RE: Forumites MIA (Full Version)

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LeeChard -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/25/2012 3:26:38 PM)




Nice to see you again and your cuddly avatar. [:)]



ORIGINAL: Gräfin Zeppelin

Taking a break from the game at the moment but no worries/hopes I wont leave this place :)

Cuddly avatar? That thing scares the hell out of me!

Mac Linehan -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/25/2012 7:41:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gräfin Zeppelin

Taking a break from the game at the moment but no worries/hopes I wont leave this place :)

Grafin Zeppelin -

I am so pleased that your are still around; having a Lady on our forum adds a dose of (much needed) class... <grin>


Mac Linehan -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/25/2012 7:58:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58



Very, very carefully. [;)]

You learn to make a small change, then wait to see how it works out. The main advice I can give you is: NEVER, EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES REPAIR/EXPAND LIGHT INDUSTRY.

I have a feeling you probably already knew that, but some newer players may not. [:)]

I tried Easy R&D, but I think that's too dangerous for my happy mouse finger, which seems to have a mind of its own when it sees that yellow "Expand" hotpoint. I tried to focus down onto a couple of key plane paths, and over-expanded R&D too much. Also accelerated a lot of the navy, then dragged that all back four days later when the points were negative. Turning off merchants like all the guides recco just rubs me, a USN sub guy, the wrong way, but merchant points went negaitve too.

Have had other problems. I meddled with the midget sub carriers on the first turn and they never launched. The manual doesn't help much on tactical deployment of midgets, so I looked up some old posts here and think I have it now. I relied on the pre-programmed Wake TFs to get the job done, and Wake has turned into a slaughter. The USMC CD is deadly and has sunk over 15 merchants already as I've fed them into the killing ground. I leaned out too far getting tankers to Borneo as soon as I had Miri and before I had neutered the RN. Bye-bye tankers. And the AI is using the USN CVs in ways I would never think to do and sending them to places I would never send, and so, bye-bye CL and two DDs.

Overall the Japanese LCUs are fragmented and all over the place, and extremely restricted to my Allied eyes. I'm still trying to figure out how to get enough mass together to take Singers.

On the good side, the field of play is tiny for the early-war Japanese. Outside of economy fiddling the work load is only a fraction of the Allied given there are no off-map endeavors, and there is almost no time-consuming map scrolling, no multiple nation device pools and unlike aircraft pools either, and the distances and thus time to get something done is tiny compared to thinking about WC to Oz. I do feel the press of time though. It's odd to have to be at 100% on the first turn and not let up. I'm used to having a year to think about how I want the end game to go.

Having played the Allies makes me understand where the holes in the Japanese OOB are. I'm hoping playing the other side will show me where the Allies are exposed as well. I already know I'm going to strat bomb the heck out of China since the AI never does. I want to see what it does to Chinese defenses. Also, part of the economy crashing was my efort to get the Nates out of China and get some Oscars in there too quickly. I still think getting the Nates onto training duty is a key goal, but it can't be done as fast I was pressing to do it.

Lots to learn.

Moose -

As you are a very experienced Allied player, there is little doubt in my mind that you will eventually get a firm grip on the Japanese economy. There is a huge advantage in switching to the Dark Side of the Pond with hundreds of hours of play time under your belt.

I strongly suspect that you will enjoy and master the challenge, and become a more formidable, balanced player because of it.

Eventually, I will have to address you as "Moose - San"... <grin>


Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/25/2012 11:53:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mac Linehan

Moose -

As you are a very experienced Allied player, there is little doubt in my mind that you will eventually get a firm grip on the Japanese economy. There is a huge advantage in switching to the Dark Side of the Pond with hundreds of hours of play time under your belt.

I strongly suspect that you will enjoy and master the challenge, and become a more formidable, balanced player because of it.

Eventually, I will have to address you as "Moose - San"... <grin>


Thank you , sir. [:)]

I did dump the game above and re-started, this time on 2-day turns and with regular R&D. Going much better. I just sent the whole 4th Division to knock over Wake in one turn, then sent it back to Osaka. And I'm cleaning out the piles in Korea, Port A., and Hokkaido while I sink the opposition instead of staging merchants far forward. I also found that the torpedo bombers work much, much better when you give the HQ some fish. Ah, live and learn.

