RE: New Possibilities (Full Version)

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MAurelius -> RE: New Possibilities (8/31/2012 11:09:27 PM)

thanks for the update... can only say... [X(] - simply hurts seeing such beautiful ships being wasted...

Cribtop -> RE: New Possibilities (9/1/2012 5:55:47 PM)

This is bizarre, probably a desperation move as previously stated. Whatever the reasons, press on! Crush him and use this total de-navyfication of the Allies to push the envelope and make it a very long, hard slog to Tokyo.

MAurelius -> RE: New Possibilities (9/1/2012 6:43:58 PM)

if this goes on like this you can park a few xAKs just outside of plane-range off West Coast and he won't be able to engage you [:D][:D]

Lcp Purcell -> RE: New Possibilities (9/2/2012 1:35:38 AM)

well I think an auto victory is coming, and your opponent is waiting for that to happen to bow out, so do one more bit of exciting stuff.

John 3rd -> June 1, 1942 (9/2/2012 2:20:04 AM)

You want to SEE the VP score? Take a look!


John 3rd -> Battle off Enggano: Day SIX (9/3/2012 7:07:05 AM)

Yum! A lovely sight to see my readers...


John 3rd -> Battle off Enggano: Day SIX (9/3/2012 7:42:38 AM)

June 1, 1942
Battle off Enggano: Day SIX

This is turning into a true grueling battle at sea. We see BIG BOYS fight and the CVs engage this day with very good results but it is not one-sided.

The night begins with a surface brawl between BBs Mutsu--Nagato, 2 CL, and 6 DD vs. BBs New Mexico--Idaho, CAs Salt Lake City, Vincennes, New Orleans, and Devonshire, 2 CL, 6 DD. Looks pretty bad in terms of numbers but the Japanese get the drop on the Allied TF on Turn One (6,000Yds). Nagato and Mutsu SINK New Mexico with 8 16" hits on the first TURN: BANZAI! The battle then turns into 9 Round brawl that sees Mutsu crippled (5 14" hits and 1 TT) and CL Sendai mauled. In return Idaho takes 3 large shells and a Torp, Devonshire and DD Cushing are sunk. CA Salt Lake City takes a couple of hits and a Long Lance. Not too bad...

BB Yamato's TF sweeps into Benkoelen and finds NOTHING. It does not react to the 50+ vessels moving slowly up the coast just to the north.

Morning Air Strikes sink CA Salt Lake City, DD's Morris and Dale as well as hits BB Idaho with 3 more bombs. Bad weather keeps most planes from flying from Batavia and Oosthaven. CRAP!

CV Action
The KB-2 (CarDiv2, Zuiho, Shoho) launch a serious strike of 29 Zero, 44 Val, and 58 Kate at the Allied CV TF. They are met by 18 F4F. Most of the Allied Fighters are shot down as the Vals and Kates assault the CVs. Results could be a lot better but they are decent as Yorktown takes 2 Bombs and has an Ammo Storage Explosions leaving her on fire, near her the Hornet takes a much stronger 3 Bombs and a Single TT which also brings on an Ammo Storage Explosion, and at the edge of the formation HMS Formidable has her paint scratched by 3 bombs. A CA and CL each take a bomb. Pretty sad results but Hornet is in trouble and Yorktown has issues as well.

The Allied CVs launch their counter-strike of 16 F4F, 26 SBD, and 27 TB. Luckily this strike fragments and comes in piecemeal. There are 43 Zeros on CAP when 16 F4F, 17 SBD and 21 TBD attack. The Wildcats do a good job of protecting their charges with 7 F4F, 3 SBD, and 4 TBD shot down before they can attack. Considering everything they fairly well. Hiryu takes a 1000lb bomb, Shoho gets a TT, Zuiho receives a single bomb and BC Kirishima takes a TT as well. Some damage is sustained but everyone looks OK for the afternoon which SHOULD finish the American CVs.

Second strike of 9 SBD is wiped out by 31 Zero and a Third Strike of 6 Albacore is also destroyed by 25 Zero.

Weather closes in so the Japanese launch a massed strike of 24 Zero and 58 Kates at Allied shipping near Benkoelen. CRAP!

EVERYTHING flies in the afternoon. Nearly 450 planes attack the Allied shipping prior to sunset and they do quite well. Vessels confirmed sunk: BB Ramilles, 6 AP, 1 AMC, 4 AK with another 16 vessels damaged and perhaps sinking.

