NOT JUST Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (Full Version)

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FDRLincoln -> NOT JUST Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/14/2012 3:08:16 AM)

Scenario Two, PDU on, typical house rules...

The main focus of this AAR will be submarine warfare, which both contestants are big fans of. We've played two turns so far.


None of my Imperial submarines had any success on Day One. Four midget subs were lost attempting to penetrate Pearl Harbor. None of my other submarines had any contacts.


A Dutch submarine torpedoed and sank an AK filled with troops heading towards Malaya. OUCH!


Submarine I-21 torpedoed an American four-stack destroyer, reportedly USS McFarland, east of Hawaii. The destroyer was heavily damaged by two torpedoes but so far there is no confirmation of sinking.


No contacts.

I will keep a running total of tonnage in subsequent posts.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/14/2012 8:51:28 PM)

December 9th Allies: 

US Submarine S-39 attempted to torpedo a Japanese light cruiser south of the Phillipines. The torpedoes missed and S-39 was driven off by the escorts.

December 9th Japan:

None of my submarines made contact with Allied forces.

A Dutch submarine sank AK Johore Maru on December 7th, 6400 tons.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/15/2012 11:51:25 PM)

December 10 Japan: No submarines made contact with Allied forces.
December 10 Allies: Submarine S-37 attempted to attack a convoy near Formosa but was driven under by the escorts

Quiet thus far

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/16/2012 2:31:23 AM)

Is there any interest in this AAR among submarine fans?

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/16/2012 8:10:50 PM)

Finally, something interesting

December 11 Japan: Responding to reports of American carriers in the area, submarine RO-64 took up patrol station near Tarawa to defend the landing at that atoll. RO-64 encountered USS Lexington at night and reported two torpedo hits before being driven down by the escorts which conducted an ineffective depth charge attack. Condition of Lexington is unknown, but she did launch a daytime airstrike against some transports, so she can't be too badly hurt. Still, it was nice to finally see a contact. Too bad it was one of the oldest ROs instead of a modern I-boat.

December 11 Allies: Dutch submarine KXV attempted to interfere with landings at Miri but was driven off by the ASW screen. Similarly, US submarine S-41 attempted to attack a convoy near Formosa but was caught on approach and depth-charged by escorting DDs. Neither submarine appeared to suffer substantial damage but were suppressed.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/16/2012 8:15:34 PM)


Ossian -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/16/2012 8:24:37 PM)


Is there any interest in this AAR among submarine fans?

Yup, there sure is! In fact, I'm doing my own AAR as the Japanese over at at the moment so I'm very interested in how this develops and how you use your boats. We're only playing the Guadalcanal scenario but my oppo has creamed my sub fleet pretty much and it' not even the new year yet.

Two questions, because it's an area that tends to get skirted over a bit in other AARs: what's your basic strategy for sub ops at the moment (IE, are you focusing them anywhere? Around Pearl, the WC, Malay and the DEI? and have you changed many of the skippers yet? with the Allies I feel you have to change a large number of them in the first few months for more aggressive skippers to maximize the few chances you get (especially when you add in the crappy Mk.14s to the mix.)

I think I'm going to enjoy this! [:)]

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/16/2012 8:55:29 PM)

Well, I am Japan in a PBEM game. I don't know if my opponent is reading this or not, but I won't give anything away he doesn't know or suspect or can read by Ultra decrypts, lol. 

I have not made contact with a single a US Fleet Boat, so I don't know what he's doing with them. All I have seen are S-boats and Dutch subs. My ASW philosophy revolves around patrols with smaller craft around harbors and choke points, and I try to give every important convoy at least a minimal escort, although that won't always be possible. I like lots of ASW air. Even if they can't sink something, if they spot it it helps.

My own submarines were deployed per standard at the beginning of the game: a whole bunch of them around Hawaii, and some around Malaya. I still have subs prowling around Hawaii, but some have been recalled to their bases for refuelling and then redeployment to new patrol stations. The subs around Malaya and the western DEI area are (more or less) scouting around for RN or Dutch warships. I also like to use subs to provide some "underwater escort" of my invasion forces. RO-64 was doing this around Tarawa and it paid off. Once the initial set of invasions is complete, the longer range boats will be deployed against Allied commerce lanes and shorter-range boats on defensive patrols. I hope to pick off some warships of course, especially early when allied ASW is less effective.

