castor troy -> RE: Pilot training (my FAQ) I right? (1/24/2012 8:00:24 AM)
ORIGINAL: kbfchicago I am never sure and have found cases where the computer definitely did not pick the optimum guy with a "60, 70, or 80+" skill from reserve (production, not beta patch) as I believe it pulls the nearest (soonest) available pilot in addition to a skill check. To be sure I generally select individual pilots from the reserve group roster. Note that for some reason that does seem to increase their arrival times (even when listed as "1" delay). I never use "any". Either its a selected "Reserve" guy or a "Replacement" guy... I think the "delay" you see in the pilot reserve list is the delay it takes the pilot to arrive in the pool, not at his new squadron when you pull him out. That is the delay you see in the pilot list of the squadron you pulled him to.