As said the KB-2 launches at the Merchants and NOTHING flies from the Allied CVs.

As the sunsets the Japanese take their only serious loss to this point when BB Mutsu sinks while trying to reach Oosthaven. Too bad. HATE losing a BB!

Final Results for June 1st:
Japanese SUNK: BB Mutsu, heavy damage to CL Sendai, moderate damage to CV Hiryu (25 SYS with 0 Fires!) and CVL Shoho (12 SYS and 8 Flooding), light damage to BC Kirishima and CVL Zuiho. CV Plane losses amount to 7 Zero, 3 Val, and 10 Kate.

Allies SUNK: BB New Mexico and Ramilles, CAs Devonshire and Salt Lake City, 3 DD, 6 AP, 1 AMC, and 4 AK. DAMAGED: BB Idaho is a mess, CV Hornet seriously damaged and CV Yorktown moderately damaged. CV plane losses are 19 F4F, 14 SBD, 14 TBD/Albacore.

Damned nice results for the day's work. I cannot even keep track of his losses at the moment. Will total everything once the battle is finished but I think this makes 6-7 BBs sunk so far over the last 6 days...

Seriously think about how far I want to push this and finally decide to move KB-2 up the coast but ending only a few hexes from a friendly Port. They will try to finish off the American CVs. KB-1 is set for Full Speed and should engage as well. Should be interesting...

The BBs will unite and prowl looking for a bunch of tasty morsels!


MrBlizzard -> RE: Battle off Enggano: Day SIX (9/3/2012 10:55:01 AM)

Wow nice battle!!!
I think that what remains of his CV will try to return to Ceylon, direction NW, so probably you'll have a new chance to finish them next turn.
If he tries diffetent routes, ie West or SW, and you don't get them, you could divide your CV to cover every flee direction.
He's very weak now, IMHO you should dare and finish him in every way; this was a "lucky" turn for Allies that have not been annihilated... But now what can they oppone to you?

John 3rd -> RE: Battle off Enggano: Day SIX (9/3/2012 4:04:56 PM)

That was my thought as well.

Hit so many ships yesterday but I cannot even imagine what it had been like if the 150-200 bombers that didn't fly in the morning did! Could have added another 15-20 ships to the sunk list and an equal number to the damaged list.

Cribtop -> RE: Battle off Enggano: Day SIX (9/3/2012 5:40:16 PM)

Don't forget your subs, too. A line of them btw Ceylon and the battle site could finish a CV or two easily. Why did he stay? Looks like a Yamato death ride, but By the Allies!

John 3rd -> New Possibilities (9/3/2012 7:03:07 PM)

Would that be THESE Subs? Perhaps the 120 mines that just got laid on the coast there?


John 3rd -> ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 7:04:47 PM)

These as well?


zuluhour -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 7:36:09 PM)

As an AFB this just went from very scary to horrifying![X(]

ny59giants -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 7:52:59 PM)

You beat John by two things. Focus on land combat and logistics. He hates them both! [:D]

MAurelius -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 7:59:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: zuluhour

As an AFB this just went from very scary to horrifying![X(]

just now??? :) - that happened about 50 turns ago... but it is a perfect moment to show yourself what is possible as the Japanese (playing both sides as I am)...

anyway - congrats.... and keep pushing... perfect opportunity to finish him off - once and for all...

a BB lost? - well... a minor price paid for the overall victory in the Pacific :)

John 3rd -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 8:07:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

You beat John by two things. Focus on land combat and logistics. He hates them both! [:D]

"Logistics? We've got logistics coming out of our a**es!" Carroll O'Connor in Kelly's Heroes

Land Combat is the work of devil....

ny59giants -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 8:23:27 PM)

Your logistics are a lot better than when I helped you out vs Dan many years ago. It still needs some polishing, but at least your not at the brink of crashing your economy, I hope. [:D]

John 3rd -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 9:02:53 PM)


Cribtop -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 9:45:05 PM)

Yes, those subs! [&o][:D]

My kids love the Power Rangers. Each episode ends with the Red Ranger saying "Samurai Rangers... Victory is ours!" as the bad guy explodes in the background. I'd say that's pretty much the stage you're at here. Frankly, the Allied carnage last turn could have been much worse with better weather.