I haven't changed any captains yet.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/16/2012 10:06:43 PM)

How I use the submarine arm also depends on what my overall strategy for entire game is. I'm going to make sure my opponent isn't reading this first before revealing my overall grand strategy.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/16/2012 10:44:31 PM)

My opponent confirms that he had to scuttle USS McFarland.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/17/2012 12:18:43 AM)

My opponent has agreed to stay out of this AAR.

While I don't have the time for a full-fledged classic AAR, I will keep this up-to-date with major happenings and my strategic plans, with a focus on the undersea war.

It is Scenario 2, PDU on, December 7 surprise, non-historical first turn, US torpedoes are BAD, Allied damage control is good.

For the most part, I left things historical for the initial attacks. The Pearl Harbor strike resulted in the sinking of Arizona and Tennessee, plus substantial damage to four other battleships although my opponent says they will all survive. A great deal of his air force was destroyed on the ground and first day losses for Japan were very small, so I stuck around for a second day. Alas, this didn't go well at all: Kaga's attack flew, but the other carriers failed to launch their planes on the second day. I think weather may have been involved. He got 20 P-40s up, and while my A6Ms shot five of them down, I ended up losing 12 Vals without doing any damage. I left after that.

KB moved up north, refuelled from the AO group, and is now swinging back down towards Truk to provide air cover for subsequent offensives and to see if I can trap his carriers somewhere.

The current day is December 12th. Vigan, Appari, and Legaspi have fallen, and San Fernando should fall tomorrow. He has been aggressive about defending the Phillipines and has by my count about 40 P-40Bs and Es present. My A6M sweeps are giving me air superiority but not air supremacy at this point. I'm bombing his airfields, switching between Clark and Manila to try and keep him guessing, since he's using both bases. My land combat units have faced little opposition so far, as he is pulling everything back towards the central core as quickly as possible. I don't know yet if he will make his stand at Bataan or Manila. His land forces seem evenly divided so far between those locations and Clark.

Davao will be invaded as soon as the cruiser squadron to cover the landing has been refueled.

I intend to make China a major theatre of operations since the whole point of the war is to conquer China! Hong Kong is under seige. Once Hong Kong falls I will get more aggressive here, but I want that port first. I've conducted small scale bombing attacks in various locations, and have begun paying the PP to pull some of the forces facing the Soviet Union down south. I won't go past the Soviet activition limit of course.

In the DEI, Miri has fallen, and Brunei will be hit tomorrow. I don't know where Force Z is, but Bettys and Nells have sunk some shipping escaping the Phillipines, including AV Langley. I have strong surface combat units prowling this area and covering convoys in case he tries to sneak a strike in. One of my cruiser squadrons fell in with a convoy of Phillipine shipping and sank four AKs. I would really rather neutralize Force Z before going further south than Miri, but if I don't find them soon I will get things moving. I have been studying the map closely and have my invasions of Java and Sumatra planned out, with the allocated units planning. I hope to seize them in early January.

Malaya is going slowly so far as my amphibious forces are busy unloading at the usual places. He seems to be conducting a defense in depth and isn't withdrawing everything towards Singapore as far as I can tell. I've been conducting daily bombing raids and sweeps here. Nates and Oscars...very good dogfighters, but the lack of firepower is telling. I get a lot of damaged Buffalos in these combats, but not a lot of shootdowns.

Snipping the Burma Road is one of my major goals and forces led by the Imperial Guard and associated armor are moving towards the border. He had AVG at Tavoy and this resulted in a big dogfight with some A6M units. I got the better of it.

So far, my worst losses are an AK torpedoed by a Dutch sub on the way to Malaya, and a destroyer (I don't have the name at my fingertips) that was knocked out by the USS Louisville attempting to intervene at Tarawa. As mentioned earlier, he also has Lexington in the vicinity.

