CheerfullyInsane -> RE: Don to Danube Feedback - so how is it? (3/10/2012 2:47:50 AM)
ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins At release, I think this was the best AI for a game of this scale on the computer to date. I don't think that's mentioned often enough. The AI has improved since release. (Thread hijack ON) I'd agree on that. This is far and away the most competent AI I've played in an operational game. And I've been playing since the late 80's. Having said that, it IS still an AI, meaning you can't expect it to show the same capabilities for lateral thinking and long-term planning as a human opponent. And like almost every other AI, it's better at attrition-warfare than deep penetrations, meaning the Axis '41 AI is still the weakest of the bunch. I'd also contend that the Normal level is a decent opponent when you're learning the system, but it's equally true that after having played the GC a few times (especially H2H) you need to give some advantages to the AI. But then, how is that different from playing H2H against someone far better than you? I'm a competent Russian WitE player, but if I was to go up against someone like Pelton, you can be damn sure I'd insist on some percentage advantage before even contemplating the challenge. In other words, think of the AI as if you're playing a newbie. As for what level you need to play on to get a challenge is obviously up to personal skill. Personally, I'd opt for 120-100. I don't like adjusting my game-play between H2H and AI, so I prefer having 100% for my own side, and 110-100 is a bit on the low side for me. But if you want a fun experience, try playing the Russians at 120-80...... Most of the stuff you can live with, but the lowered AP is a right bastard to contend with. (Thread hijack OFF)