably cut you and your occupation army off in Australia in 43/early 44 and take the SRA from you (I'm guessing thats where the divisions in Aus would be if not employed on the southern continent) You now need two navies like the US Atlantic and Pacific fleet (with the Bass Strait/Horn Island/Luzon-Moluccas being your Panama canals)


John 3rd -> RE: Totals (5/22/2012 3:54:42 PM)

Good thoughts Sir.

I am not concerned about my troops being trapped in Australia. As soon as the war their winds down I will pull out all but about 4 ID. They, and some smaller Inf units, will serve as the garrison while the rest get moved around. Additionally I am thinking about a follow-on Operation that looks to the east and a pair of BIG ISLANDS...

Got a turn in from Lew and need to run it.

janh -> RE: Totals (5/22/2012 4:16:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd
Additionally I am thinking about a follow-on Operation that looks to the east and a pair of BIG ISLANDS...

I guess these islands make a nice booty. Yet keeping PzB's key move in mind, I would see what could be done about the Line Islands. Maybe they are not a game changer per se, I consider them so critical to the Allied routes (and approaches) to SoPac and CentPac that they perhaps should be on every Japanese menu... They will get harder to digest the more you get towards autumn.

pws1225 -> RE: Totals (5/22/2012 4:39:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Additionally I am thinking about a follow-on Operation that looks to the east and a pair of BIG ISLANDS...

I'm liking this more and more!

John 3rd -> RE: Totals (5/22/2012 4:51:05 PM)

This is JUST in the thinking stage. We do, after all, have to CAPTURE Australia FIRST! Just think visiting Hobbiton might be a lot of fun.

PS: Just reconned Melbourne and it has ONE unit in it...

John 3rd -> 10 Pens? (5/22/2012 6:54:54 PM)

Combat Report
March 30-April 1, 1942

Things have really calmed down in Australia over the last few days. Lew's planes have been beaten up pretty badly and their morale sucks at the moment. This respite is giving me a chance to unload, move units, and move along with THE PLAN.

We'll go round the horn:

North Pacific
Since sinking of BBs Colorado and Warspite things have been very quiet up here. I am moving troops around to strengthen the bases I shall fight for (Umnak, Adak, and Attu) and expanding them so I can use aircraft without issue.

The Kuriles continue to develop with AF and Forts continuing to be expanded.

Central Pacific
Things are beginning to look a little bit better as I have reinforcement convoys unloading at Marcus, Wake, Rio-Namur, and Truk. Others shall soon reach Tabitueau, Luganville, and Noumea.

The naval situation is improving with the arriving of Junyo and Nisshin at Truk and the additional formation of a true Strike Force at Jaluit (2 CA, 3 CL, and 8 DD).

South Pacific
Moving supplies and fuel around to buttress the Aussie Operation. Went through to make sure that everyone is properly preparing for where they are or need to be. Have a significant aerial reinforcement coming in over the next few days. Once rested and set, these planes (2 Daitai of Zero and 1 of Betty as well as some Mavis-Emily) will fly to Truk for training and join-up with other units for the creation of an aerial reaction force.

Skipping as it will be its own separate AAR Post.

Everything in the Philippines is taken but there are still lots of small bases/dot hexes that need to be grabbed. Have some small Inf units arriving and will use these to create 3-4 small landing TF so I can get everything set-up and taken.

With the freeing up of large numbers of AKs, I can now truly begin to form my resource convoys so more can be freely flowing to the Home Islands. Right now I am using Davao, Manila, and Singapore as my hubs for the smaller AKs/TKs to move thing to and then using larger vessels at the bigger Ports to get it home.


The 5th ID arrives at Schwebo and begins moving north towards Katha to take it. There are 2 TK Reg and a Cavalry unit one hex from Katha waiting for this heavy-hitting ID to arrive for the attack.

Recon is showing NO UNITS along the west coast of Burma. Wonder if I should grab those bases? Thoughts here?

Stalemate near Sian. I may pull a few units back to re-equip and provide a reaction force...

SS Ops
4-1 I-164 sinks AK El Madina with 2 TTs off Trivandrum.

John 3rd -> SE Aust (5/22/2012 6:57:18 PM)

This is the current screenshot of the Sidney--Melbourne Area:


John 3rd -> SW Aust (5/22/2012 7:00:14 PM)

Here is Hiryu and the Invasion Forces for Port Augusta:


John 3rd -> RE: SW Aust (5/23/2012 3:14:10 PM)

Ran out of time for writing yesterday before going to work. Lew and I got in the April 2nd turn so I will get everything caught-up and detailed in a little bit.

Historiker -> RE: SW Aust (5/23/2012 3:17:11 PM)

If your two Islands mean NZ, I see no porblem there, rather a necessity. You Can't allow to have it built up into a stronghold and have more than enough forces at hand to conquer it in time.

John 3rd -> RE: SW Aust (5/23/2012 4:13:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Historiker

If your two Islands mean NZ, I see no porblem there, rather a necessity. You Can't allow to have it built up into a stronghold and have more than enough forces at hand to conquer it in time.