I have various invasions on the way to locations in the Solomons, but he is being very aggressive with cruiser and carrier strikes to keep me off balance. I am reluctant to push too far until KB is in the area. I also have my main BB line heading towards Truk to help support operations as needed. This can swing south if I think his surface forces are going to interfere in the Solomons, or it can swing west to help support the invasions planned for the Celebes and eastern Borneo.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/17/2012 12:24:53 AM)

I know a lot of Japanese players strike northern Australia or make a deep drive into India. Raiding Australia makes sense to me, but actually invading it...that isn't something in intend to do. I might change my mind depending on how things develop, but I am more likely to send KB out occasionally to assault convoys heading to/from Oz.

I don't really want to Death Star him with KB...that's no fun...but I'm not going to let KB die in penny packets, either.

I forgot to mention that the Wake Invasion, conducted with the historical forces, had the historical result: I got my ass handed to me. A second, stronger force is being prepared. Perhaps...maybe I can tempt him into trying to reinforce Wake and cover it with his carriers? Hmm.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/17/2012 12:32:28 AM)

He has used his naval forces in the Phillipines aggressively. I wiped out a squadron of four old destroyers that tried to stop the landings at Vigan at no loss to myself. He tried to sneak in PT boats the next day. Somehow they got past the patrolling cruisers, but the landing beaches were covered by minesweeper and ASW units that got into a surface battle with the PTs, sinking two.

EUBanana -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/17/2012 8:36:21 AM)



Is there any interest in this AAR among submarine fans?

Sure. I always like the sub war too. I tend to do a report every month or so just focused on subs.

You probably wanna include some other stuff as well though, it's not like subs worked in a vacuum after all..

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/17/2012 6:46:59 PM)

December 12 Japan: RO-64 takes another shot at Lexington near Tarawa but misses, driven under by escorts. No damage from depth charging. Opponent informs me that Lexington was only dinged by yesterday's attack. Damn. RO-64's captain seems very aggressive, and when he gets back to port he will be moved up to a better sub.

I-158 takes a shot at HMS Vendetta near Singapore, but all three torpedoes miss. I-153 tries to follow up, misses with her attack, and is given a tough depth-charging by British destroyers, resulting in 20 floatation damage. She is on her way back to Saigon for repairs.

December 12 Allies: S-37 tries to attack a convoy near Formosa but is depth-charged by the ASW screen without getting a shot off. 

OTHER ITEMS: San Fernando falls. Nauru Island falls. More reinforcements land at Vigan and Appari and are heading south.

Four heavy cruisers and six destroyers arrive at Truk. They will begin covering operations for invasions in this area. 

An allied cruiser task force led by Houston, Boise, and Marblehead ambushes a supply convoy unloading at Miri. Light cruiser Isuzu and a couple of patrol boats attempt to intervene but are destroyed. I lose five xAKs, but fortunately the landing force was already ashore. The enemy force expended a great deal of ammunition. Two battlecruisers, five heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, and ten destroyers are heading in this direction to try and trap the Americans. Note that Force Z is still unaccounted for, and I suspect there could be a trap afoot.  

Baby KB and a pair of heavy cruisers found and slaughtered escaping merchant ships from the Phillipines. Main KB has refuelled from the big AO group and is proceeding towards Truk, looking for Enterprise which is expected to be somewhere in the Wake Island area.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/17/2012 10:42:22 PM)

December 13 Japan: RO-64 makes another attempt at the Lexington task force and is once again driven off by destroyers but undamaged. I-8 attempted to torpedo a freighter near Hawaii, missed, and got depth-charged by escorts but was undamaged.

Lexington pounded the Nauhru Island invasion force but the troops got ashore. I have six submarines in the area but so far only RO-64 has tried to attack.

December 13 Allies: Dutch submarine KXI tried to get hit a convoy near Patani but was attacked by escorts and didn't get a shot off. Combat screen reports three DC hits but I think she got away.