Chickenboy -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/27/2012 9:03:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
I think Bullwinkle vs. Chickboy would be fun to watch.

Yes, that would be fun to watch. [8D]

[smack talk mode on/] But I doubt that the be-antlered one would have the guts to try me when he's ready for a PBEM. [\smack talk mode off]

Chickenboy -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/27/2012 9:07:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58
I don't know how JFBs do it if they don't use Tracker. Even with it, and even in Scen 2, the Empire is in really lousy shape on Dec. 7.

Trial and error. Plenty of both. Borking one's research program for the first year of the war is a fine motivator to better understand the system. Kentucky windage is quite possible.

The most important advice: don't do too much too fast when you're learning the ropes. Keeping LI untouched. Bring everything from out there back 'here'.

Knavey -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/27/2012 9:44:02 PM)

Tankerace is another MIA...was big on WPO but hasn't logged on in a while or posted in a long time. Think he was getting married and grad school.

madflava13 -> RE: Forumites MIA (2/28/2012 12:52:08 AM)

I haven't been "missed" yet, but I figured I'd say hello. My desk top decided to crap out after almost a decade of yeoman's service. I can't keep it on for longer than 20-30 minutes without a loud clicking noise from the hard drive and a blue screen of death. So much for PBEM games... Between the busted computer and a new job that requires frequent travel, I've been MIA aside from occasional forum checks. The good news is that I just (finally) ordered a new laptop, so I'm hoping to get back onto the forums and fire up some PBEMs shortly.

khyberbill -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/25/2012 10:19:12 AM)

Haven't seen rtrapasso in ages either.

mike scholl 1 -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/25/2012 10:43:16 AM)

I sometimes wonder what happened to "BRADY"..., the all-time king of the "midget sub fanboys"? [&:]

khyberbill -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/25/2012 3:33:44 PM)

Plus he started the "Name this AE" thread.... here is, I believe, the last one.

Knavey -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/25/2012 7:39:46 PM)

He logged on about 2 weeks ago, but hasn't posted in over a year. Liked his NAME threads.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/25/2012 9:32:42 PM)

I noticed that Japan or Marky was not mentioned here. [:D]

Who was the biggest trouble maker in the history of the Matrix forums? I remember years ago we had one guy named Olaf or something like that a who gave Erik headaches and he was always confused with another player of the same name that was a productive member here.

m10bob -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 12:34:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

I noticed that Japan or Marky was not mentioned here. [:D]

Who was the biggest trouble maker in the history of the Matrix forums? I remember years ago we had one guy named Olaf or something like that a who gave Erik headaches and he was always confused with another player of the same name that was a productive member here.

Oh yes....There have been some troublemakers...need not mention them, but a few of us are convinced "Japan" used at least 3 other names to get in here..No integrity....

castor troy -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 1:03:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

I noticed that Japan or Marky was not mentioned here. [:D]

Who was the biggest trouble maker in the history of the Matrix forums? I remember years ago we had one guy named Olaf or something like that a who gave Erik headaches and he was always confused with another player of the same name that was a productive member here.

marky was a nice kid compared to the trolls that are around lately [8|]

Knavey -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 1:44:13 PM)

Marky was FUN! In a kid sort of way.

Who was the guy that was a big Bismark fan?

AW1Steve -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 4:01:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: castor troy


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

I noticed that Japan or Marky was not mentioned here. [:D]

Who was the biggest trouble maker in the history of the Matrix forums? I remember years ago we had one guy named Olaf or something like that a who gave Erik headaches and he was always confused with another player of the same name that was a productive member here.

marky was a nice kid compared to the trolls that are around lately [8|]

I suspect he may have eventually developed into the sort of troll we have now. But he didn't come to the forum with the intention of being "nasty". Most of the current bunch started out nasty (with their own axes to grind) and got considerably worse. [:(]

ilovestrategy -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 4:05:02 PM)

I miss RogueUSMC. Man, that guy could make some nice sigs.