MrBlizzard -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/3/2012 10:37:52 PM)

I'm wondering if Ceylon is a first step of your future India strategy? :-)) Yes I know that India and Australia are too big bites together but what do you think to do in next two years? ;-D I mean it will take so long for Allies to collect a new decent fleet so I think that island hopping and naval strategy are impossible for them. the only theater in which they can move now is India towards Burma because is the only land strategy available (in china he hasn't enough supplies to mount an offensive). so Ceylon is an island and you can conquer it easily but it's too cose to India so if you don't keep a fleet there he could conquer it back in future when KB is away. so IMHO is a good strategy only as first step for India or for a trap too: you let him landing and then you lock the door again. An alternative interesting possibility for you is getting New Zealand, he cant oppone anything to you now by sea!

EDIT: I forgot, be careful to coconuts, its the only thing he can throw to you now :) And now let's see the rest of the show!!!

John 3rd -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/4/2012 4:37:14 PM)

New Zealand is interesting, however, I really don't to trip more reinforcements showing up. If I land one solider there then all sorts more trouble arrives for the Allies...

John 3rd -> VP Screen 1 (9/4/2012 4:38:58 PM)

Thought I would Post Allied ships sunk by their victory points as of June 2nd. Three screenshots coming up:


John 3rd -> VP Screen 2 (9/4/2012 4:39:38 PM)



John 3rd -> VP Screen 3 (9/4/2012 4:40:26 PM)



witpqs -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/4/2012 4:41:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

New Zealand is interesting, however, I really don't to trip more reinforcements showing up. If I land one solider there then all sorts more trouble arrives for the Allies...

And where do they go without a navy?

John 3rd -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/4/2012 5:25:12 PM)

They'll have a Fleet in late-43/1944.

New Zealand makes some sense in that it is closer to my troop concentration and supplies in Australia.

What do people think? Ceylon or New Zealand in late-42?

witpqs -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/4/2012 5:31:58 PM)

Well I tried to goad you into invading New Zealand quite a while back strictly for entertainment value of the AAR, so you know my vote!

janh -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/4/2012 5:43:54 PM)

Hmmh, depends on your future plans I guess. What is the goal you'd want to achieve with either of them? That probably must be different in each case.

NZ would seem like a safe bet, something you can take your time with while or after LI operations. As long as Lew lacks a navy, you can almost at leisure go after it, perhaps even in a year. With the loss of NZ, Lew might feel another kick in his butt. He has a reasonable chance to reconquer OZ using NZ as staging, but retaking NZ without any large staging area and plenty of 4EB close by? Hard. A potential next step after NZ could be a cleanup up to Samoa, Pago Pago or any of these places. There are perhaps some ripe fruit to be harvested and a potential to bring about another CV encounter within the year with this strategy? With that, the CENTPAC route will probably be out of question for Lew, much as the OZ-DEI/SRA routes are already. I guess his hopes of winning would be almost gone with that, and the Allies ready to accept surrender...

Ceylon, on the other hand, must either be a huge raid, or the start of an even bolder move to take the Indian southern tip. Ceylon is nice in that you could threaten the indian east and west coast from there, even if you had only 2-3 divisions and some paras there for a single quick raid. As MB said, it is too close to LBA from the main land to keep a fleet in being there, and will not require Lew any CV to retake. So either in and out once the air battle over the island starts to go bad, or in and use it as a staging ground to expand into southern India. Depends on how quick your Cocos I forces can be turned around (afterwards, but I bet there won't be much AV left there now) and what else you can scavenge in other theaters.
Also depends on how bold you want to play this, since a battle for Ceylon would surely be more to Lew's liking, and also upping his hopes a bit. I'd probably like that, it would keep the AAR on the verge for much longer.
A surge into southern India might even be suicidal, remembering CanoeRebel vs. Q-Ball (was it, right?), but could as well be such a surprise that it could be awesome in this game. Unless very lucky, you won't hold any of that by 44 anymore, though -- in contrast to NZ, but all that's just my guess.

MAurelius -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/4/2012 6:53:23 PM)

why not go for PH again? - you have complete naval superiority - and you might just seal the deal with the points there... if victory isn't certain already...

and it would be fun to read too :D

John 3rd -> RE: ...or perhaps... (9/4/2012 7:07:43 PM)

I was speaking with Michael and also tosses out the thought that bringing the fight to Ceylon would provoke an Attritional Air Battle there. The advantages to that could be pretty good as well. By the time we could land in Ceylon a certain airplane going by the name of MISTER TOJO would be in production.

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