Where are his US fleet subs? I haven't seen a single one. I know the torpedoes are bad, but you'd think they would be useful for scouting around, and sometimes the torps do hit. I think this is a mistake on his part.

Crackaces -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/17/2012 11:50:10 PM)


Where are his US fleet subs? I haven't seen a single one. I know the torpedoes are bad, but you'd think they would be useful for scouting around, and sometimes the torps do hit. I think this is a mistake on his part.

It is a mistake in my opinion. I had 5 xAK's full of stuff sunk by USN SS platforms between the 8-12 Dec 41. Yes the odds are quite low per torp P(.20) but it forces the IJN to escort precious cargo. By Sept 42 I have over 50 merchants and 2 CL's sunk by the USN. A CV spent 3 months in the pen from a slug delvered by the USN SS Sargo [;)]

Also, they intercept radio traffic in the lanes etc ..

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/18/2012 11:34:03 PM)

December 14 Japan: Submarine I-8 is playing cat-and-mouse with an ASW detachment near Hawaii. She fired two torpedoes at USS Alwyn but missed. No damage from DCs. Four other long-range submarines are approaching West Coast patrol stations. Submarines with less endurance are heading back to Kwajalein for refuelling, then will deploy to interdict his communications with Australia.

December 14 Allies: Dutch submarine KXIII was DCd near Saigon. I don't think she took any serious damage. Other allied subs have been spotted near Truk and Saipan.

Overall Situation: A quiet turn in the air and sea, not so on land. A tank unit mauled a raw Chinese corps in open ground. I am closing in on the Manila and Clark from multiple directions. It looks like he will make his stand at Clark if my recon is remotely accurate. I'm still seeing evidence of 40-50 P40s in the Phillipines but they haven't flow in several days.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/19/2012 4:06:43 PM)

It appears that both Lexington and Enterprise are hanging around the Eastern Solomons looking for stuff to ambush. I have some transports ready at Truk with various invasion forces that were ready to head south, but with his carriers in the area I'm holding back until KB arrives. I have six submarines being vectored into his area looking for his carriers.

My main battle fleet centered around Nagato and Mutso was preparing for a sweep through the Celebes and eastern Borneo area to clear the area of any ABDA forces attempting to interfere with invasions that I was planning to launch in the next turn. However, the timetable has been altered a bit: Kongo and Haruna collided in a night battle with some PT boats. Both battlecruisers are damaged and have to head back to Cam Ran Bay for repairs. I now have to reorganize my Western Borneo fleet before moving to hit Palembang and associated smaller bases.

Not knowing where Force Z is, I am reluctant to launch the invasions of Palembang and southwest Borneo without Kongo and Haruna. Am I being too cautious?

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/19/2012 10:23:11 PM)

December 15 Japan: I-173 sticks three torpedoes into the side of AP Hugh L. Scott near Hawaii. Will she make it back to Pearl? I don't know. I didn't get any message about troops so I'm assuming she was empty.

December 15 Allies: Dutch boat KXI sticks one torpedo into AK Teihoken Maru near Malaya. This ship had troops on it but made it one hex into port and is unloading. Lucky.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/19/2012 11:03:53 PM)

Submarine attack near Kona at 180,113

Japanese Ships
SS I-173

Allied Ships
AP Hugh L. Scott, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage

AP Hugh L. Scott is sighted by SS I-173
Massive explosion on AP Hugh L. Scott
SS I-173 launches 4 torpedoes at AP Hugh L. Scott
AP Hugh L. Scott reported sunk

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/19/2012 11:04:56 PM)

Submarine attack near Patani at 52,73

Japanese Ships
xAK Teihoku Maru, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage

Allied Ships

Japanese ground losses:
12 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

xAK Teihoku Maru is sighted by SS KXI
SS KXI launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Teihoku Maru

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/19/2012 11:13:18 PM)


US Subs: 0
Dutch Subs: 1 AK (6400 tons)
Japan Subs: 1 AP (10040 tons)
1 AVD (1315 tons)

Japan tonnage by sub
I-21 (1315)
I-173 (10040)

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/19/2012 11:45:56 PM)

ASW search reports two Allied submarines prowling around the Sea of Japan. ASW forces are already patrolling the choke-off points. Are these fleet boats or did he send some Sugars here looking for unescorted targets?