BANZAI! [sm=sterb011.gif]

John 3rd -> Operation Cherry Blossom (5/23/2012 4:24:35 PM)

Combat Report
Operation Cherry Blossom
March 30-April 2, 1942

With one exception, things appear to be going fantastically well. Regional Australian Report:

NW Australia
The 65th Brigade moves into the hex NW of Daly waters and find the 1st Australian ID. Figuring they are probably out of supply, I order a Shock and Attack and BOY DOES IT WORK! The 65th scores a 3-1 result forcing the 2nd to Retreat and lose over 1,000 men. 65th takes 775 Casualties but they are all in disruption. This is the second time the 1st ID has been forced to retreat so this ID is more-or-less shattered.

I've got 3 TK Reg moving south towards Tennant Creek.

There are 4 Sentai of Bombers hitting everything traveling down that road slowing it down.

Western Australia
Fly my Tinas (about 60 of them) back into Western Australia. These planes have proved invaluable. Their range is amazing. West to East and back to the West again. They help finish moving the 1st and 2nd Raiding units to Geraldton for new operations. Shorter ranged transports (about 36) are helping here as well.

The 16th ID is lifted off of Gerladton and, initially, I planned to have it grab Cape Esperance but now I've decided to send it to Port Augusta. Got to stay FOCUSED here. Melbourne and Sidney are the keys to the kingdom. I leave a full Inf Div and 2 TK Reg to move south and take Perth. This will add some time but the big targets are south of here.

Aircraft shall prevent Allied reinforcement. I've got mavis and Emily as well as two Daitai of Betty at Geraldton. They SHOULD be enough to keep the door closed.

SW Australia
The Port Augusta and Wyalla (that base just west of Port Augusta) Invasion Forces are two days away. There will be no Invasion Bonus so this might be ugly. They Invasion Forces have some warship protection (BB Fuso) so CD should be absorbed. We have a Brigade and Inf Div landing here as well as some support units.

Hiryu continues moving SE to hunt some shipping spotted at the edge of Jake Range.

Will Cover the main area in the next Post.

John 3rd -> BANZAI! (5/24/2012 2:40:07 PM)

Mark you day down for April 4, 1942.


Long may the EMPEROR Bless this day!


soticrandy -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 4:07:32 PM)

Good stuff.

I find the lack of LCU's interesting.

witpqs -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 4:55:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: soticrandy

Good stuff.

I find the lack of LCU's interesting.

Protecting the aircraft factories at Melbourne?

janh -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 7:24:23 PM)

Time for plenty of sake at the Imperial Army Headquarters? This is quite an achievement, and me wonders how your opponent will respond to this whole crisis. I am trying to picture myself in his position, but I have not played the Allied so much that I could see how he could save the situation.

What has he left? Enterprise and Victorious are damaged, Lex is scratched, right? That leaves Yorktown, Sara, meanwhile Hornet, and within 10 weeks Wasp. That's already pretty impressive, but only if your opponent would correctly guess that a few of your carriers are in the yards. Yet even then, what ground elements could he muster to keep a foothold in Southern Oz? Americal? 1st Marine? 24th ID? Good question. Maybe not enough to save anything, so would he try or rather attempt something else? Perhaps reinforce some islands to avoid further intrusions? I am really curious how this is going to continue...

John 3rd -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 7:25:05 PM)

Just got done with the last day of school for the boys. FIELD Day and everyone had a good time.

Will do a thorough update in a little while.

There is only ONE unit in Melbourne.

If you look at the screenshot above you will see a stack of units west of Sydney. There are six unknown LCUs present...

Port Augusta is now MINE now as well. The whole Australian continent is sliced into pieces right now. Don't want to count chickens but it truly looks like GAME--SET--MATCH right now.

John 3rd -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 7:26:49 PM)



Time for plenty of sake at the Imperial Army Headquarters? This is quite an achievement, and me wonders how your opponent will respond to this whole crisis. I am trying to picture myself in his position, but I have not played the Allied so much that I could see how he could save the situation.

What has he left? Enterprise and Victorious are damaged, Lex is scratched, right? That leaves Yorktown, Sara, meanwhile Hornet, and within 10 weeks Wasp. That's already pretty impressive, but only if your opponent would correctly guess that a few of your carriers are in the yards. Yet even then, what ground elements could he muster to keep a foothold in Southern Oz? Americal? 1st Marine? 24th ID? Good question. Maybe not enough to save anything, so would he try or rather attempt something else? Perhaps reinforce some island to avoid further intrusions? I am really curious how this is going to continue...

The sake is flowing freely right now!

What do the Allies get if I take New Zealand? This is now a serious question...

ny59giants -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 7:45:22 PM)


John 3rd -> BANZAI! (5/24/2012 7:49:51 PM)

Michael asked about damage to Sydney?

Answer: NONE!


FatR -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 7:52:43 PM)

Well, congratulations. It seems that the scope and depth of your operation were totally surprising.

Cribtop -> RE: BANZAI! (5/24/2012 9:52:06 PM)



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