AW1Steve -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 4:06:43 PM)

And he always had good advice. I also miss elcoyote, and Dr. Bob .

crsutton -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 6:53:34 PM)



Marky was FUN! In a kid sort of way.

Who was the guy that was a big Bismark fan?

Marky was bi-polar and admitted so. I can cut him a little slack.

AW1Steve -> RE: Forumites MIA (3/27/2012 8:04:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton



Marky was FUN! In a kid sort of way.

Who was the guy that was a big Bismark fan?

Marky was bi-polar and admitted so. I can cut him a little slack.

I'm not so sure. I played several PBEM's and had several long chats with him , as well as many ,many long emails. A bi-polar person on meds ( from my experince with them, but I'm not a medical person) can be as normal as anyone. Marky made it pretty clear to me that he really got off on setting people off. That's pretty troll like to me. [8|]

khyberbill -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/5/2012 3:23:52 PM)

I haven't seen Scott1964 in a long time. We were playing a WITP game when AE came out and mutually decided to focus on AE and drop the game. He was a wild attacker!

Canoerebel -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/5/2012 4:20:04 PM)

Speaking of "forumites MIA," I was just about to name TopofEverest last week, but saw him in the forums before I could do so. Glad to see him back.

GreyJoy and rader have gone underground.  I think they'll be back, but the length of their absence is pretty long.

Nemo is taking a sabbatical which may or may not be permanent, but I miss his contributions and thoughts.

zuluhour -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/5/2012 9:09:32 PM)

Please clarify for newb:


Lifer -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/5/2012 11:10:47 PM)

Marky was my first PBEM. Turns started getting erratic and just sort of mutually ended after three or four months. He did post some pics of him on a B17 ride a while back.

Troll - Someone looking for fight. Posts something completely outrageous knowing a flame war will ensue.
Lurker - Reads the forums but doesn't post or posts irregularly.

zuluhour -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/5/2012 11:14:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: zuluhour

Please clarify for newb:


Number 2 daughter has clarified "lurker".

thegreatwent -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/6/2012 12:10:58 AM)


I haven't seen Scott1964 in a long time. We were playing a WITP game when AE came out and mutually decided to focus on AE and drop the game. He was a wild attacker!

I'm playing scott in a scen 2 campaign now. We are near end of Aug'43. He just punched some Essex CVs of mine in the nose [X(]

crsutton -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/6/2012 12:47:58 AM)




ORIGINAL: crsutton



Marky was FUN! In a kid sort of way.

Who was the guy that was a big Bismark fan?

Marky was bi-polar and admitted so. I can cut him a little slack.

I'm not so sure. I played several PBEM's and had several long chats with him , as well as many ,many long emails. A bi-polar person on meds ( from my experince with them, but I'm not a medical person) can be as normal as anyone. Marky made it pretty clear to me that he really got off on setting people off. That's pretty troll like to me. [8|]

I think he talked about it in some of his posts. It has been a while though. He could have been gaming us on that as well..

vinnie1912 -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/8/2012 1:09:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Actually, I didn't think that any of those named in the original post had "left" (with the possible exception of Top of Everest, who I haven't seen in weeks or months). 

From what I've seen the AE forum is alive and well.  There seems to have been a remarkable influx of newcomers in the past few months.  These are the guys (and gals?) that will morph into regulars.  Here's hoping we'll be finding the next GreyJoys already in our midst!

One of the newcomers here and Greyjoy is half of the reason.

I found this game while on a search for a decent tactical WW2 naval game after having a episode of Great Naval Battles nostalgia.

Initially doubtful due to the micro and cost I started reading Greyjoy's AAR. About 30 pages in i decided it was worth a go and three months later i'm still playing on a almost daily basis.

Almost feel like i have a clue what i'm doing...almost.

USSAmerica -> RE: Forumites MIA (4/8/2012 3:15:03 PM)

Welcome aboard, Vinnie! [sm=00000436.gif]

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