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/20/2012 3:04:56 AM)

Hugh L. Scott, torpedoed and sunk by I-173, December 15, 1941.


FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/20/2012 5:56:24 PM)

December 16 Japan: Submarine I-157 struck a mine near Singapore and sank with the loss of all hands. No other contacts. Other than the midget subs lost at Pearl Harbor, this is the first submarine loss of the war for me.

December 16 Allies: An Ann bomber on ASW patrol near Pescadores claims to have bombed and hit a "Dolphin class" US submarine. The class is obviously misidentified but this could be a fleet boat, if it was hit at all.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/21/2012 5:16:34 AM)

Non-submarine items:

A6Ms shot down 12 P40Es in exchange for 2 of their own yesterday in a sweep over Manila. This cleared the way for Nells and Betties to hammer the airfield. Another sweep over Clark shot down the sole P40B that rose to challenge the Zeros. A forward probe conducted by a tank regiment had reached Clark and reports about 50,000 enemy soldiers. More tanks, infantry, and artillery will arrive tomorrow at Clark and also at Manila.

Landings at Brunei and the southwestern tip of Borneo will commence in 48 hours. This will be covered by the First Battlecruiser Squadron and supporting heavy cruisers and destroyers. All Nell and Betty units in the area are set to Naval Attack to assist in any battles.

My troops continue to slog through the jungles of Malaya, wiping out each small Allied unit they encounter. So far, he is not retreating everything to Singapore as far as I can tell. He is conducting a forward defense. I may land at Mersing to outflank him but I want the southwest Borneo bases first and I really want to draw his fleet out first.  IJA bombers continue to hammer his air bases to try and burn up his supply. Oscars and Nates are effective at suppressing Buffalos, but the weak armanent results in a lot of damaged Allied fighters but not too many shootdowns. I am micromanaging my pilots, keeping morale up and fatigue down. I have a steady program of upgrading Oscar-1a and 1b units to 1c as the better fighters come off the production line, with the weaker marks of Oscar then handed down to Nate units.

I don't have any aces yet, but a LOT of pilots both IJA and IJN with 1-3 kills.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/21/2012 5:59:37 PM)

December 17 Japan: None of my submarines saw anything. Where is his fleet? Does he have convoys going anywhere?

December 17 Allies: No submarine contacts today. However, my AK Teihoku Maru finally sank...she took a torpedo from KXI two days ago. I thought I could save her but alas, it was not to be.

US Subs: 0 ships, 0 tons sunk
Dutch Subs: AK-6400 tons
                AK-6475 tons
                Total: 12875 tons
Japanese Subs: AP-10400

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/21/2012 6:04:37 PM)

In other news, he is going to make his Phillipines stand at Clark. I had four tank regiments that got to Clark ahead of the infantry and he attacked them, throwing them back with heavy casualties (to me). I am going to lick my wounds and bring more troops up. He is evacuating Manila and I should be able to take that soon. Heavy air attacks and sweeps on Clark resulted in destruction of 8 P40s, in exhange for two damaged A6Ms. Over 100 bombers hit Clark airfield and destroyed six allied aircraft of various types on the ground.

KB arrived at Kwajalein today. Refuelled and now heading off to Truk. From there I will either send them south to support Rabaul landings, or west to support attacks in the DEA. I made landings on the western tip of New Guinea today. My Main Battle Fleet of six BBs is in the area hoping he sends his cruisers to intervene. My ships shrugged off a couple of Dutch air attacks but he knows I have BBs in the area now.

FDRLincoln -> RE: Submarines in the Pacific: FDRLincoln (Japan) vs. Bakerman (Allies) (2/21/2012 6:06:44 PM)

Oscar sweeps in Malaya shot down four Buffalos for no loss. I have about 80 Oscars with good pilots that will sweep Singapore tomorrow.

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